1,878 research outputs found

    Complex Care Management Program Overview - Technology

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    This report provides an overview of technology based complex care management programs, including:Cook County Health and Hospitals System - Computer Assisted Quality of Life and Symptom Assessment of Complex PatientsUniversity of Missouri - TigerPlaceWenatchee Valley Medical Center - Health Buddy -- Patient Telemonitoring Progra

    고령인의 키오스크 접근성 향상을 위한 인간공학 연구

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 산업공학과, 2022.2. 박우진.In this thesis, two independent experimental studies were conducted to improve self-service kiosk (SSK) accessibility for older adults. First, in an attempt to propose an optimal on-site training tutorial design, four training methods, which were the combinations of two medium types (paper, digital) and two instruction types (goals only, goals and actions), were compared. A between-subjects experimental study that comparatively evaluated the training effects of the four methods was conducted. In the second experimental study, the impacts of potential SSK design features, that is, side partitions, a back partition, and a chair, on perceived workloads and task performance of SSK users of different age groups were evaluated. As a result of the two studies, the dissertation research proposes design implications on training materials and public SSK design. The results from the two research studies would contribute to improving accessibility for older adults as well as enhancing the user experience (UX) of public SSK.본 논문에서는 고령인의 키오스크 접근성 향상을 위한 두 가지 방안을 고려한다. 첫째, 고령인의 키오스크 사용 방법 학습 효과를 극대화하는 방안을 모색하고자 각 두 종류의 정보 전달 매체와 설명 방식의 조합인 4개의 서로 다른 트레이닝 설계의 학습 효과를 비교한다. 피험자 간 설계 실험으로 4개의 트레이닝 설계의 효과를 비교 분석한다. 둘째, 키오스크에 설치 가능한 설계 특성 (좌우 칸막이, 뒤 칸막이, 의자)이 키오스크 사용자의 작업 수행도와 작업부하에 미치는 영향을 평가한다. 그 결과 본 논문에서는 고령인의 키오스크 접근성 향상을 위한 효과적인 트레이닝을 설계하기 위해서는 어떤 정보 전달 매체와 설명 방식을 선택해야 하는지, 공공 키오스크의 전반적인 사용자 경험을 개선하기 위해서는 어떤 설계 특성을 설치해야 하는지에 대한 가이드라인을 제공한다.Abstract ii Contents iv List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Objective and Questions 3 1.3 Structure of the Thesis 4 Chapter 2 Training Design for Helping Older Adults Use Public SSK 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Method 9 2.2.1 Participants 9 2.2.2 Experimental Procedure 9 2.2.3 Training Methods Design 11 2.2.4 Independent and Dependent Variables 14 2.2.5 Data Analyses 16 2.3 Results 17 2.3.1 General Training Effects 17 2.3.2 Training Method Effects 10 2.3.3 Training Time 21 2.4 Discussion 21 2.4.1 General Training Effects 22 2.4.2 Training Method Effects 23 2.4.3 Implications 26 Chapter 3 An Investigation of SSK Design: A Partition and Chair Effects on Perceived Workloads and Task Performance 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.2 Method 35 3.2.1 Participants 35 3.2.2 Experimental Setup 36 3.2.3 Design Alternatives 36 3.2.4 Experimental Task 37 3.2.5 Experimental Procedure 38 3.2.6 Independent and Dependent Variables 40 3.2.7 Data Analyses 42 3.3 Results 43 3.3.1 General and Generalized Linear Model Analyses 43 Design Effects: Main and Interaction Effects on Design Variables 46 Age Group Differences in Design Effects 48 3.3.2 Comparison of Design Alternatives 50 3.3.3 Correlation Analyses 51 3.4 Discussion 53 3.4.1 Design Effects: Main and Interaction Effects of Design Variables 54 3.4.2 Age Group Differences in Design Effects 60 3.4.3 Correlation Analyses 63 3.4.4 Implications 64 Chapter 4 Conclusion 66 4.1 Summary and Implications 66 4.2 Future Research Directions 67 Bibliography 69 국문초록 82석

    Self-checkout kiosk system with RFlllbased payment module

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    The Self-checkout kiosk system with RFID-based payment module (SCHECK) is to provide a convenient checkout alternative for customers in hypermarts to checkout their items. The system shall reduce the overall time taken for the whole checkout process and is specially addressed for the time-crunched individuals. The system will embodies the oonventional cheokout pnocess in hypermarts while enhancing the convenience for customers and speed the overall process. The author, inspired by the capabilities and potential in RFID technology has decided to embed the technology into his project. SCIIECK will use the RFID technology in its payment module in order to provide a speedy checkout elperience for customers in hypermarts. In fact, through SCIIECK, the author aspires to orpose the Malaysian community to the RFID based payment card technology; e.g. Touch n Go card and leverage the utilization of the technology in the couutry through the retail industry, Lastly, this project will also act as a platform to study the implementation of RFID based payment card technology in lvlalaysia and its acceptance rate among the Malaysian community

    E-anamnesis: a clinical observation electronic platform for emergency departments

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia BiomédicaOne of the reasons for the increased number of visits to emergency departments is the primary health care inability to handle urgent needs and provide all the health services needed to assess complex conditions. A significant amount of these visits are due to the abnormal flow of patients whose clinical condition is of low severity and could ideally be resolved with self-care and primary health care. The crowding in emergency departments causes operational and logistical problems and has undesirable consequences for patients, health professionals and hospitals. Delays in treatment interventions and increased mortality, medical errors and waiting times are just a phew examples of critical consequences that can occur, resulting in a significant barrier to the quality of health care delivery. With the advances in technology, several institutions have found in self-service an alternative for the patient’s collection of health information autonomously. These devices can be used by low clinical severity patients (with the blue, green or yellow bracelets from Manchester triage) to reduce waiting time in the emergency departments. This dissertation proposes a technological solution to improve both the time and quality of the anamnesis procedure performed by medical staff in the emergency department. The introduction of a self-service kiosk in the emergency department waiting room will make it possible to quickly and intuitively collect the patient’s past medical history, usual medication, main complaint symptoms and vital signs. Subsequently, this data will be made available to the physician before each clinical observation. The hypothesis considered is that by providing a selective, structured and uniform anamnesis information’s presentation of each patient, medical staff observation can proceed much faster and accurately, focusing on the confirmation of the most relevant aspects. The primary purpose of this solution is to reduce the period of clinical observation and thus improve the response capacity of the emergency department with the same resources.Uma das razões para o aumento do número de visitas ao serviço de urgência é a incapacidade dos cuidados de saúde primários de lidar com necessidades urgentes e de fornecer todos os serviços de saúde necessários para avaliar condições complexas. A maioria destas visitas deve-se ao fluxo anormal de doentes cuja condição clínica é de baixa gravidade que poderiam, idealmente, ser resolvidos com recurso ao auto-cuidado e aos cuidados de saúde primários. A lotação nos serviços de urgência provoca problemas operacionais e logísticos, apresentando consequências indesejáveis para os doentes, profissionais de saúde e hospitais. Atrasos nas intervenções de tratamento e o aumento da mortalidade, dos erros médicos e dos tempos de espera são apenas alguns exemplos de consequências críticas que podem ocorrer, resultando numa barreira significativa a qualidade da prestação de cuidados de saúde. Com os avanços da tecnologia, diversas instituições, encontraram nos serviços de auto-atendimento uma alternativa para a recolha autónoma de informações de saúde do doente. Estes dispositivos, poderão ser usados por doentes de baixa gravidade clínica (com pulseira azul, verde ou amarela da triagem de Manchester) nos serviços de urgência com vista à redução do tempo de espera. Esta dissertação propõe uma solução tecnológica para melhorar tanto o tempo como a qualidade do procedimento de anamnese realizado pelos médicos no serviço de urgência. A introdução de um quiosque de auto-atendimento na sala de espera do serviço de urgência permitirá recolher de forma rápida e intuitiva a história clínica, medicação habitual, sintomas da queixa principal e sinais vitais do doente. Posteriormente estes dados serão colocados à disposição do médico antes de cada observação clínica. A hipótese considerada é que ao fornecer uma apresentação seletiva, estruturada e uniforme da informação de anamnese de cada doente, a observação dos médicos possa proceder de forma muito mais rápida e precisa, concentrando-se na confirmação dos aspectos mais relevantes. O principal objectivo desta solução é reduzir o período de observação clínica e assim melhorar a capacidade de resposta do serviço de urgência com os mesmos recursos

    Target size study for one-handed thumb use on small touchscreen devices

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    Identifying an Optimal Dining Plan System for the Entertainment Industry

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    The Disney Dining Plan (DDP) is a pre-paid meal plan guests can purchase when they make their reservation at Walt Disney World (WDW). Under the current system, the information provided to guests explaining the program is unclear which leads to confusion for guests. For example, guests are not sure what food they can purchase using the DDP or at which dining locations they can use the DDP. Given these problems, the present study evaluated a new information system for the DDP. The independent variables in this study were symbol type, the symbols used in the current DDP and new symbols created for this study, and system type, the current paper-based system and an electronic, integrated system. Participants (N = 44) were randomly assigned to one of four conditions (old symbols-paper system, new symbols-paper system, old symbols-electronic system, and new symbols-electronic system). After reviewing the DDP, participants then completed a series of tasks including scenario-based task, a multiple-choice test based on the DDP, a symbol discriminability measure, and a measure of system usability (System Usability Scale [SUS]). In addition, participants provided open-ended feedback to the researcher about their experience with the system. Results indicated no significant difference between the type of symbols used and the amount of time it took to complete the scenario, the amount of time it took to complete the questionnaire, accuracy on the symbol discriminability task, or the overall system usability scale (SUS) score. However, significant differences were found between the type of symbol used and the accuracy and confidence rating of varying symbols in the symbol discriminability task. Furthermore, there was a significant main effect for system type with participants using the electronic system taking longer to complete the questionnaire. Although results showed that it took participants significantly longer to answer the questions during the multiple-choice task, there are factors that could have a played a role; scanning-time, click-throughs and motivation. Participants in the paper-based group were able to scan over a list of all the dining locations whereas participants in the electronic version were forced to click through multiple screens to view various dining locations. This test, however, does not accurately represent how the electronic application would be used but it did demonstrate that participants were able to answer the DDP questionnaire regardless of system. In the field, guests would most likely access one theme park or resort and view the various dining locations in the area they are in. This study forced participants to constantly switch between theme parks and resorts. If participants were also in a theme-park environment, they may also be more motivated to use the application

    Mobile phones' contributions to socio-economic development according to Sen: corn growers' perceived impact in the Congo

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    Research questions This research was focused on exploring the impact of communication technologies on rural populations in the Congo. In particular, this research posed two questions: 1. Do mobile phones produce development in rural areas of the Congo? 2. Do mobile phones improve the living conditions of people? The questions helped examine ways in which mobile phones were or were not engendering development among these populations. Methods The research was undertaken using four methods: 1. Phenomenology, 2. Sen s capability approach, 3. Participatory method, and 4. Ecological method Phenomenology aimed to cater to the experiences and meanings of mobile phone uses. Sen s capability approach allowed the interviews to be focused on the basic needs of the poor. Participatory method provided a greater participation of respondents in discussion groups, and ecological method helped achieve a higher inclusion of key players in the targeted area. Major findings The major findings of this study included: 1.Much of the literature on mobile phones and development was not representative or inclusive of key players and their day-to-day lives. 2.Studies have tended to present snapshots or single-focused accounts of mobile phone and development. 3.Authors of mobile phone research have tended to see rural populations with an urban-led bias, leaving aside the actual characteristics of rural areas. 4.Mobile phones were not limited to a person and her properties, but rather mobile phones were owned and shared by the community. 5.Participants expressed a need for technical skills and means to be available to the community and their members. 6.Households were not separated, but rather they were connected to allow people take care of one another. 7.People were connected through collective solidarities in order to come to the aid of those with special needs. 8.Literature and mobile phone sponsors or companies were disseminating mobile phones with an extractive and commercial tendency, focused principally on fees of batteries, chargers, and prepaid cards. Major contributions The major contributions of this research revolved around the focus on: 1.technology to enhance the needed technical skills among concerned populations. 2.shared ownership of mobile phones to cater to both users and non-users of mobile phones among concerned populations. 3.connected households to capitalize on the dynamics of family among concerned populations. 4.collective solidarities to accommodate the processes of aiding one another among concerned populations. 5.capabilities, from a commercial or extractive aspect to capabilities to enhance the capabilities of people to afford mobile phones fees. 6.capabilities, from a corporate or business aspect to capabilities to enhance the capabilities of people who did not and could not own a business. 7.human basic needs to enhance the capabilities of mobile phone users with regard to human basic needs. 8.outliers or the marginalized to attend to those left out among concerned populations. 9.mobile phone-centric libraries to enhance the storage and retrieval of needed information among concerned populations