4 research outputs found

    BeSpaceD: Towards a Tool Framework and Methodology for the Specification and Verification of Spatial Behavior of Distributed Software Component Systems

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    In this report, we present work towards a framework for modeling and checking behavior of spatially distributed component systems. Design goals of our framework are the ability to model spatial behavior in a component oriented, simple and intuitive way, the possibility to automatically analyse and verify systems and integration possibilities with other modeling and verification tools. We present examples and the verification steps necessary to prove properties such as range coverage or the absence of collisions between components and technical details

    Reo + mCRL2: A Framework for Model-checking Dataflow in Service Compositions

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    The paradigm of service-oriented computing revolutionized the field of software engineering. According to this paradigm, new systems are composed of existing stand-alone services to support complex cross-organizational business processes. Correct communication of these services is not possible without a proper coordination mechanism. The Reo coordination language is a channel-based modeling language that introduces various types of channels and their composition rules. By composing Reo channels, one can specify Reo connectors that realize arbitrary complex behavioral protocols. Several formalisms have been introduced to give semantics to Reo. In their most basic form, they reflect service synchronization and dataflow constraints imposed by connectors. To ensure that the composed system behaves as intended, we need a wide range of automated verification tools to assist service composition designers. In this paper, we present our framework for the verification of Reo using the toolset. We unify our previous work on mapping various semantic models for Reo, namely, constraint automata, timed constraint automata, coloring semantics and the newly developed action constraint automata, to the process algebraic specification language of , address the correctness of this mapping, discuss tool support, and present a detailed example that illustrates the use of Reo empowered with for the analysis of dataflow in service-based process models

    Reo + mCRL2: A Framework for Model-Checking Dataflow in Service Compositions

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    The paradigm of service-oriented computing revolutionized the field of software engineering. According to this paradigm, new systems are composed of existing stand-alone services to support complex cross-organizational business processes. Correct communication of these services is not possible without a proper coordination mechanism. The Reo coordination language is a channel-based modeling language that introduces various types of channels and their composition rules. By composing Reo channels, one can specify Reo connectors that realize arbitrary complex behavioral protocols. Several formalisms have been introduced to give semantics to Reo. In their most basic form, they reflect service synchronization and dataflow constraints imposed by connectors. To ensure that the composed system behaves as intended, we need a wide range of automated verification tools to assist service composition designers. In this paper, we present our framework for the verification of Reo using the mCRL2 toolset. We unify our previous work on mapping various semantic models for Reo, namely, constraint automata, timed constraint automata, coloring semantics and the newly developed action constraint automata, to the process algebraic specification language of mCRL2, address the correctness of this mapping, discuss tool support, and present a detailed example that illustrates the use of Reo empowered with mCRL2 for the analysis of dataflow in service-based process models

    Interaction protocols in paradigm : extensions to a modeling language through tool development

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    Centraal in dit proefschrift staat het begrip interactie - wederzijds beinvloedend gedrag. In hedendaagse computersystemen speelt interactie een steeds belangrijker rol. Software wordt meer en meer ontwikkeld als een verzameling zelfstandig werkende componenten die services aanbieden aan andere componenten. Iedere component kent een eigen "levenscyclus" - hij wordt ontwikkeld, doorontwikkeld, uitgebreid, gesplitst, samengevoegd, en weer weggegooid. Concrete toepassingen ontstaan doordat componenten worden samengesteld tot een groter geheel. Zulke toepassingen zijn alleen bruikbaar als er sprake is van zinvolle interactie tussen de componenten.De modelleertaal Paradigm, ontwikkeld aan het Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), is een taal die speciaal geschikt is voor het modelleren en analyseren van interactie. Een Paradigm-model beschrijft op een abstract niveau het gedrag van individuele componenten, de rollen die de componenten kunnen spelen in interactie met andere componenten, en de manier waarop die interactie tussen de rollen plaatsvindt. De taal heeft een aantal interessante eigenschappen, niet in de laatste plaats het feit dat het een executeerbare taal is: Paradigm-modellen kunnen door een computer worden uitgevoerd. Als bijzondere bijkomstigheid kunnen Paradigm-modellen zo worden ingericht dat ze zichzelf veranderen terwijl ze worden uitgevoerd - zo kunnen we ook de levenscyclus van componenten modelleren.LEI Universiteit LeidenFoundations of Software Technolog