79,841 research outputs found

    Recommendation and Sentiment Analysis Based on Consumer Review and Rating

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    Accurate analysis and recommendation on products based on online reviews and rating data play an important role in precisely targeting suitable consumer segmentations and therefore can promote merchandise sales. This study uses a recommendation and sentiment classification model for analyzing the data of beer product based on online beer reviews and rating dataset of beer products and uses them to improve the recommendation performance of the recommendation model for different customer needs. Among them, the beer recommendation is based on rating data; 10 classification models are compared in text sentiment analysis, including the conventional machine learning models and deep learning models. Combining the two analyses can increase the credibility of the recommended beer and help increase beer sales. The experiment proves that this method can filter the products with more negative reviews in the recommendation algorithm and improve user acceptance

    Recommendation and Sentiment Analysis Based on Consumer Review and Rating

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    Accurate analysis and recommendation on products based on online reviews and rating data play an important role in precisely targeting suitable consumer segmentations and therefore can promote merchandise sales. This study uses a recommendation and sentiment classification model for analyzing the data of beer product based on online beer reviews and rating dataset of beer products and uses them to improve the recommendation performance of the recommendation model for different customer needs. Among them, the beer recommendation is based on rating data; 10 classification models are compared in text sentiment analysis, including the conventional machine learning models and deep learning models. Combining the two analyses can increase the credibility of the recommended beer and help increase beer sales. The experiment proves that this method can filter the products with more negative reviews in the recommendation algorithm and improve user acceptance

    Dynamic Classification of Sentiments from Restaurant Reviews Using Novel Fuzzy-Encoded LSTM

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    User reviews on social media have sparked a surge in interest in the application of sentiment analysis to provide feedback to the government, public and commercial sectors. Sentiment analysis, spam identification, sarcasm detection and news classification are just few of the uses of text mining. For many firms, classifying reviews based on user feelings is a significant and collaborative effort. In recent years, machine learning models and handcrafted features have been used to study text classification, however they have failed to produce encouraging results for short text categorization. Deep neural network based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Fuzzy logic model with incremental learning is suggested in this paper. On the basis of F1-score, accuracy, precision and recall, suggested model was tested on a large dataset of hotel reviews. This study is a categorization analysis of hotel review feelings provided by hotel customers. When word embedding is paired with LSTM, findings show that the suggested model outperforms current best-practice methods, with an accuracy 81.04%, precision 77.81%, recall 80.63% and F1-score 75.44%. The efficiency of the proposed model on any sort of review categorization job is demonstrated by these encouraging findings

    Sentiment Analysis for Online Product Reviews and Recommendation Using Deep Learning Based Optimization Algorithm

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    Recently, online shopping is becoming a popular means for users to buy and consume with the advances in Internet technologies. Satisfaction of users could be efficiently improvised by carrying out a Sentiment Analysis (SA) of larger amount of user reviews on e-commerce platform. But still, it is a challenge to envision the precise sentiment polarity of the user reviews due to the modifications in sequence length, complicated logic, and textual order. In this study, we propose a Hybrid-Flash Butterfly Optimization with Deep Learning based Sentiment Analysis (HFBO-DLSA) for Online Product Reviews. The presented HFBO-DLSA technique mainly aims to determine the nature of sentiments based on online product reviews. For accomplishing this, the presented HFBO-DLSA technique applies data pre-processing at the preliminary stage to make it compatible. Besides, the HFBO-DLSA model uses deep belief network (DBN) model for classification. The HFBO algorithm is used as a hyperparameter tuning process to improve the SA performance of the DBN method. The experimental validation of the presented HFBO-DLSA method has been tested under a set of datasets. The experimental results reveal that the HFBO-DLSA approach surpasses recent techniques in terms of SA outcomes. Specifically, when compared to various existing models on the Canon dataset, the HFBO-DLSA technique achieves remarkable results with an accuracy of 97.66%, precision of 98.54%, recall of 94.64%, and an F-score of 96.43%. In comparative analysis, other approaches such as ACO, SVM, and NN exhibit poorer performance, while TextCNN, BiLSTM, and RCNN approaches yield slightly improved SA results

    Proposed Hybrid model for Sentiment Classification using CovNet-DualLSTM Techniques

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    The fast growth of Internet and social media has resulted in a significant quantity of texts based review that is posted on the platforms like social media. In the age of social media, analyzing the emotional context of comments using machine learning technology helps in understanding of QoS for any product or service. Analysis and classification of user's review helps in improving the QoS (Quality of Services). Machine Learning techniques have evolved as a great tool for performing sentiment analysis of user's. In contrast to traditional classification models. Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) has obtained substantial outcomes and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) has shown promising outcomes in sentiment classification. CNN can successfully retrieve local information by utilizing convolutions and pooling layers. BiLSTM employs dual LSTM orientations for increasing the background knowledge accessible to deep learning based models. The hybrid model proposed here is to utilize the advantages of these two deep learning based models. Tweets of users for reviews of Indian Railway Services have been used as data source for analysis and classification. Keras Embedding technique is used as input source to the proposed hybrid model. The proposed model receives inputs and generates features with lower dimensions which generate a classification result. The performance of proposed hybrid model was compared using Keras and Word2Vec and observed effective improvement in the response of the proposed model with an accuracy of 95.19%
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