46 research outputs found

    The CMS DAQ and Run Control System

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    This paper discusses the design and implementation of the Data Acquisition and Run Control systems of the CMS experiment and their current status of installation and commissioning

    The Run Control and Monitoring System of the CMS Experiment

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    The CMS experiment at the LHC at CERN will start taking data in 2008. To configure, control and monitor the experiment during data-taking the Run Control and Monitoring System (RCMS) was developed. This paper describes the architecture and the technology used to implement the RCMS, as well as the deployment and commissioning strategy of this important component of the online software for the CMS experiment

    NIGEDU CLOUD: Model of a National e-Education Cloud for Developing Countries.

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    To achieve global competitiveness, governments in developing countries are evolving and implementing information technology policies, to enable their countries participate in the current ICT revolving. One barrier to attaining the education objectives of the policies is inadequate national ICT infrastructure and service. The inadequate of ICT infrastructure and service is attributed to inadequate government funding, which in turn becomes difficult for education institutions to own and use sophisticated ICT facilities. In spite of inadequate funding, the gap can be reduced if education institutions in developing countries have access to ICT infrastructure available in developed countries

    IT Service Management Maturity Model

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    Yrityksien tietohallinto on toiminnaltaan muuttunut vuosien saatossa vahvasti palveluntuottajan asemaan tarkoituksena tuottaa arvoa yrityksen liiketoimintaan, kuunnellen liiketoiminnan tarpeita. Tämän myötä IT-palveluiden tehokkaista prosesseista, jatkuvasta kehittämisestä ja asiakaslähtöisestä toiminnasta on tullut entistä tärkeämpää IT organisaatiolle. Tähän IT-palveluhallinnan konseptin tukemiseen on aikojen saatossa luotu erilaisia IT-palveluhallintamalleja, joista ITIL on yksi käytetyimmistä menetelmistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda IT-palveluhallinnan tason mittaamiseen sopiva mittaristo suunnittelutiedettä hyödyntäen. Pohjana mittariston luomisessa käytetään vuonna 2019 päivitettyä ITIL versio 4 mallia sekä olemassa olevaa tutkimusmateriaalia IT-palveluhallinnan mittareista. Mittariston tavoitteena on ilmentää yritykselle, miten voidaan IT palveluprosesseja arvioida ITIL versio 4 mukanaan tuomat arvoa tuottavan toiminnan näkökulmat huomioiden. Kirjallisuuskatsaus kattaa IT palveluhallinnan, ITIL mallin kuvauksen, IT- palveluhallinnan kypsyysmittarit sekä katsauksen käytettyyn suunnittelutiede tutkimusmenetelmään. Suunnittelutiedettä mallintaen ITIL versio 4 kanssa yhteensopiva maturiteettimalli luotiin. Pohjana käytettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen tieteellisiä artikkeleita ja ITIL 4 kirjallisuutta. Tämän kyseisen artefaktin testaamisessa käytettiin kahta eri ITIL 4 palvelunhallintamenetelmää joita testattiin muutaman eri IS palvelun yhteydessä arviointilomakkeen ja haastatteluiden avulla. Tätä kautta kerättiin tuloksia mallin toimivuudesta IT palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuotoksena on IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen sopiva maturiteettimalli, kun halutaan käyttää näkökulmana ITIL versio 4 IT palveluhallintamallia. Koska aikaisempia ITIL versio 4 malliin luotuja, tai sitä vasten tehtyjä maturiteettimalleja, saati tutkimuksia ei löytynyt, kerättiin palautetta mallin toimivuudesta ennen kaikkea edellä mainituiden käytännön testaamisten kautta. Malli koettiin toimivaksi ja ennen kaikkea johdon tuki osoittautui tärkeäksi painopisteeksi onnistuneen IT palveluhallinnan arvioinnin mahdollistamisessa. Tutkimuksessa kerättiinkin myös yhteen suosituksia huomioon otettavista asioista ennen kuin IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamista lähdetään toteuttamaan

    Software infrastructure for wireless sensor and actuator networks

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    In the development of large ad-hoc Wireless Sensor and Actuator Agent Networks (SANETS), a multitude of disparate problems are faced. In order for these networks to function, software must be able to effectively manage: unreliable dynamic distributed communication, the power constraints of un-wired devices, failure of hardware devices in hostile environments and the remote allocation of distributed processing tasks throughout the network. The solutions to these problems must be solved in a highly scalable manner. The paper describes the process of analysis of the requirements and presents a design of a service-oriented software infrastructure (middleware) solution for scalable ad-hoc networks, in a context of a system made of mobile sensors and actuators. © 2011 IEEE

    Configuration Management for Distributed Software Services

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    The paper describes the SysMan approach to interactive configuration management of distributed software components (objects). Domains are used to group objects to apply policy and for convenient naming of objects. Configuration Management involves using a domain browser to locate relevant objects within the domain service; creating new objects which form a distributed service; allocating these objects to physical nodes in the system and binding the interfaces of the objects to each other and to existing services. Dynamic reconfiguration of the objects forming a service can be accomplished using this tool. Authorisation policies specify which domains are accessible by which managers and which interfaces can be bound together. Keywords Domains, object creation, object binding, object allocation, graphical management interface. 1 INTRODUCTION The object-oriented approach brings considerable benefits to the design and implementation of software for distributed systems (Kramer 1992). Con..


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    ITSM e-Prime is an ICT service management application based on ITSM framework owned by Pusintek that includes service desk, incident management, problem management, change management, release management, and configuration management processes. Currently there is a problem in determining the number of devices that will be included in the device maintenance contract or determining the number of devices that need to be replaced in a given year. The objective of this research is to build an asset management data warehouse so that it can be utilized by the Data Analysis and Presentation Team to produce a dashboard that presents data on network infrastructure assets that need to be maintained or replaced for budget planning needs. This descriptive verification analysis research used nine out of ninety tables from the ITSM e-Prime application and applied dimensional modeling Kimball to build a data warehouse because this methodology offers high query performance and understandable by end-user. The resulting data warehouse were tables in the form of star-schema. The tests were carried out by qualitative methods, namely quality testing by users (user acceptance test and blackbox testing) and quantitative method, namely comparing the number of infrastructure devices included in the maintenance contract in 2022. The final result of this research is a data warehouse consisting of fact table F_infrastructure and dimension table D_Merk, D_Area, D_Kategori, D_EoS, D_Garansi, and D_StatusPemeliharaan with acceptance percentage of 95% based on the test results

    Improve Quality of Smart Universities through Information Technology Infrastructure Library Methodology

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    This paper focuses on educational institutions are increasingly seeking innovative ways to enhance the quality of their services. Smart universities, a product of this technological evolution, aim to provide students with cutting-edge educational experiences. One of the pivotal factors in achieving this goal is the effective management of Information Technology (IT) services. The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) methodology is recognized worldwide as a robust framework for IT service management. Its principles and best practices have been successfully applied in various sectors to optimize processes, enhance service quality, and ensure efficient resource utilization. Given the ever-growing reliance on IT within educational institutions, implementing ITIL in smart universities has the potential to significantly elevate the quality of education. This paper explores the vital role that the ITIL methodology plays in improving the quality of smart universities. It delves into how the principles and practices of ITIL can be strategically integrated into the operational fabric of higher education institutions. By leveraging ITIL, universities can not only bolster their IT service management but also enrich the overall educational experience for students, ultimately contributing to the realization of truly smart and technologically advanced learning environments