4,909 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Service Composition and Personalization Ecosystem for Elderly Care

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    Current demographic trends suggest that people are living longer, while the ageing process entails many necessities, calling for care services tailored to the individual senior’s needs and life style. Personalized provision of care services usually involves a number of stakeholders, including relatives, friends, caregivers, professional assistance organizations, enterprises, and other support entities. Traditional Information and Communication Technology based care and assistance services for the elderly have been mainly focused on the development of isolated and generic services, considering a single service provider, and excessively featuring a techno-centric approach. In contrast, advances on collaborative networks for elderly care suggest the integration of services from multiple providers, encouraging collaboration as a way to provide better personalized services. This approach requires a support system to manage the personalization process and allow ranking the {service, provider} pairs. An additional issue is the problem of service evolution, as individual’s care needs are not static over time. Consequently, the care services need to evolve accordingly to keep the elderly’s requirements satisfied. In accordance with these requirements, an Elderly Care Ecosystem (ECE) framework, a Service Composition and Personalization Environment (SCoPE), and a Service Evolution Environment (SEvol) are proposed. The ECE framework provides the context for the personalization and evolution methods. The SCoPE method is based on the match between the customer´s profile and the available {service, provider} pairs to identify suitable services and corresponding providers to attend the needs. SEvol is a method to build an adaptive and evolutionary system based on the MAPE-K methodology supporting the solution evolution to cope with the elderly's new life stages. To demonstrate the feasibility, utility and applicability of SCoPE and SEvol, a number of methods and algorithms are presented, and illustrative scenarios are introduced in which {service, provider} pairs are ranked based on a multidimensional assessment method. Composition strategies are based on customer’s profile and requirements, and the evolutionary solution is determined considering customer’s inputs and evolution plans. For the ECE evaluation process the following steps are adopted: (i) feature selection and software prototype development; (ii) detailing the ECE framework validation based on applicability and utility parameters; (iii) development of a case study illustrating a typical scenario involving an elderly and her care needs; and (iv) performing a survey based on a modified version of the technology acceptance model (TAM), considering three contexts: Technological, Organizational and Collaborative environment

    Provision of Personalized Services in Collaborative Environment

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    We have been witnessing in the past few years a change in the social paradigm, moving, in just a few dozen years, from a population that used to live less years into one that has increased greatly its life expectancy. This change will imply that the reality of the existing services is also changing, with a much deeper attention being drawn into elderly and their needs. Because each person is unique and has specific needs and desires, it is very difficult that a single service or service provider can provide this solution in a satisfying manner. So, concepts like cooperation and collaboration, as well as service ecosystems become very important in the answer to the new social needs, becoming possible to provide ad-equate services to every elderly. The present work is integrated in a PhD research work, in which an ecosystem was conceptualized. That ecosystem has as inputs information regarding elderly people, their care needs, services they require, and the service providers. This ecosystem is man-aged by an ecosystem manager whose responsibility is to gather the information from the different sources and later, upon request, to run the algorithm to find the most ap-propriate solution for an elderly. This work’s goal is to develop an algorithm – named Service Composition and Personalization Environment (SCoPE) - which will evaluate the elderly request and the information that exists regarding the different services and service providers and try to provide several options to that elderly, according to pre-defined criteria. This algorithm is the ecosystem final part. The answers provided by the ecosystem’s algorithm depend, at each moment, on the information that the ecosystem has. This means that, in case the elderly changes its needs, or in case of the appearance of new services or service providers, the algorithm’s answer may be different. Not only that but also the solutions provided by the algorithm are not meant to be taken as definitive answers for the elderly but as suggestions, so that the elderly may make an informed decision. In conclusion, the developed work demonstrates that the proposed algorithm can provide consistent results to the ecosystem

    Mapping web personal learning environments

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    A recent trend in web development is to build platforms which are carefully designed to host a plurality of software components (sometimes called widgets or plugins) which can be organized or combined (mashed-up) at user's convenience to create personalized environments. The same holds true for the web development of educational applications. The degree of personalization can depend on the role of users such as in traditional virtual learning environment, where the components are chosen by a teacher in the context of a course. Or, it can be more opened as in a so-called personalized learning environment (PLE). It now exists a wide array of available web platforms exhibiting different functionalities but all built on the same concept of aggregating components together to support different tasks and scenarios. There is now an overlap between the development of PLE and the more generic developments in web 2.0 applications such as social network sites. This article shows that 6 more or less independent dimensions allow to map the functionalities of these platforms: the screen dimensionmaps the visual integration, the data dimension maps the portability of data, the temporal dimension maps the coupling between participants, the social dimension maps the grouping of users, the activity dimension maps the structuring of end users–interactions with the environment, and the runtime dimensionmaps the flexibility in accessing the system from different end points. Finally these dimensions are used to compare 6 familiar Web platforms which could potentially be used in the construction of a PLE

    PSS Users and Harley Davidson Riders: : The importance of consumer identity in the diffusion of sustainable consumption solutions

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    This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Catulli, M., Cook, M. and Potter, S. (2016), ‘Product Service Systems Users and Harley Davidson Riders: The Importance of Consumer Identity in the Diffusion of Sustainable Consumption Solutions’, Journal of Industrial Ecology, which has been published in final form at 10.1111/jiec.12518. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 2 December 2018. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. © 2016 by Yale UniversityThis paper sets out an approach to researching socio-cultural aspects of Product Service Systems (PSS) consumption in consumer markets. PSS are relevant to Industrial Ecology as they may form part of the mix of innovations that move society toward more sustainable material and energy flows. The paper uses two contrasting case studies drawing on ethnographic analysis, Harley Davidson motorcycles and Zip Car Car Club. The analysis draws on Consumer Culture Theory to explicate the socio-cultural, experiential, symbolic and ideological aspects of these case studies, focusing on product ownership. The paper shows that ownership of Harley Davidson motorcycles enables riders to identify with a brand community and to define themselves. Owners appropriate their motorcycles through customization. In contrast, Zip Car users resist the company’s attempts to involve them in a brand community, see use of car sharing as a temporary fix and even fear contamination from shared use of cars. We conclude that iconic products such as Harley Davidson motorcycles create emotional attachment and can challenge PSS propositions. But we also suggest that somewhat standardized products may present similar difficulties. Knowing more about socio-cultural aspects of PSS may help designers overcome these difficulties.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Leveraging Smart Technology for User Experience Personalization – A Comparative Case Study of Innovative Payment Systems

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    Background: This study seeks to understand how the attributes of smart technology (SMT) can be leveraged to enable personalized services and optimize unique user experiences to attract and retain customers. Based on Kang et al.’s (2020) study of SMT attributes and quality effects and Liang et al.’s (2006) study on personalized recommendation and user satisfaction, we constructed a SMT personalization model to analyze how the SMT attributes of smart functionality and smart content enable personalization in different ways and create unique customer experiences throughout the user journey. Method: Two representative payment systems were selected to depict how they integrated the strengths of personalized smart functionalities and contents to innovate their business models, optimize user experiences, and sustain business growth. Results: Based on the comparative analysis of the two payment cases, the functionality and content attributes of smart chips and omni-channel platforms were explored, and the tailored advisory and responsive support for customers both offline and online were validated. Conclusion: The life-enriching service innovations provide valuable insights for leveraging SMT for personalization. It is hoped that the SMT personalization model can be extended to other types of SMT applications and can be used as a framework for designing innovative services

    Recommender systems and their ethical challenges

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    This article presents the first, systematic analysis of the ethical challenges posed by recommender systems through a literature review. The article identifies six areas of concern, and maps them onto a proposed taxonomy of different kinds of ethical impact. The analysis uncovers a gap in the literature: currently user-centred approaches do not consider the interests of a variety of other stakeholders—as opposed to just the receivers of a recommendation—in assessing the ethical impacts of a recommender system

    Innovative Education Environment and Open Data Initiative : Steps t owards User - P owered Society - O riented Systems

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    The economy is not keeping pace with the increasing speed of technological evolution. The inadequacy of the current system of education is a possible reason for this. Evolution forces us to produce experts for tasks and businesses which do not yet exist, to teach them technologies which have not yet been devised. The best way to produce experts is to accentuate the learner’s best abilities and skills, assess the learner’s potential and develop it further. We badly need revolutionary methods to facilitate intelligent personalization of study processes and approaches to make innovative education content more attractive and motivational for the learner. Advanced information management services and platforms play a valuable role in education process development, enabling new generations of students and education-related content providers to create, share, search, combine and deliver reliable and competent information. Earlier learner involvement in study content co-creation or personalization processes might dramatically increase student motivation and speed up the study process. Like any other products or services, e-Learning services need marketing to attract customers and make them a valuable source. To achieve a vision of ubiquitous knowledge, the next generation of innovative education environments will apply the achievements of the Open Data initiative and move towards learner-driven society-oriented systems. Therefore, this paper touches on different aspects of co-creative innovative education environment and correspondent e-Learning marketing strategies
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