3 research outputs found

    Stance Classification Post Kesehatan di Media Sosial Dengan FastText Embedding dan Deep Learning

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    Misinformasi merupakan fenomena yang semakin sering terjadi di media sosial, tidak terkecuali Facebook, salah satu media sosial terbesar di Indonesia. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan mengenai teknik identifikasi dan klasifikasi stance di media sosial Indonesia. Akan tetapi, penggunaan Word2Vec sebagai word embedding dalam penelitian tersebut memiliki keterbatasan pada pengenalan kata baru. Hal ini menjadi dasar penggunaan fastText embedding dalam penelitian ini. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deep learning, penelitian berfokus pada performa model dalam klasifikasi stance suatu judul post kesehatan di Facebook terhadap judul post lainnya. Stance berupa for (setuju), observing (netral), dan against (berlawanan). Dataset terdiri dari 3500 judul post yang terdiri dari 500 kalimat klaim dengan enam kalimat stance terhadap setiap klaim. Model dengan fastText pada penelitian ini mampu menghasilkan F1 macro score sebesar 64%

    Emotion Detection and Classification using Hybrid Feature Selection and Deep Learning Techniques

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    Image sentiment analysis has gained significant attention due to the increasing availability of user-generated content on various platforms such as social media, e-commerce websites, and online reviews. The core of our approach lies in the deep learning model, which combines the strengths of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. The CNN component captures local dependencies and learns high-level features, while the LSTM component captures long-term dependencies and maintains contextual information. By fusing these two components, our model effectively captures both local and global context, leading to improved sentiment analysis performance. During the execution first select the context and generate visual feature vector for generation of captions. The EfficientNetB7 model is applied in order to construct the image description for every individual picture. The Attention-based LSTM as well as Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) greedy method are the two approaches that are utilized in the process of classifying sentiment labels. The proposed research has been categorized into three different phases. In Phase 1 describe various data preprocessing and normalization techniques. It also demonstrates training using RESNET-101 deep learning-based CNN classification algorithm. In Phase 2 extract the various features from the selected context of input image. The context has been selected based on detected objects from the image and generates a visual caption for the entire dataset. The      generated captions are dynamically used for model training as well as testing to both datasets. The EfficientNet module has used for generation of visual context from selected contexts. Finally in phase 3 classification model has built using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). The proposed algorithm classified the entire train and test dataset with different cross- validations such as 5-fold, 10-fold and 15-fold etc. The numerous activation functions are also used for evaluation of the proposed algorithm in different ways. The higher accuracy of the proposed model is 96.20% sigmoid function for 15-fold cross validation