7 research outputs found

    Computational Extensive-Form Games

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    We define solution concepts appropriate for computationally bounded players playing a fixed finite game. To do so, we need to define what it means for a \emph{computational game}, which is a sequence of games that get larger in some appropriate sense, to represent a single finite underlying extensive-form game. Roughly speaking, we require all the games in the sequence to have essentially the same structure as the underlying game, except that two histories that are indistinguishable (i.e., in the same information set) in the underlying game may correspond to histories that are only computationally indistinguishable in the computational game. We define a computational version of both Nash equilibrium and sequential equilibrium for computational games, and show that every Nash (resp., sequential) equilibrium in the underlying game corresponds to a computational Nash (resp., sequential) equilibrium in the computational game. One advantage of our approach is that if a cryptographic protocol represents an abstract game, then we can analyze its strategic behavior in the abstract game, and thus separate the cryptographic analysis of the protocol from the strategic analysis

    Fair Computation with Rational Players

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    We consider the problem of fair multiparty computation, where fairness means (informally) that all parties should learn the correct output. A seminal result of Cleve (STOC 1986) shows that fairness is, in general, impossible to achieve if a majority of the parties is malicious. Here, we treat all parties as rational and seek to understand what can be done. Asharov et al. (Eurocrypt 2011) showed impossibility of rational fair computation in the two-party setting, for a particular function and a particular choice of utilities. We observe, however, that in their setting the parties have no strict incentive to compute the function even in an ideal world where fairness is guaranteed. Revisiting the problem, we show that rational fair computation is possible, for arbitrary functions, as long as the parties have a strict incentive to compute the function in an ideal world where fairness is guaranteed. Our results extend to more general utility functions that do not directly correspond to fairness, as well as to the multi-party setting. Our work thus shows a new setting in which game-theoretic considerations can be used to circumvent a cryptographic impossibility result

    A Compiler of Two-Party Protocols for Composable and Game-Theoretic Security, and Its Application to Oblivious Transfer

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    In this paper, we consider the following question: Does composing protocols having game-theoretic security result in a secure protocol in the sense of game-theoretic security? In order to discuss the composability of game-theoretic properties, we study security of cryptographic protocols in terms of the universal composability (UC) and game theory simultaneously. The contribution of this paper is the following: (i) We propose a compiler of two-party protocols in the local universal composability (LUC) framework such that it transforms any two-party protocol secure against semi-honest adversaries into a protocol secure against malicious adversaries in the LUC framework; (ii) We consider the application of our compiler to oblivious transfer (OT) protocols, by which we obtain a construction of OT meeting both UC security and game-theoretic security

    Game-Theoretic Security for Two-Party Protocols

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    Asharov, Canetti, and Hazay (Eurocrypt 2011) studied how game-theoretic concepts can be used to capture the cryptographic properties of correctness, privacy, and fairness in two-party protocols for fail- stop adversaries. In this work, we further study the characterization of the cryptographic properties of specific two-party protocols, oblivious transfer (OT) and commitment, in terms of game theory. Specif- ically, for each protocol, OT and commitment, we define a two-party game between rational sender and receiver together with their utility functions. Then, we prove that a given protocol satisfies cryptographic properties if and only if the strategy of following the protocol is in a Nash equilibrium. Compared to the previous work of Asharov et al., our characterization has several advantages: The game is played by multiple rational parties; All the cryptographic properties of OT/commitment are characterized by a single game; Security for malicious adversaries is considered; Utility functions are specified in general forms based on the preferences of the parties; A solution concept employed is a plain Nash equilibrium. Based on the above equivalence between game-theoretic and cryptographic security, we introduce a new game-theoretic security by considering several unsatisfactory points in the utility functions of the game-theoretic framework. Then, we show that it is equivalent to the cryptographic security against risk- averse adversaries, who behave maliciously, but does not act in a way that can cause the other party’s successful attacks. Our results indicate that the security against risk-averse adversaries may be more natural from the perspective of game theory

    Limits on the Power of Cryptographic Cheap Talk

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    We revisit the question of whether cryptographic protocols can replace correlated equilibria mediators in two-player strategic games. This problem was first addressed by Dodis, Halevi and Rabin (CRYPTO 2000), who suggested replacing the mediator with a secure protocol and proved that their solution is stable in the Nash equilibrium (NE) sense, provided that the players are computationally bounded. We show that there exist two-player games for which no cryptographic protocol can implement the mediator in a sequentially rational way; that is, without introducing empty threats. This explains why all solutions so far were either sequentially unstable, or were restricted to a limited class of correlated equilibria (specifically, those that do not dominate any NE, and hence playing them does not offer a clear advantage over playing any NE). In the context of computational NE, we classify necessary and sufficient cryptographic assumptions for implementing a mediator that allows to achieve a given utility profile of a correlated equilibrium. The picture that emerges is somewhat different than the one arising in semi-honest secure two-party computation. Specifically, while in the latter case every functionality is either “complete (i.e., implies Oblivious Transfer) or “trivial (i.e., can be securely computed unconditionally), in the former there exist some “intermediate utility profiles whose implementation is equivalent to the existence of one-way functions

    But Why does it Work? A Rational Protocol Design Treatment of Bitcoin

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    An exciting recent line of work has focused on formally investigating the core cryptographic assumptions underlying the security of Bitcoin. In a nutshell, these works conclude that Bitcoin is secure if and only if the majority of the mining power is honest. Despite their great impact, however, these works do not address an incisive question asked by positivists and Bitcoin critics, which is fuelled by the fact that Bitcoin indeed works in reality: Why should the real-world system adhere to these assumptions? In this work we employ the machinery from the Rational Protocol Design (RPD) framework by Garay et al. [FOCS\u2713] to analyze Bitcoin and address questions such as the above. We show assuming a natural class of incentives for the miners\u27 behavior i.e., rewarding them for adding blocks to the blockchain but having them pay for mining here one can reserve the honest majority assumption as a fallback, or even, depending on the application, completely replace it by the assumption that the miners aim to maximize their revenue. Our results underscore the appropriateness of RPD as a ``rational cryptography\u27\u27 framework for analyzing Bitcoin. Along the way, we devise significant extensions to the original RPD machinery that broaden its applicability to cryptocurrencies, which may be of independent interest

    Universally Composable Security With Local Adversaries

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    The traditional approach to formalizing ideal-model based definitions of security for multi-party protocols models adversaries (both real and ideal) as centralized entities that control all parties that deviate from the protocol. While this centralized-adversary modeling suffices for capturing basic security properties such as secrecy of local inputs and correctness of outputs against coordinated attacks, it turns out to be inadequate for capturing security properties that involve restricting the sharing of information between separate adversarial entities. Indeed, to capture collusion-freeness and and game-theoretic solution concepts, Alwen et.al. [Crypto, 2012] propose a new ideal-model based definitional framework that involves a de-centralized adversary. We propose an alternative framework to that of Alwen et. al. We then observe that our framework allows capturing not only collusion-freeness and game-theoretic solution concepts, but also several other properties that involve the restriction of information flow among adversarial entities. These include some natural flavors of anonymity, deniability, timing separation, and information confinement. We also demonstrate the inability of existing formalisms to capture these properties. We then prove strong composition properties for the proposed framework, and use these properties to demonstrate the security, within the new framework, of two very different protocols for securely evaluating any function of the parties’ inputs