14 research outputs found

    Automated home-cage behavioral phenotyping of mice

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    We describe a trainable computer vision system enabling the automated analysis of complex mouse behaviors. We provide software and a very large manually annotated video database used for training and testing the system. Our system outperforms leading commercial software and performs on par with human scoring, as measured from the ground-truth manual annotations of thousands of clips of freely behaving animals. We show that the home-cage behavior profiles provided by the system is sufficient to accurately predict the strain identity of individual animals in the case of two standard inbred and two non-standard mouse strains. Our software should complement existing sensor-based automated approaches and help develop an adaptable, comprehensive, high-throughput, fine-grained, automated analysis of rodent behavior

    Learning multi-modal densities on discriminative temporal interaction manifold for group activity recognition

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    While video-based activity analysis and recognition has received much attention, existing body of work mostly deals with single object/person case. Coordinated multi-object activities, or group activities, present in a variety of applications such as surveillance, sports, and biological monitoring records, etc., are the main focus of this paper. Unlike earlier attempts which model the complex spatial temporal constraints among multiple objects with a parametric Bayesian network, we propose a Discriminative Temporal Interaction Manifold (DTIM) framework as a data-driven strategy to characterize the group motion pattern without employing specific domain knowledge. In particular, we establish probability densities on the DTIM, whose element, the discriminative temporal interaction matrix, compactly describes the coordination and interaction among multiple objects in a group activity. For each class of group activity we learn a multi-modal density function on the DTIM. A Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) classifier on the manifold is then designed for recognizing new activities. Experiments on football play recognition demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach

    Automated Home-Cage Behavioural Phenotyping of Mice

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    Neurobehavioral analysis of mouse phenotypes requires the monitoring of mouse behavior over long periods of time. Here, we describe a trainable computer vision system enabling the automated analysis of complex mouse behaviors. We provide software and an extensive manually annotated video database used for training and testing the system. Our system performs on par with human scoring, as measured from ground-truth manual annotations of thousands of clips of freely behaving mice. As a validation of the system, we characterized the home-cage behaviors of two standard inbred and two non-standard mouse strains. From this data we were able to predict in a blind test the strain identity of individual animals with high accuracy. Our video-based software will complement existing sensor based automated approaches and enable an adaptable, comprehensive, high-throughput, fine-grained, automated analysis of mouse behavior.McGovern Institute for Brain ResearchCalifornia Institute of Technology. Broad Fellows Program in Brain CircuitryNational Science Council (China) (TMS-094-1-A032

    Towards dense object tracking in a 2D honeybee hive

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    From human crowds to cells in tissue, the detection and efficient tracking of multiple objects in dense configurations is an important and unsolved problem. In the past, limitations of image analysis have restricted studies of dense groups to tracking a single or subset of marked individuals, or to coarse-grained group-level dynamics, all of which yield incomplete information. Here, we combine convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with the model environment of a honeybee hive to automatically recognize all individuals in a dense group from raw image data. We create new, adapted individual labeling and use the segmentation architecture U-Net with a loss function dependent on both object identity and orientation. We additionally exploit temporal regularities of the video recording in a recurrent manner and achieve near human-level performance while reducing the network size by 94% compared to the original U-Net architecture. Given our novel application of CNNs, we generate extensive problem-specific image data in which labeled examples are produced through a custom interface with Amazon Mechanical Turk. This dataset contains over 375,000 labeled bee instances across 720 video frames at 2FPS, representing an extensive resource for the development and testing of tracking methods. We correctly detect 96% of individuals with a location error of ~ 7% of a typical body dimension, and orientation error of 12°, approximating the variability of human raters. Our results provide an important step towards efficient image-based dense object tracking by allowing for the accurate determination of object location and orientation across time-series image data efficiently within one network architecture.Funding for this work was provided by the OIST Graduate University to ASM and GS. Additional funding was provided by KAKENHI grants 16H06209 and 16KK0175 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to AS

    Occlusion reasoning for multiple object visual tracking

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityOcclusion reasoning for visual object tracking in uncontrolled environments is a challenging problem. It becomes significantly more difficult when dense groups of indistinguishable objects are present in the scene that cause frequent inter-object interactions and occlusions. We present several practical solutions that tackle the inter-object occlusions for video surveillance applications. In particular, this thesis proposes three methods. First, we propose "reconstruction-tracking," an online multi-camera spatial-temporal data association method for tracking large groups of objects imaged with low resolution. As a variant of the well-known Multiple-Hypothesis-Tracker, our approach localizes the positions of objects in 3D space with possibly occluded observations from multiple camera views and performs temporal data association in 3D. Second, we develop "track linking," a class of offline batch processing algorithms for long-term occlusions, where the decision has to be made based on the observations from the entire tracking sequence. We construct a graph representation to characterize occlusion events and propose an efficient graph-based/combinatorial algorithm to resolve occlusions. Third, we propose a novel Bayesian framework where detection and data association are combined into a single module and solved jointly. Almost all traditional tracking systems address the detection and data association tasks separately in sequential order. Such a design implies that the output of the detector has to be reliable in order to make the data association work. Our framework takes advantage of the often complementary nature of the two subproblems, which not only avoids the error propagation issue from which traditional "detection-tracking approaches" suffer but also eschews common heuristics such as "nonmaximum suppression" of hypotheses by modeling the likelihood of the entire image. The thesis describes a substantial number of experiments, involving challenging, notably distinct simulated and real data, including infrared and visible-light data sets recorded ourselves or taken from data sets publicly available. In these videos, the number of objects ranges from a dozen to a hundred per frame in both monocular and multiple views. The experiments demonstrate that our approaches achieve results comparable to those of state-of-the-art approaches