1,188 research outputs found

    Vertex Ramsey problems in the hypercube

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    If we 2-color the vertices of a large hypercube what monochromatic substructures are we guaranteed to find? Call a set S of vertices from Q_d, the d-dimensional hypercube, Ramsey if any 2-coloring of the vertices of Q_n, for n sufficiently large, contains a monochromatic copy of S. Ramsey's theorem tells us that for any r \geq 1 every 2-coloring of a sufficiently large r-uniform hypergraph will contain a large monochromatic clique (a complete subhypergraph): hence any set of vertices from Q_d that all have the same weight is Ramsey. A natural question to ask is: which sets S corresponding to unions of cliques of different weights from Q_d are Ramsey? The answer to this question depends on the number of cliques involved. In particular we determine which unions of 2 or 3 cliques are Ramsey and then show, using a probabilistic argument, that any non-trivial union of 39 or more cliques of different weights cannot be Ramsey. A key tool is a lemma which reduces questions concerning monochromatic configurations in the hypercube to questions about monochromatic translates of sets of integers.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Ramsey Theory Problems over the Integers: Avoiding Generalized Progressions

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    Two well studied Ramsey-theoretic problems consider subsets of the natural numbers which either contain no three elements in arithmetic progression, or in geometric progression. We study generalizations of this problem, by varying the kinds of progressions to be avoided and the metrics used to evaluate the density of the resulting subsets. One can view a 3-term arithmetic progression as a sequence x,fn(x),fn(fn(x))x, f_n(x), f_n(f_n(x)), where fn(x)=x+nf_n(x) = x + n, nn a nonzero integer. Thus avoiding three-term arithmetic progressions is equivalent to containing no three elements of the form x,fn(x),fn(fn(x))x, f_n(x), f_n(f_n(x)) with fn∈Ftf_n \in\mathcal{F}_{\rm t}, the set of integer translations. One can similarly construct related progressions using different families of functions. We investigate several such families, including geometric progressions (fn(x)=nxf_n(x) = nx with n>1n > 1 a natural number) and exponential progressions (fn(x)=xnf_n(x) = x^n). Progression-free sets are often constructed "greedily," including every number so long as it is not in progression with any of the previous elements. Rankin characterized the greedy geometric-progression-free set in terms of the greedy arithmetic set. We characterize the greedy exponential set and prove that it has asymptotic density 1, and then discuss how the optimality of the greedy set depends on the family of functions used to define progressions. Traditionally, the size of a progression-free set is measured using the (upper) asymptotic density, however we consider several different notions of density, including the uniform and exponential densities.Comment: Version 1.0, 13 page

    Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory Problem Sessions: '09--'19

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    These notes are a summary of the problem session discussions at various CANT (Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory Conferences). Currently they include all years from 2009 through 2019 (inclusive); the goal is to supplement this file each year. These additions will include the problem session notes from that year, and occasionally discussions on progress on previous problems. If you are interested in pursuing any of these problems and want additional information as to progress, please email the author. See http://www.theoryofnumbers.com/ for the conference homepage.Comment: Version 3.4, 58 pages, 2 figures added 2019 problems on 5/31/2019, fixed a few issues from some presenters 6/29/201

    A General Upper Bound on the Size of Constant-Weight Conflict-Avoiding Codes

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    Conflict-avoiding codes are used in the multiple-access collision channel without feedback. The number of codewords in a conflict-avoiding code is the number of potential users that can be supported in the system. In this paper, a new upper bound on the size of conflict-avoiding codes is proved. This upper bound is general in the sense that it is applicable to all code lengths and all Hamming weights. Several existing constructions for conflict-avoiding codes, which are known to be optimal for Hamming weights equal to four and five, are shown to be optimal for all Hamming weights in general.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Combinatorial Nullstellensatz modulo prime powers and the Parity Argument

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    We present new generalizations of Olson's theorem and of a consequence of Alon's Combinatorial Nullstellensatz. These enable us to extend some of their combinatorial applications with conditions modulo primes to conditions modulo prime powers. We analyze computational search problems corresponding to these kinds of combinatorial questions and we prove that the problem of finding degree-constrained subgraphs modulo 2d2^d such as 2d2^d-divisible subgraphs and the search problem corresponding to the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz over F2\mathbb{F}_2 belong to the complexity class Polynomial Parity Argument (PPA)
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