3,775 research outputs found

    Shadow Tomography of Quantum States

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    We introduce the problem of *shadow tomography*: given an unknown DD-dimensional quantum mixed state ρ\rho, as well as known two-outcome measurements E1,,EME_{1},\ldots,E_{M}, estimate the probability that EiE_{i} accepts ρ\rho, to within additive error ε\varepsilon, for each of the MM measurements. How many copies of ρ\rho are needed to achieve this, with high probability? Surprisingly, we give a procedure that solves the problem by measuring only O~(ε4log4MlogD)\widetilde{O}\left( \varepsilon^{-4}\cdot\log^{4} M\cdot\log D\right) copies. This means, for example, that we can learn the behavior of an arbitrary nn-qubit state, on all accepting/rejecting circuits of some fixed polynomial size, by measuring only nO(1)n^{O\left( 1\right)} copies of the state. This resolves an open problem of the author, which arose from his work on private-key quantum money schemes, but which also has applications to quantum copy-protected software, quantum advice, and quantum one-way communication. Recently, building on this work, Brand\~ao et al. have given a different approach to shadow tomography using semidefinite programming, which achieves a savings in computation time.Comment: 29 pages, extended abstract appeared in Proceedings of STOC'2018, revised to give slightly better upper bound (1/eps^4 rather than 1/eps^5) and lower bounds with explicit dependence on the dimension

    Shadow process tomography of quantum channels

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    Quantum process tomography is a critical capability for building quantum computers, enabling quantum networks, and understanding quantum sensors. Like quantum state tomography, the process tomography of an arbitrary quantum channel requires a number of measurements that scale exponentially in the number of quantum bits affected. However, the recent field of shadow tomography, applied to quantum states, has demonstrated the ability to extract key information about a state with only polynomially many measurements. In this work, we apply the concepts of shadow state tomography to the challenge of characterizing quantum processes. We make use of the Choi isomorphism to directly apply rigorous bounds from shadow state tomography to shadow process tomography, and we find additional bounds on the number of measurements that are unique to process tomography. Our results, which include algorithms for implementing shadow process tomography enable new techniques including evaluation of channel concatenation and the application of channels to shadows of quantum states. This provides a dramatic improvement for understanding large-scale quantum systems.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; Added citation to similar work; Errors corrected. Previous statements of main result first missed and then miscalculated an exponential cost in system size; Version accepted for publicatio

    Learning Distributions over Quantum Measurement Outcomes

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    Shadow tomography for quantum states provides a sample efficient approach for predicting the properties of quantum systems when the properties are restricted to expectation values of 22-outcome POVMs. However, these shadow tomography procedures yield poor bounds if there are more than 2 outcomes per measurement. In this paper, we consider a general problem of learning properties from unknown quantum states: given an unknown dd-dimensional quantum state ρ\rho and MM unknown quantum measurements M1,...,MM\mathcal{M}_1,...,\mathcal{M}_M with K2K\geq 2 outcomes, estimating the probability distribution for applying Mi\mathcal{M}_i on ρ\rho to within total variation distance ϵ\epsilon. Compared to the special case when K=2K=2, we need to learn unknown distributions instead of values. We develop an online shadow tomography procedure that solves this problem with high success probability requiring O~(Klog2Mlogd/ϵ4)\tilde{O}(K\log^2M\log d/\epsilon^4) copies of ρ\rho. We further prove an information-theoretic lower bound that at least Ω(min{d2,K+logM}/ϵ2)\Omega(\min\{d^2,K+\log M\}/\epsilon^2) copies of ρ\rho are required to solve this problem with high success probability. Our shadow tomography procedure requires sample complexity with only logarithmic dependence on MM and dd and is sample-optimal for the dependence on KK.Comment: 25 page

    Neural-Shadow Quantum State Tomography

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    Quantum state tomography (QST) is the art of reconstructing an unknown quantum state through measurements. It is a key primitive for developing quantum technologies. Neural network quantum state tomography (NNQST), which aims to reconstruct the quantum state via a neural network ansatz, is often implemented via a basis-dependent cross-entropy loss function. State-of-the-art implementations of NNQST are often restricted to characterizing a particular subclass of states, to avoid an exponential growth in the number of required measurement settings. To provide a more broadly applicable method for efficient state reconstruction, we present "neural-shadow quantum state tomography" (NSQST)-an alternative neural network-based QST protocol that uses infidelity as the loss function. The infidelity is estimated using the classical shadows of the target state. Infidelity is a natural choice for training loss, benefiting from the proven measurement sample efficiency of the classical shadow formalism. Furthermore, NSQST is robust against various types of noise without any error mitigation. We numerically demonstrate the advantage of NSQST over NNQST at learning the relative phases of three target quantum states of practical interest. NSQST greatly extends the practical reach of NNQST and provides a novel route to effective quantum state tomography

    Hamiltonian-Driven Shadow Tomography of Quantum States

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    Classical shadow tomography provides an efficient method for predicting functions of an unknown quantum state from a few measurements of the state. It relies on a unitary channel that efficiently scrambles the quantum information of the state to the measurement basis. Facing the challenge of realizing deep unitary circuits on near-term quantum devices, we explore the scenario in which the unitary channel can be shallow and is generated by a quantum chaotic Hamiltonian via time evolution. We provide an unbiased estimator of the density matrix for all ranges of the evolution time. We analyze the sample complexity of the Hamiltonian-driven shadow tomography. For Pauli observables, we find that it can be more efficient than the unitary-2-design-based shadow tomography in a sequence of intermediate time windows that range from an order-1 scrambling time to a time scale of D1/6D^{1/6}, given the Hilbert space dimension DD. In particular, the efficiency of predicting diagonal Pauli observables is improved by a factor of DD without sacrificing the efficiency of predicting off-diagonal Pauli observables.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 2 figures, with appendix. Add detailed discussion and numerical evidence in the new version. Add and modify some reference

    Provable learning of quantum states with graphical models

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    The complete learning of an nn-qubit quantum state requires samples exponentially in nn. Several works consider subclasses of quantum states that can be learned in polynomial sample complexity such as stabilizer states or high-temperature Gibbs states. Other works consider a weaker sense of learning, such as PAC learning and shadow tomography. In this work, we consider learning states that are close to neural network quantum states, which can efficiently be represented by a graphical model called restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs). To this end, we exhibit robustness results for efficient provable two-hop neighborhood learning algorithms for ferromagnetic and locally consistent RBMs. We consider the LpL_p-norm as a measure of closeness, including both total variation distance and max-norm distance in the limit. Our results allow certain quantum states to be learned with a sample complexity \textit{exponentially} better than naive tomography. We hence provide new classes of efficiently learnable quantum states and apply new strategies to learn them