196 research outputs found


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    One hundred have passed, and the journey continues. This work was created by a group of professors of the (former) Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Florence, and has the sole purpose of telling, through a few significant subjects, about the first one hundred years (1913-2013) of an institution which, thanks to its researchers, technicians and administrative department, has contributed as one to the advancement of knowledge in the Agricultural Sciences and, in the local area, to the success of the agri-food sector in Tuscany. However, the real protagonists of this work are not only the Teachers of the School of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the University of Florence, but also the thousands of students who, over a century, have attended the National Forestry Institute first, and then the Faculty, and who have brought the fruits of the teachings they received in Florence to Italy and to the whole world

    1913-2013, 100 anni di studi agrari e forestali nella Villa Granducale delle Cascine a Firenze

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    L'Organizzazione e le prospettive della ricerca

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    Si espone un quadro della ricerca scientifica nell'Università di Sassari, un elemento che rende possibile e vitale l'insegnamento universitario e che si inserisce sempre più in un grande circuito europeo ed internazionale

    Effect of short-term suboptimal temperature storage to assist large-scale production of two dipterans: Exorista larvarum (L.) and Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt)

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    Efficient rearing techniques providing high-quality insects are essential for pest control strategies entailing mass rearing and release in field, such as augmentative biological control and Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Storage at suboptimal temperatures is a valuable procedure for prolonging the developmental time of insects and thus increasing the efficiency of insect rearing. The advantages that this procedure offers include a more flexible rearing schedule, the possibility to overcome periods of low production and the synchronization of field releases during pest outbreaks. Methods for storage of two model fly species, Exorista larvarum (L.) (Diptera: Tachinidae) and Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), were studied in the present thesis by investigating the best conditions for an efficient storage and the consequences for fly quality

    Indagini sui fenomeni di moria dei pini in Sardegna con particolare riferimento a <i>Pinus radiata</i> D. Don.

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    Mortality in Pinus sp. in Sardinia - in particular, P. radiata D. Don - was investigated between 1976 and 1978. Preliminary studies had revealed an association between Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. (the causal agent of charcoal root rot disease) with affected plants. The disease occurred on plants of different ages in 24 of the main P. radiata plantantions and nurseries. In every case, the presence of M. pllaseolina was confirmed. The disease varied in spread and severity from rather low to very high values. It was also recorded on P. pinea L., P. halepensis Mill., P. patula Schl. et Cham., P. pinaster Sol. and P. nigra Arn. ssp. Laricio (Poir.) Palabin Coste. The occurrence of infection, the symptomatological progress of thc disease and microscopic characteristics of affected tissues wcrc invcstigntcd both in the field and in the laboratory. Data concerning the incidence of disease - which first became serious in 1975, showed a low value in 1976 and 1977 and increased again in 1978 - were obtained by field obscrvation and trials in experimental plots. Several strains of Macrophomina phaseolina were isolated from affectcd plants. They were very similar morphologically and in their tempe· rature responses. Regarding microsc1erotia size, thcsc strains can bc included in Haigh's «C-type ». Environmental factors favouring the development of the disease were investigated. Analysis revealed that the occurrence of disease in the field can be attributed both to affected plants having come from nurseries and to direct infection due to presence of Cistus monspeliensis in the planting arca. Seeds of other Pinus species were disease-free. Some planting systems appear to favour the development of the disease in certain climatic conditions. In particular, a combination of high temperature and prolonged periods of water stress increase infection with M. phaseolina

    † DOMENICO ROBERTI (Matera 15.VIII.1912 – Bari 7.VI.2003) Appunti autobiografici

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    Dal 7 giugno 2003 il Professor Domenico Roberti, Professore Emerito dell’Università degli studi di Bari, Accademico emerito dell’Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia, stimato Fondatore di “Entomologica”, purtroppo non è più tra noi. In sede accademica nazionale il 22 novembre 2003 ebbi l’onore e il piacere di commemorarne la singolare figura di Uomo e di Studioso e in quell’occasione confidai all’uditorio come il Prof. Roberti mi avesse inviato il 3 dicembre 1999 un Suo breve curriculum autografo, con poche significative parole di accompagnamento: “Il veloce andare avanti della mia età e le inevitabili conseguenze, mi suggeriscono di inviarle un breve mio ‘curriculum’ che vorrà conservare e usare lei o altri colleghi al momento opportuno. Affido lo scritto a lei, considerando che lei è stato il primo dei giovani che mi hanno seguito nello studio dell’entomologia e perché lei svolge la sua attività nella Università e nella Società, anche come sacerdote”. A quel breve “curriculum” Egli fece seguire il 18 luglio 2000 un ampio scritto autobiografico che il Comitato scientifico di quella che fu la “Sua” Rivista ritiene opportuno pubblicare integralmente, affinché molti particolari interessanti della Sua vita di Ricercatore e di Uomo possano essere resi noti con le Sue stesse parole non solo ai suoi allievi e amici ma anche a tanti altri estimatori entomologi