9,246 research outputs found

    Joint Sentinel-1 and SMAP data assimilation to improve soil moisture estimates

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    SMAP (Soil Moisture Active and Passive) radiometer observations at similar to 40 km resolution are routinely assimilated into the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model to generate the 9 km SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture product. This study demonstrates that adding high-resolution radar observations from Sentinel-1 to the SMAP assimilation can increase the spatiotemporal accuracy of soil moisture estimates. Radar observations were assimilated either separately from or simultaneously with radiometer observations. Assimilation impact was assessed by comparing 3-hourly, 9 km surface and root-zone soil moisture simulations with in situ measurements from 9 km SMAP core validation sites and sparse networks, from May 2015 to December 2016. The Sentinel-1 assimilation consistently improved surface soil moisture, whereas root-zone impacts were mostly neutral. Relatively larger improvements were obtained from SMAP assimilation. The joint assimilation of SMAP and Sentinel-1 observations performed best, demonstrating the complementary value of radar and radiometer observations

    Joint Sentinel-1 and SMAP Data Assimilation to Improve Soil Moisture Estimates

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    SMAP (Soil Moisture Active and Passive) radiometer observations at 40 km resolution are routinely assimilated into the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model to generate the 9-km SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture product. This study demonstrates that adding high-resolution radar observations from Sentinel-1 to the SMAP assimilation can increase the spatio-temporal accuracy of soil moisture estimates. Radar observations were assimilated either separately from or simultaneously with radiometer observations. Assimilation impact was assessed by comparing 3-hourly, 9-km surface and root-zone soil moisture simulations with in situ measurements from 9-km SMAP core validation sites and sparse networks, from May 2015 to December 2016. The Sentinel-1 assimilation consistently improved surface soil moisture, whereas root-zone impacts were mostly neutral. Relatively larger improvements were obtained from SMAP assimilation. The joint assimilation of SMAP and Sentinel-1 observations performed best, demonstrating the complementary value of radar and radiometer observations

    The SMAP and Copernicus Sentinel 1A/B Microwave Active-Passive High Resolution Surface Soil Moisture Product and Its Applications

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    SMAP project released a new enhanced high-resolution (3km and 1 km) soil moisture active-passive product. This product is obtained by combining the SMAP radiometer data and the Sentinel-1A and -1B Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The approach used for this product draws heavily from the heritage SMAP active-passive algorithm. Modifications in the SMAP active-passive algorithm are done to accommodate the Copernicus Program's Sentinel-1A and -1B multi-angular C-band SAR data. Assessment of the SMAP and Sentinel active-passive algorithm has been conducted and results show feasibility of estimating surface soil moisture at high-resolution in regions with low vegetation density (~< 3 kg/sq.m). A new version of this product is released to public in May 2018. This high resolution (3 km and 1 km) soil moisture product with reasonable accuracy of 0.05 m3/m3 is useful for agriculture, flood mapping, watershed/rangeland management, and ecological/hydrological applications

    The contribution of Citizens’ Observatories to validation of satellite‐retrieved soil moisture products

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    The GROW Observatory (GROW) will create a sustainable citizen platform and community to generate, share and utilise information on land, soil and water resources at a resolution hitherto not previously considered. The European Space Agency’s Sentinel‐1 is the first mission capable of providing high‐resolution soil moisture information, but a proper validation of Sentinel data remains a challenge given the scarcity of available in situ reference measurements. Establishment of a dense network of in situ measurement can bridge the gap in spatial resolution between in situ and satellite‐based soil moisture measurements enabling validation and calibration of ground and remotely measured soil moisture observations. The potential exists to answer scientific questions including the validity of satellite data, the impact of climate change on land management thus supporting the needs of growers and integrating citizen and scientific research to be more directly applicable and relevant

    Estimation and evaluation of high-resolution soil moisture from merged model and Earth observation data in the Great Britain

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    Soil moisture is an important component of the Earth system and plays a key role in land-atmosphere interactions. Remote sensing of soil moisture is of great scientific interest and the scientific community has made significant progress in soil moisture estimation using Earth observations. Currently, several satellite-based coarse spatial resolution soil moisture datasets have been produced and widely used for various applications in climate science, hydrology, ecosystem research and agriculture. Owing to the strong demand for soil moisture data with high spatial resolution for regional applications, much effort has recently been devoted to the generation of high spatial resolution soil moisture data from either high-resolution satellite observations or by downscaling existing coarse-resolution satellite-based soil moisture datasets. In addition, land surface models provide an alternative way to obtain consistent high-resolution soil moisture information when forced with high-resolution inputs. The aim of this study is to create and evaluate high-resolution soil moisture products derived from multiple sources including satellite observations and land surface model simulations. The JULES-CHESS simulated soil moisture and satellite-based soil moisture datasets including SMAP L3E, SMAP L4, SMOS L4, Sentinel 1, ASCAT, and Sentinel 1/SMAP combined products were first validated against observed soil moisture from COSMOS-UK, a network of in-situ cosmic-ray based sensors. Second, an approach based on triple collocation was applied to compare these satellite products in the absence of a known reference dataset. Third, a combined soil moisture product was generated to integrate the better-performing soil moisture estimates based on triple collocation error estimation and a least-squares merging scheme. From further evaluation, it is found that the merged soil moisture integrates the characteristics of model simulation and satellite observations and particularly improves the limited temporal variability of the JULES-CHESS simulation. Therefore, we conclude that the triple collocation merging scheme is a simple and reliable way to combine satellite-based soil moisture products with outputs from the JULES-CHESS simulation for estimating model-data fused high-resolution soil moisture for the British mainland

    SMOS based high resolution soil moisture estimates for Desert locust preventive management

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    This paper presents the first attempt to include soil moisture information from remote sensing in the tools available to desert locust managers. The soil moisture requirements were first assessed with the users. The main objectives of this paper are: i) to describe and validate the algorithms used to produce a soil moisture dataset at 1 km resolution relevant to desert locust management based on DisPATCh methodology applied to SMOS and ii) the development of an innovative approach to derive high-resolution (100 m) soil moisture products from Sentinel-1 in synergy with SMOS data. For the purpose of soil moisture validation, 4 soil moisture stations where installed in desert areas (one in each user country). The soil moisture 1 km product was thoroughly validated and its accuracy is amongst the best available soil moisture products. Current comparison with in-situ soil moisture stations shows good values of correlation (R>0.7R>0.7) and low RMSE (below 0.04 m3 m−3). The low number of acquisitions on wet dates has limited the development of the soil moisture 100 m product over the Users Areas. The Soil Moisture product at 1 km will be integrated into the national and global Desert Locust early warning systems in national locust centres and at DLIS-FAO, respectively

    A roadmap for high-resolution satellite soil moisture applications – confronting product characteristics with user requirements

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    Soil moisture observations are of broad scientific interest and practical value for a wide range of applications. The scientific community has made significant progress in estimating soil moisture from satellite-based Earth observation data, particularly in operationalizing coarse-resolution (25-50 km) soil moisture products. This review summarizes existing applications of satellite-derived soil moisture products and identifies gaps between the characteristics of currently available soil moisture products and the application requirements from various disciplines. We discuss the efforts devoted to the generation of high-resolution soil moisture products from satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data such as Sentinel-1 C-band backscatter observations and/or through downscaling of existing coarse-resolution microwave soil moisture products. Open issues and future opportunities of satellite-derived soil moisture are discussed, providing guidance for further development of operational soil moisture products and bridging the gap between the soil moisture user and supplier communities


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    Abstract. A preliminary analysis based on the application of a change detection method for remote sensed soil moisture retrieval at high resolution is presented. Sentinel-1 SAR images are used for studying agricultural areas in Spain, where in situ soil moisture data are available through the International Soil Moisture Network. The total backscattered SAR signal is modelled as the sum of vegetation and soil contributions. At first, the relationship between soil moisture and the co-polarized band of Sentinel-1 was analyzed for all the measurement stations of the area, and the ones with stronger relation were selected. Time series analyses were then conducted at the field scale for studying the interactions between some SAR parameters and the in situ data. The two polarizations and the polarization ratio were analyzed with respect to in situ soil moisture observations and precipitation data in order to identify homogeneous time domains in which the method can be applied in a consistent manner. Analyses show that the main driver of wide range SAR signal variations is the presence of precipitation events. Moreover, SAR coherence and polarization rate manifest specific behaviors that can be exploited either for deepening the knowledge on the role of model parameters and identifying suitable time and space extends in which operate separate estimations of vegetation, soil moisture and soil roughness parameters. Identification and isolation of precipitation driven patterns, as long as the selection of homogeneous time spans and space regions is the basis for improving the capability of satellite based soil moisture retrieval models

    Exploring Neural Networks For Predicting Sentinel-C Backscatter Between Image Acquisitions

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    Measuring moisture dynamics in soil and overlying vegetation is key to understanding ecosystem and agricultural dynamics in many contexts. For many applications, moisture information is demanded at high temporal frequency over large areas. Sentinel-1 C-band radar backscatter satellite images provide a repeating sequence of fine-resolution (10-m) observations that can be used to infer soil and vegetation moisture, but the 12-day interval between satellite observations is infrequent relative to the sensed moisture dynamics. Machine learning approaches have been used to predict soil moisture at higher spatial resolutions than the original satellite images, but little effort has been made to increase the temporal resolution of the images. This study extends machine learning approaches to infer fine-resolution backscatter between observations relying on auxiliary data observations, including elevation and daily gridded weather. Several variations of Multi-modal Fully Convolutional Neural Network architectures, problem setup, and training methods are explored for a predominantly rural area in southwest Oklahoma near the transition between humid subtropical and semiarid climates. The training area lies in the overlap zone for adjacent Sentinel-1 satellite tracks, allowing for training with several different temporal offsets. We find that the UNET architecture produced the most accurate and robust estimated backscatter patterns, with superior prediction compared to a prior observation baseline in nearly all cases investigated when geography was included in the training data. This superior performance also generalized to nearby areas when training data for a given geography was not available, where 86% of predictions performed superior compared to a prior observation baseline
