2 research outputs found

    Encryption and Decryption of Images with Pixel Data Modification Using Hand Gesture Passcodes

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    To ensure data security and safeguard sensitive information in society, image encryption and decryption as well as pixel data modifications, are essential. To avoid misuse and preserve trust in our digital environment, it is crucial to use these technologies responsibly and ethically. So, to overcome some of the issues, the authors designed a way to modify pixel data that would hold the hidden information. The objective of this work is to change the pixel values in a way that can be used to store information about black and white image pixel data. Prior to encryption and decryption, by using Python we were able to construct a passcode with hand gestures in the air, then encrypt it without any data loss. It concentrates on keeping track of simply two pixel values. Thus, pixel values are slightly changed to ensure the masked image is not misleading. Considering that the RGB values are at their border values of 254, 255 the test cases of masking overcome issues with the corner values susceptibility


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    Resumen Hoy en d铆a los servicios de almacenamiento en la nube son usados de forma masiva. Con fines de protecci贸n de la informaci贸n, se ofrecen niveles de seguridad basados en protocolos de seguridad inform谩tica y de la informaci贸n respectivamente, para hacer frente a diversos tipos de ataques cibern茅ticos. Ante este escenario, surge la necesidad de desarrollar herramientas tecnol贸gicas que coadyuven con las ya existentes en lo que concierne a la obtenci贸n de una protecci贸n adicional. En el contexto de im谩genes digitales, una de estas herramientas es la t茅cnica de ocultamiento reversible de datos en dominio cifrado, en este sentido, el presente art铆culo propone un par de estas t茅cnicas que utilizan el cifrado de flujo AES y RC4 como dominios de inserci贸n, este 煤ltimo combinado con mezcla ca贸tica. Los resultados experimentales muestran su efectividad en escenarios reales de operaci贸n, garantizando la integridad de datos y al mismo tiempo no interfiere con los protocolos de seguridad de los servicios en la nube. Palabras Clave: Cifrado de flujo, mezcla ca贸tica, ocultamiento reversible de datos en dominio cifrado, servicios de almacenamiento en la nube. Abstract Nowadays cloud storage services are used in a massive way. To protect the information in them and to face different types of cyber-attacks that could violate, and compromise stored data, they offer specific levels of security and information security protocols. In this scenario, there is an urgent need to develop technological tools that contribute to those one already developed and to offer additional protection. In the context of digital images, one of these tools is the reversible data hiding technique in the encrypted domain. In this article two techniques are being proposed that use stream encryption as the insertion domain, one of them combined with chaotic mixing. The experimental results are subject to real operational problems, guaranteeing the integrity of the data and at the same time without interfering with the security protocols used in the cloud services. Keywords: chaotic mixing, cloud storage services, reversible data hiding in encrypted domain, stream cipher