15 research outputs found

    CGIntrinsics: Better Intrinsic Image Decomposition through Physically-Based Rendering

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    Intrinsic image decomposition is a challenging, long-standing computer vision problem for which ground truth data is very difficult to acquire. We explore the use of synthetic data for training CNN-based intrinsic image decomposition models, then applying these learned models to real-world images. To that end, we present \ICG, a new, large-scale dataset of physically-based rendered images of scenes with full ground truth decompositions. The rendering process we use is carefully designed to yield high-quality, realistic images, which we find to be crucial for this problem domain. We also propose a new end-to-end training method that learns better decompositions by leveraging \ICG, and optionally IIW and SAW, two recent datasets of sparse annotations on real-world images. Surprisingly, we find that a decomposition network trained solely on our synthetic data outperforms the state-of-the-art on both IIW and SAW, and performance improves even further when IIW and SAW data is added during training. Our work demonstrates the suprising effectiveness of carefully-rendered synthetic data for the intrinsic images task.Comment: Paper for 'CGIntrinsics: Better Intrinsic Image Decomposition through Physically-Based Rendering' published in ECCV, 201

    VIDIT: Virtual Image Dataset for Illumination Transfer

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    Deep image relighting is gaining more interest lately, as it allows photo enhancement through illumination-specific retouching without human effort. Aside from aesthetic enhancement and photo montage, image relighting is valuable for domain adaptation, whether to augment datasets for training or to normalize input test data. Accurate relighting is, however, very challenging for various reasons, such as the difficulty in removing and recasting shadows and the modeling of different surfaces. We present a novel dataset, the Virtual Image Dataset for Illumination Transfer (VIDIT), in an effort to create a reference evaluation benchmark and to push forward the development of illumination manipulation methods. Virtual datasets are not only an important step towards achieving real-image performance but have also proven capable of improving training even when real datasets are possible to acquire and available. VIDIT contains 300 virtual scenes used for training, where every scene is captured 40 times in total: from 8 equally-spaced azimuthal angles, each lit with 5 different illuminants.Comment: For further information and data, see https://github.com/majedelhelou/VIDI

    Unsupervised Deep Single-Image Intrinsic Decomposition using Illumination-Varying Image Sequences

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    Machine learning based Single Image Intrinsic Decomposition (SIID) methods decompose a captured scene into its albedo and shading images by using the knowledge of a large set of known and realistic ground truth decompositions. Collecting and annotating such a dataset is an approach that cannot scale to sufficient variety and realism. We free ourselves from this limitation by training on unannotated images. Our method leverages the observation that two images of the same scene but with different lighting provide useful information on their intrinsic properties: by definition, albedo is invariant to lighting conditions, and cross-combining the estimated albedo of a first image with the estimated shading of a second one should lead back to the second one's input image. We transcribe this relationship into a siamese training scheme for a deep convolutional neural network that decomposes a single image into albedo and shading. The siamese setting allows us to introduce a new loss function including such cross-combinations, and to train solely on (time-lapse) images, discarding the need for any ground truth annotations. As a result, our method has the good properties of i) taking advantage of the time-varying information of image sequences in the (pre-computed) training step, ii) not requiring ground truth data to train on, and iii) being able to decompose single images of unseen scenes at runtime. To demonstrate and evaluate our work, we additionally propose a new rendered dataset containing illumination-varying scenes and a set of quantitative metrics to evaluate SIID algorithms. Despite its unsupervised nature, our results compete with state of the art methods, including supervised and non data-driven methods.Comment: To appear in Pacific Graphics 201

    Concept Distillation: Leveraging Human-Centered Explanations for Model Improvement

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    Humans use abstract concepts for understanding instead of hard features. Recent interpretability research has focused on human-centered concept explanations of neural networks. Concept Activation Vectors (CAVs) estimate a model's sensitivity and possible biases to a given concept. In this paper, we extend CAVs from post-hoc analysis to ante-hoc training in order to reduce model bias through fine-tuning using an additional Concept Loss. Concepts were defined on the final layer of the network in the past. We generalize it to intermediate layers using class prototypes. This facilitates class learning in the last convolution layer, which is known to be most informative. We also introduce Concept Distillation to create richer concepts using a pre-trained knowledgeable model as the teacher. Our method can sensitize or desensitize a model towards concepts. We show applications of concept-sensitive training to debias several classification problems. We also use concepts to induce prior knowledge into IID, a reconstruction problem. Concept-sensitive training can improve model interpretability, reduce biases, and induce prior knowledge. Please visit https://avani17101.github.io/Concept-Distilllation/ for code and more details.Comment: Neurips 202

    EDEN: Multimodal Synthetic Dataset of Enclosed GarDEN Scenes

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    Multimodal large-scale datasets for outdoor scenes are mostly designed for urban driving problems. The scenes are highly structured and semantically different from scenarios seen in nature-centered scenes such as gardens or parks. To promote machine learning methods for nature-oriented applications, such as agriculture and gardening, we propose the multimodal synthetic dataset for Enclosed garDEN scenes (EDEN). The dataset features more than 300K images captured from more than 100 garden models. Each image is annotated with various low/high-level vision modalities, including semantic segmentation, depth, surface normals, intrinsic colors, and optical flow. Experimental results on the state-of-the-art methods for semantic segmentation and monocular depth prediction, two important tasks in computer vision, show positive impact of pre-training deep networks on our dataset for unstructured natural scenes. The dataset and related materials will be available at https://lhoangan.github.io/eden.Comment: Accepted for publishing at WACV 202