3 research outputs found

    Coloring and covering problems on graphs

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    The \emph{separation dimension} of a graph GG, written π(G)\pi(G), is the minimum number of linear orderings of V(G)V(G) such that every two nonincident edges are ``separated'' in some ordering, meaning that both endpoints of one edge appear before both endpoints of the other. We introduce the \emph{fractional separation dimension} πf(G)\pi_f(G), which is the minimum of a/ba/b such that some aa linear orderings (repetition allowed) separate every two nonincident edges at least bb times. In contrast to separation dimension, we show fractional separation dimension is bounded: always πf(G)3\pi_f(G)\le 3, with equality if and only if GG contains K4K_4. There is no stronger bound even for bipartite graphs, since πf(Km,m)=πf(Km+1,m)=3mm+1\pi_f(K_{m,m})=\pi_f(K_{m+1,m})=\frac{3m}{m+1}. We also compute πf(G)\pi_f(G) for cycles and some complete tripartite graphs. We show that πf(G)<2\pi_f(G)<\sqrt{2} when GG is a tree and present a sequence of trees on which the value tends to 4/34/3. We conjecture that when n=3mn=3m the K4K_4-free nn-vertex graph maximizing πf(G)\pi_f(G) is Km,m,mK_{m,m,m}. We also consider analogous problems for circular orderings, where pairs of nonincident edges are separated unless their endpoints alternate. Let π(G)\pi^\circ(G) be the number of circular orderings needed to separate all pairs, and let πf(G)\pi_f^\circ(G) be the fractional version. Among our results: (1) π(G)=1\pi^\circ(G)=1 if and only GG is outerplanar. (2) π(G)2\pi^\circ(G)\le2 when GG is bipartite. (3) π(Kn)log2log3(n1)\pi^\circ(K_n)\ge\log_2\log_3(n-1). (4) πf(G)32\pi_f^\circ(G)\le\frac{3}{2}, with equality if and only if K4GK_4\subseteq G. (5) πf(Km,m)=3m32m1\pi_f^\circ(K_{m,m})=\frac{3m-3}{2m-1}. A \emph{star kk-coloring} is a proper kk-coloring where the union of any two color classes induces a star forest. While every planar graph is 4-colorable, not every planar graph is star 4-colorable. One method to produce a star 4-coloring is to partition the vertex set into a 2-independent set and a forest; such a partition is called an \emph{\Ifp}. We use discharging to prove that every graph with maximum average degree less than 52\frac{5}{2} has an \Ifp, which is sharp and improves the result of Bu, Cranston, Montassier, Raspaud, and Wang (2009). As a corollary, we gain that every planar graph with girth at least 10 has a star 4-coloring. A proper vertex coloring of a graph GG is \emph{rr-dynamic} if for each vV(G)v\in V(G), at least min{r,d(v)}\min\{r,d(v)\} colors appear in NG(v)N_G(v). We investigate 33-dynamic versions of coloring and list coloring. We prove that planar and toroidal graphs are 3-dynamically 10-choosable, and this bound is sharp for toroidal graphs. Given a proper total kk-coloring cc of a graph GG, we define the \emph{sum value} of a vertex vv to be c(v)+uvE(G)c(uv)c(v) + \sum_{uv \in E(G)} c(uv). The smallest integer kk such that GG has a proper total kk-coloring whose sum values form a proper coloring is the \emph{neighbor sum distinguishing total chromatic number} χΣ(G)\chi''_{\Sigma}(G). Pil{\'s}niak and Wo{\'z}niak~(2013) conjectured that χΣ(G)Δ(G)+3\chi''_{\Sigma}(G)\leq \Delta(G)+3 for any simple graph with maximum degree Δ(G)\Delta(G). We prove this bound to be asymptotically correct by showing that χΣ(G)Δ(G)(1+o(1))\chi''_{\Sigma}(G)\leq \Delta(G)(1+o(1)). The main idea of our argument relies on Przyby{\l}o's proof (2014) for neighbor sum distinguishing edge-coloring

    Separation Dimension of Graphs and Hypergraphs

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    Separation dimension of a hypergraph H, denoted by , is the smallest natural number k so that the vertices of H can be embedded in such that any two disjoint edges of H can be separated by a hyperplane normal to one of the axes. We show that the separation dimension of a hypergraph H is equal to the boxicity of the line graph of H. This connection helps us in borrowing results and techniques from the extensive literature on boxicity to study the concept of separation dimension. In this paper, we study the separation dimension of hypergraphs and graphs