420,411 research outputs found

    Decoder-Only or Encoder-Decoder? Interpreting Language Model as a Regularized Encoder-Decoder

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    The sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) task aims at generating the target sequence based on the given input source sequence. Traditionally, most of the seq2seq task is resolved by the Encoder-Decoder framework which requires an encoder to encode the source sequence and a decoder to generate the target text. Recently, a bunch of new approaches have emerged that apply decoder-only language models directly to the seq2seq task. Despite the significant advancements in applying language models to the seq2seq task, there is still a lack of thorough analysis on the effectiveness of the decoder-only language model architecture. This paper aims to address this gap by conducting a detailed comparison between the encoder-decoder architecture and the decoder-only language model framework through the analysis of a regularized encoder-decoder structure. This structure is designed to replicate all behaviors in the classical decoder-only language model but has an encoder and a decoder making it easier to be compared with the classical encoder-decoder structure. Based on the analysis, we unveil the attention degeneration problem in the language model, namely, as the generation step number grows, less and less attention is focused on the source sequence. To give a quantitative understanding of this problem, we conduct a theoretical sensitivity analysis of the attention output with respect to the source input. Grounded on our analysis, we propose a novel partial attention language model to solve the attention degeneration problem. Experimental results on machine translation, summarization, and data-to-text generation tasks support our analysis and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model

    A Sequence-to-Sequence&Set Model for Text-to-Table Generation

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    Recently, the text-to-table generation task has attracted increasing attention due to its wide applications. In this aspect, the dominant model formalizes this task as a sequence-to-sequence generation task and serializes each table into a token sequence during training by concatenating all rows in a top-down order. However, it suffers from two serious defects: 1) the predefined order introduces a wrong bias during training, which highly penalizes shifts in the order between rows; 2) the error propagation problem becomes serious when the model outputs a long token sequence. In this paper, we first conduct a preliminary study to demonstrate the generation of most rows is order-insensitive. Furthermore, we propose a novel sequence-to-sequence&set text-to-table generation model. Specifically, in addition to a text encoder encoding the input text, our model is equipped with a table header generator to first output a table header, i.e., the first row of the table, in the manner of sequence generation. Then we use a table body generator with learnable row embeddings and column embeddings to generate a set of table body rows in parallel. Particularly, to deal with the issue that there is no correspondence between each generated table body row and target during training, we propose a target assignment strategy based on the bipartite matching between the first cells of generated table body rows and targets. Experiment results show that our model significantly surpasses the baselines, achieving state-of-the-art performance on commonly-used datasets

    PepMLM: Target Sequence-Conditioned Generation of Peptide Binders via Masked Language Modeling

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    Target proteins that lack accessible binding pockets and conformational stability have posed increasing challenges for drug development. Induced proximity strategies, such as PROTACs and molecular glues, have thus gained attention as pharmacological alternatives, but still require small molecule docking at binding pockets for targeted protein degradation (TPD). The computational design of protein-based binders presents unique opportunities to access undruggable targets, but have often relied on stable 3D structures or predictions for effective binder generation. Recently, we have leveraged the expressive latent spaces of protein language models (pLMs) for the prioritization of peptide binders from sequence alone, which we have then fused to E3 ubiquitin ligase domains, creating a CRISPR-analogous TPD system for target proteins. However, our methods rely on training discriminator models for ranking heuristically or unconditionally-derived guide peptides for their target binding capability. In this work, we introduce PepMLM, a purely target sequence-conditioned de novo generator of linear peptide binders. By employing a novel masking strategy that uniquely positions cognate peptide sequences at the terminus of target protein sequences, PepMLM tasks the state-of-the-art ESM-2 pLM to fully reconstruct the binder region, achieving low perplexities matching or improving upon previously-validated peptide-protein sequence pairs. After successful in silico benchmarking with AlphaFold-Multimer, we experimentally verify PepMLM's efficacy via fusion of model-derived peptides to E3 ubiquitin ligase domains, demonstrating endogenous degradation of target substrates in cellular models. In total, PepMLM enables the generative design of candidate binders to any target protein, without the requirement of target structure, empowering downstream programmable proteome editing applications

    AbODE: Ab Initio Antibody Design using Conjoined ODEs

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    Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that neutralize pathogens and constitute the core of our adaptive immune system. De novo generation of new antibodies that target specific antigens holds the key to accelerating vaccine discovery. However, this co-design of the amino acid sequence and the 3D structure subsumes and accentuates some central challenges from multiple tasks, including protein folding (sequence to structure), inverse folding (structure to sequence), and docking (binding). We strive to surmount these challenges with a new generative model AbODE that extends graph PDEs to accommodate both contextual information and external interactions. Unlike existing approaches, AbODE uses a single round of full-shot decoding and elicits continuous differential attention that encapsulates and evolves with latent interactions within the antibody as well as those involving the antigen. We unravel fundamental connections between AbODE and temporal networks as well as graph-matching networks. The proposed model significantly outperforms existing methods on standard metrics across benchmarks.Comment: Accepted at ICML 202
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