7 research outputs found

    Sequences of binary irreducible polynomials

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    In this paper we construct an infinite sequence of binary irreducible polynomials starting from any irreducible polynomial f_0 \in \F_2 [x]. If f0f_0 is of degree n=2lmn = 2^l \cdot m, where mm is odd and ll is a non-negative integer, after an initial finite sequence of polynomials f0,f1,...,fsf_0, f_1, ..., f_{s} with sl+3s \leq l+3, the degree of fi+1f_{i+1} is twice the degree of fif_i for any isi \geq s.Comment: 7 pages, minor adjustment

    Sequences of irreducible polynomials without prescribed coefficients over odd prime fields

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    In this paper we construct infinite sequences of monic irreducible polynomials with coefficients in odd prime fields by means of a transformation introduced by Cohen in 1992. We make no assumptions on the coefficients of the first polynomial f0f_0 of the sequence, which belongs to \F_p [x], for some odd prime pp, and has positive degree nn. If p2n1=2e1mp^{2n}-1 = 2^{e_1} \cdot m for some odd integer mm and non-negative integer e1e_1, then, after an initial segment f0,...,fsf_0, ..., f_s with se1s \leq e_1, the degree of the polynomial fi+1f_{i+1} is twice the degree of fif_i for any isi \geq s.Comment: 10 pages. Fixed a typo in the reference

    Construction of irreducible polynomials through rational transformations

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    Let Fq\mathbb F_q be the finite field with qq elements, where qq is a power of a prime. We discuss recursive methods for constructing irreducible polynomials over Fq\mathbb F_q of high degree using rational transformations. In particular, given a divisor D>2D>2 of q+1q+1 and an irreducible polynomial fFq[x]f\in \mathbb F_{q}[x] of degree nn such that nn is even or D≢2(mod4)D\not \equiv 2\pmod 4, we show how to obtain from ff a sequence {fi}i0\{f_i\}_{i\ge 0} of irreducible polynomials over Fq\mathbb F_q with deg(fi)=nDi\mathrm{deg}(f_i)=n\cdot D^{i}.Comment: 21 pages; comments are welcome

    Constructing irreducible polynomials recursively with a reverse composition method

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    We suggest a construction of the minimal polynomial mβkm_{\beta^k} of βkFqn\beta^k\in \mathbb F_{q^n} over Fq\mathbb F_q from the minimal polynomial f=mβf= m_\beta for all positive integers kk whose prime factors divide q1q-1. The computations of our construction are carried out in Fq\mathbb F_q. The key observation leading to our construction is that for kq1k \mid q-1 holds mβk(Xk)=j=1ktζkjnf(ζkjX),m_{\beta^k}(X^k) = \prod_{j=1}^{\frac kt} \zeta_k^{-jn} f (\zeta_k^j X), where t=max{mgcd(n,k):f(X)=g(Xm),gFq[X]}t= \max \{m\mid \gcd(n,k): f (X) = g (X^m), g \in \mathbb F_q[X]\} and ζk\zeta_{k} is a primitive kk-th root of unity in Fq\mathbb F_q. The construction allows to construct a large number of irreducible polynomials over Fq\mathbb F_q of the same degree. Since different applications require different properties, this large number allows the selection of the candidates with the desired properties

    Closed formulas for the factorization of Xn1X^n-1, the nn-th cyclotomic polynomial, XnaX^n-a and f(Xn)f(X^n) over a finite field for arbitrary positive integers nn

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    The factorizations of the polynomial Xn1X^n-1 and the cyclotomic polynomial Φn\Phi_n over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q have been studied for a very long time. Explicit factorizations have been given for the case that rad(n)qw1\mathrm{rad}(n)\mid q^w-1 where w=1w=1, ww is prime or ww is the product of two primes. For arbitrary aFqa\in \mathbb F_q^\ast the factorization of the polynomial XnaX^n-a is needed for the construction of constacyclic codes. Its factorization has been determined for the case rad(n)q1\mathrm{rad}(n)\mid q-1 and for the case that there exist at most three distinct prime factors of nn and rad(n)qw1\mathrm{rad}(n)\mid q^w-1 for a prime ww. Both polynomials Xn1X^n-1 and XnaX^n-a are compositions of the form f(Xn)f(X^n) for a monic irreducible polynomial fFq[X]f\in \mathbb F_q[X]. The factorization of the composition f(Xn)f(X^n) is known for the case gcd(n,ord(f)deg(f))=1\gcd(n, \mathrm{ord}(f)\cdot \mathrm{deg}(f))=1 and rad(n)qw1\mathrm{rad}(n)\mid q^w-1 for w=1w=1 or ww prime. However, there does not exist a closed formula for the explicit factorization of either Xn1X^n-1, the cyclotomic polynomial Φn\Phi_n, the binomial XnaX^n-a or the composition f(Xn)f(X^n). Without loss of generality we can assume that gcd(n,q)=1\gcd(n,q)=1. Our main theorem, Theorem 18, is a closed formula for the factorization of XnaX^n-a over Fq\mathbb F_q for any aFqa\in \mathbb F_q^\ast and any positive integer nn such that gcd(n,q)=1\gcd(n,q)=1. From our main theorem we derive one closed formula each for the factorization of Xn1X^n-1 and of the nn-th cyclotomic polynomial Φn\Phi_n for any positive integer nn such that gcd(n,q)=1\gcd(n,q)=1 (Theorem 2.5 and Theorem 2.6). Furthermore, our main theorem yields a closed formula for the factorization of the composition f(Xn)f(X^n) for any irreducible polynomial fFq[X]f\in \mathbb F_q[X], fXf\neq X, and any positive integer nn such that gcd(n,q)=1\gcd(n,q)=1 (Theorem 27).Comment: We added factorizations of Xn1X^n-1 and the nn-th cyclotomic polynomial. We improved the selection of the parameters for our main theorem, gave a more thorough proof for it and corrected the choice of the representative system for the case gcd(s1,s2)>1gcd(s_1,s_2)>1. We included a reference to [WY18]. In Proposition 6 we corrected the choice of rr for the case $a=1