753 research outputs found

    Sequent Calculus in the Topos of Trees

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    Nakano's "later" modality, inspired by G\"{o}del-L\"{o}b provability logic, has been applied in type systems and program logics to capture guarded recursion. Birkedal et al modelled this modality via the internal logic of the topos of trees. We show that the semantics of the propositional fragment of this logic can be given by linear converse-well-founded intuitionistic Kripke frames, so this logic is a marriage of the intuitionistic modal logic KM and the intermediate logic LC. We therefore call this logic KMlin\mathrm{KM}_{\mathrm{lin}}. We give a sound and cut-free complete sequent calculus for KMlin\mathrm{KM}_{\mathrm{lin}} via a strategy that decomposes implication into its static and irreflexive components. Our calculus provides deterministic and terminating backward proof-search, yields decidability of the logic and the coNP-completeness of its validity problem. Our calculus and decision procedure can be restricted to drop linearity and hence capture KM.Comment: Extended version, with full proof details, of a paper accepted to FoSSaCS 2015 (this version edited to fix some minor typos

    Relevant Logics Obeying Component Homogeneity

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    This paper discusses three relevant logics that obey Component Homogeneity - a principle that Goddard and Routley introduce in their project of a logic of significance. The paper establishes two main results. First, it establishes a general characterization result for two families of logic that obey Component Homogeneity - that is, we provide a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for their consequence relations. From this, we derive characterization results for S*fde, dS*fde, crossS*fde. Second, the paper establishes complete sequent calculi for S*fde, dS*fde, crossS*fde. Among the other accomplishments of the paper, we generalize the semantics from Bochvar, Hallden, Deutsch and Daniels, we provide a general recipe to define containment logics, we explore the single-premise/single-conclusion fragment of S*fde, dS*fde, crossS*fdeand the connections between crossS*fde and the logic Eq of equality by Epstein. Also, we present S*fde as a relevant logic of meaninglessness that follows the main philosophical tenets of Goddard and Routley, and we briefly examine three further systems that are closely related to our main logics. Finally, we discuss Routley's criticism to containment logic in light of our results, and overview some open issues

    Cut-free Calculi and Relational Semantics for Temporal STIT Logics

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    We present cut-free labelled sequent calculi for a central formalism in logics of agency: STIT logics with temporal operators. These include sequent systems for Ldm , Tstit and Xstit. All calculi presented possess essential structural properties such as contraction- and cut-admissibility. The labelled calculi G3Ldm and G3Tstit are shown sound and complete relative to irreflexive temporal frames. Additionally, we extend current results by showing that also Xstit can be characterized through relational frames, omitting the use of BT+AC frames

    Labelled sequent calculi for logics of strict implication

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    n this paper we study the proof theory of C.I. Lewis’ logics of strict conditional S1- S5 and we propose the first modular and uniform presentation of C.I. Lewis’ systems. In particular, for each logic Sn we present a labelled sequent calculus G3Sn and we discuss its structural properties: every rule is height-preserving invertible and the structural rules of weakening, contraction and cut are admissible. Completeness of G3Sn is established both indirectly via the embedding in the axiomatic system Sn and directly via the extraction of a countermodel out of a failed proof search. Finally, the sequent calculus G3S1 is employed to obtain a syntactic proof of decidability of S1

    Proof Theory for Intuitionistic Strong L\"ob Logic

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    This paper introduces two sequent calculi for intuitionistic strong L\"ob logic iSLâ–ˇ{\sf iSL}_\Box: a terminating sequent calculus G4iSLâ–ˇ{\sf G4iSL}_\Box based on the terminating sequent calculus G4ip{\sf G4ip} for intuitionistic propositional logic IPC{\sf IPC} and an extension G3iSLâ–ˇ{\sf G3iSL}_\Box of the standard cut-free sequent calculus G3ip{\sf G3ip} without structural rules for IPC{\sf IPC}. One of the main results is a syntactic proof of the cut-elimination theorem for G3iSLâ–ˇ{\sf G3iSL}_\Box. In addition, equivalences between the sequent calculi and Hilbert systems for iSLâ–ˇ{\sf iSL}_\Box are established. It is known from the literature that iSLâ–ˇ{\sf iSL}_\Box is complete with respect to the class of intuitionistic modal Kripke models in which the modal relation is transitive, conversely well-founded and a subset of the intuitionistic relation. Here a constructive proof of this fact is obtained by using a countermodel construction based on a variant of G4iSLâ–ˇ{\sf G4iSL}_\Box. The paper thus contains two proofs of cut-elimination, a semantic and a syntactic proof.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the Special Volume of the Workshop Proofs! held in Paris in 201
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