1,208 research outputs found

    A Nonstochastic Information Theory for Communication and State Estimation

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    In communications, unknown variables are usually modelled as random variables, and concepts such as independence, entropy and information are defined in terms of the underlying probability distributions. In contrast, control theory often treats uncertainties and disturbances as bounded unknowns having no statistical structure. The area of networked control combines both fields, raising the question of whether it is possible to construct meaningful analogues of stochastic concepts such as independence, Markovness, entropy and information without assuming a probability space. This paper introduces a framework for doing so, leading to the construction of a maximin information functional for nonstochastic variables. It is shown that the largest maximin information rate through a memoryless, error-prone channel in this framework coincides with the block-coding zero-error capacity of the channel. Maximin information is then used to derive tight conditions for uniformly estimating the state of a linear time-invariant system over such a channel, paralleling recent results of Matveev and Savkin

    Characterization of Information Channels for Asymptotic Mean Stationarity and Stochastic Stability of Non-stationary/Unstable Linear Systems

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    Stabilization of non-stationary linear systems over noisy communication channels is considered. Stochastically stable sources, and unstable but noise-free or bounded-noise systems have been extensively studied in information theory and control theory literature since 1970s, with a renewed interest in the past decade. There have also been studies on non-causal and causal coding of unstable/non-stationary linear Gaussian sources. In this paper, tight necessary and sufficient conditions for stochastic stabilizability of unstable (non-stationary) possibly multi-dimensional linear systems driven by Gaussian noise over discrete channels (possibly with memory and feedback) are presented. Stochastic stability notions include recurrence, asymptotic mean stationarity and sample path ergodicity, and the existence of finite second moments. Our constructive proof uses random-time state-dependent stochastic drift criteria for stabilization of Markov chains. For asymptotic mean stationarity (and thus sample path ergodicity), it is sufficient that the capacity of a channel is (strictly) greater than the sum of the logarithms of the unstable pole magnitudes for memoryless channels and a class of channels with memory. This condition is also necessary under a mild technical condition. Sufficient conditions for the existence of finite average second moments for such systems driven by unbounded noise are provided.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Stabilization of Linear Systems Over Gaussian Networks

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    The problem of remotely stabilizing a noisy linear time invariant plant over a Gaussian relay network is addressed. The network is comprised of a sensor node, a group of relay nodes and a remote controller. The sensor and the relay nodes operate subject to an average transmit power constraint and they can cooperate to communicate the observations of the plant's state to the remote controller. The communication links between all nodes are modeled as Gaussian channels. Necessary as well as sufficient conditions for mean-square stabilization over various network topologies are derived. The sufficient conditions are in general obtained using delay-free linear policies and the necessary conditions are obtained using information theoretic tools. Different settings where linear policies are optimal, asymptotically optimal (in certain parameters of the system) and suboptimal have been identified. For the case with noisy multi-dimensional sources controlled over scalar channels, it is shown that linear time varying policies lead to minimum capacity requirements, meeting the fundamental lower bound. For the case with noiseless sources and parallel channels, non-linear policies which meet the lower bound have been identified

    Fundamental Limitations of Disturbance Attenuation in the Presence of Side Information

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    In this paper, we study fundamental limitations of disturbance attenuation of feedback systems, under the assumption that the controller has a finite horizon preview of the disturbance. In contrast with prior work, we extend Bode's integral equation for the case where the preview is made available to the controller via a general, finite capacity, communication system. Under asymptotic stationarity assumptions, our results show that the new fundamental limitation differs from Bode's only by a constant, which quantifies the information rate through the communication system. In the absence of asymptotic stationarity, we derive a universal lower bound which uses Shannon's entropy rate as a measure of performance. By means of a case-study, we show that our main bounds may be achieved

    Fundamental limits in Gaussian channels with feedback: confluence of communication, estimation, and control

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    The emerging study of integrating information theory and control systems theory has attracted tremendous attention, mainly motivated by the problems of control under communication constraints, feedback information theory, and networked systems. An often overlooked element is the estimation aspect; however, estimation cannot be studied isolatedly in those problems. Therefore, it is natural to investigate systems from the perspective of unifying communication, estimation, and control;This thesis is the first work to advocate such a perspective. To make Matters concrete, we focus on communication systems over Gaussian channels with feedback. For some of these channels, their fundamental limits for communication have been studied using information theoretic methods and control-oriented methods but remain open. In this thesis, we address the problems of characterizing and achieving the fundamental limits for these Gaussian channels with feedback by applying the unifying perspective;We establish a general equivalence among feedback communication, estimation, and feedback stabilization over the same Gaussian channels. As a consequence, we see that the information transmission (communication), information processing (estimation), and information utilization (control), seemingly different and usually separately treated, are in fact three sides of the same entity. We then reveal that the fundamental limitations in feedback communication, estimation, and control coincide: The achievable communication rates in the feedback communication problems can be alternatively given by the decay rates of the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRB) in the associated estimation problems or by the Bode sensitivity integrals in the associated control problems. Utilizing the general equivalence, we design optimal feedback communication schemes based on the celebrated Kalman filtering algorithm; these are the first deterministic, optimal communication schemes for these channels with feedback (except for the degenerated AWGN case). These schemes also extend the Schalkwijk-Kailath (SK) coding scheme and inherit its useful features, such as reduced coding complexity and improved performance. Hence, this thesis demonstrates that the new perspective plays a significant role in gaining new insights and new results in studying Gaussian feedback communication systems. We anticipate that the perspective could be extended to more general problems and helpful in building a theoretically and practically sound paradigm that unifies information, estimation, and control
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