4 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of digital transformation (DT) and how it helps companies to face the challenges of a competitive dynamic market. Digital business transformation is a necessity for companies that want to survive in the modern world. Contemporary conditions of market competition are characterized by the digitization of economies and its current progress, as well as all related consequential changes in that process. Digital transformation changes the business organization in all segments and affects not only companies, but also society, the environment and institutions. In this paper, we discuss the hotel sector and listed some of the examples used to shed light on how digital transformation has affected business and contributed to sustainable development. The goal of the research was to point out the need for rapid digital transformation in the hotel industry, and to emphasize the importance of sustainable development in tourism using the benefits that digital transformation provides. In its initial part, the paper will provide an overview of the current literature on digital transformation and a definition of the mentioned terminology. The second section of the paper discusses the status of digital transformation in the hotel industry and its positive impact on sustainable development. In the latter section of the paper limitations are provided, and implications for future research are considered

    Why Context Matters: Explaining the Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Industry and the Role of the Industry’s Characteristics in It

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    Background: The digital transformation is an increasingly popular research topic. Unfortunately, it lacks a common and sustainable theoretical fundament. Further, it is unclear which role the characteristics of the affected industries, firms and markets play regarding the impact that the digital transformation has on them. Method: Taking up these two challenges in a combined fashion for one of the economically most important, but also most specialized and physical global industries, we systematically review the latest literature on the digital transformation within the manufacturing context. Results: This work is the first one that provides a valid theoretical basis on the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. Thereby, it becomes clear that this basis is severely depending on its context. In particular, we show that the manufacturing industry is special in several dimensions, mainly due to its high physicality. Many of the connected technological concepts and domains are solely applicable within that particular environment. Also, our results indicate that a notable share of manufacturing firms did not experience any or at least not big impacts by the digital transformation on the business model level but indeed heavy impacts on the process level until now. However, for our initial suspicion that the structural differences between the manufac-turing industry and other more hardware-independent industries are so far reaching as that they would even lead to definitional differences, no evidence was found. Conclusions: This study contributes to the ongoing line of activities trying to streamline the extensive research around the digital transformation and thereby especially emphasizes the importance of context in that area of research. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol12/iss3/3

    Setting the Hook – The Digital Transformation from a Manufacturing Point of View and what it Really Means

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    The digital transformation is gaining momentum. During February 2019, Google has received twenty-five times as many search requests for digital transformation as five years earlier. This inflationary upsurge is accompanied by an ever-increasing blurring of the context the term is supposed to address as well as of the definition itself. In this paper, we tackle that problem from a manufacturing point of view by conducting a systematic literature review. As a result, we present an industry-tailored three-layer definition for the phenomenon. Furthermore, we identify 30 technological concepts that are considered as digital transformation-related in that context. Divided into eleven clusters, we embed them into a framework outlining the digital transformation in the manufacturing environment

    Digital transformation and business model innovation : a multiple case study of retail chains in Germany

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    This thesis examines how the digital revolution has affected German grocery stores in particular and the country's retail sector as a whole. This study illuminates the connection between digital transformation and business model innovation in the retail industry using various qualitative research techniques, including expert interviews with Company A and Company B and a thorough literature analysis. The findings draw attention to the enabling elements, which include strong leadership commitment, successful change management, engagement with external partners, availability of resources and competencies, and a customer-centric emphasis. Legacy systems, talent shortages, poor IT infrastructure, and cultural barriers are a few of the reported difficulties. By evaluating these elements, the study offers valuable perceptions and suggestions for retail businesses seeking to negotiate the challenges and take advantage of the advantages of digital transformation and business model innovation. The study adds to the body of knowledge by providing actual data and case studies that deepen the comprehension of how business model innovation in the retail sector interacts with digital transformation. This thesis offers concrete solutions to improve operations and preserve competitiveness in the constantly changing consumer products industry. It is an invaluable resource for retail organizations looking to stimulate business model innovation and drive digital transformation.Esta tese analisa a forma como a revolução digital afectou as mercearias alemãs, em particular, e o sector retalhista do país como um todo. Este estudo ilustra a ligação entre a transformação digital e a inovação do modelo empresarial no sector do retalho, utilizando várias técnicas de investigação qualitativa, incluindo entrevistas a especialistas da Empresa A e da Empresa B e uma análise exaustiva da literatura. As conclusões chamam a atenção para os elementos facilitadores, que incluem um forte empenhamento da liderança, uma gestão da mudança bem sucedida, o envolvimento com parceiros externos, a disponibilidade de recursos e competências e uma ênfase centrada no cliente. Os sistemas herdados, a escassez de talentos, as deficientes infra-estruturas de TI e as barreiras culturais são algumas das dificuldades comunicadas. Ao avaliar estes elementos, o estudo oferece percepções e sugestões valiosas para as empresas de retalho que procuram enfrentar os desafios e tirar partido das vantagens da transformação digital e da inovação do modelo empresarial. O estudo contribui para o corpo de conhecimento ao fornecer dados reais e estudos de caso que aprofundam a compreensão de como a inovação do modelo de negócio no sector do retalho interage com a transformação digital. Esta tese oferece soluções concretas para melhorar as operações e preservar a competitividade na indústria de produtos de consumo em constante mudança. É um recurso inestimável para as organizações de retalho que procuram estimular a inovação do modelo empresarial e impulsionar a transformação digital