195 research outputs found

    Effective summarisation for search engines

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    Users of information retrieval (IR) systems issue queries to find information in large collections of documents. Nearly all IR systems return answers in the form of a list of results, where each entry typically consists of the title of the underlying document, a link, and a short query-biased summary of a document's content called a snippet. As retrieval systems typically return a mixture of relevant and non-relevant answers, the role of the snippet is to guide users to identify those documents that are likely to be good answers and to ignore those that are less useful. This thesis focuses on techniques to improve the generation and evaluation of query-biased summaries for informational requests, where users typically need to inspect several documents to fulfil their information needs. We investigate the following issues: how users construct query-biased summaries, and how this compares with current automatic summarisation methods; how query expansion can be applied to sentence-level ranking to improve the quality of query-biased summaries; and, how to evaluate these summarisation approaches using sentence-level relevance data. First, through an eye tracking study, we investigate the way in which users select information from documents when they are asked to construct a query-biased summary in response to a given search request. Our analysis indicates that user behaviour differs from the assumptions of current state-of-the-art query-biased summarisation approaches. A major cause of difference resulted from vocabulary mismatch, a common IR problem. This thesis then examines query expansion techniques to improve the selection of candidate relevant sentences, and to reduce the vocabulary mismatch observed in the previous study. We employ a Cranfield-based methodology to quantitatively assess sentence ranking methods based on sentence-level relevance assessments available in the TREC Novelty track, in line with previous work. We study two aspects of sentence-level evaluation of this track. First, whether sentences that have been judged based on relevance, as in the TREC Novelty track, can also be considered to be indicative; that is, useful in terms of being part of a query-biased summary and guiding users to make correct document selections. By conducting a crowdsourcing experiment, we find that relevance and indicativeness agree around 73% of the time. Second, during our evaluations we discovered a bias that longer sentences were more likely to be judged as relevant. We then propose a novel evaluation of sentence ranking methods, which aims to isolate the sentence length bias. Using our enhanced evaluation method, we find that query expansion can effectively assist in the selection of short sentences. We conclude our investigation with a second study to examine the effectiveness of query expansion in query-biased summarisation methods to end users. Our results indicate that participants significantly tend to prefer query-biased summaries aided through expansion techniques approximately 60% of the time, for query-biased summaries comprised of short and middle length sentences. We suggest that our findings can inform the generation and display of query-biased summaries of IR systems such as search engines

    Filtering News from Document Streams: Evaluation Aspects and Modeled Stream Utility

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    Events like hurricanes, earthquakes, or accidents can impact a large number of people. Not only are people in the immediate vicinity of the event affected, but concerns about their well-being are shared by the local government and well-wishers across the world. The latest information about news events could be of use to government and aid agencies in order to make informed decisions on providing necessary support, security and relief. The general public avails of news updates via dedicated news feeds or broadcasts, and lately, via social media services like Facebook or Twitter. Retrieving the latest information about newsworthy events from the world-wide web is thus of importance to a large section of society. As new content on a multitude of topics is continuously being published on the web, specific event related information needs to be filtered from the resulting stream of documents. We present in this thesis, a user-centric evaluation measure for evaluating systems that filter news related information from document streams. Our proposed evaluation measure, Modeled Stream Utility (MSU), models users accessing information from a stream of sentences produced by a news update filtering system. The user model allows for simulating a large number of users with different characteristic stream browsing behavior. Through simulation, MSU estimates the utility of a system for an average user browsing a stream of sentences. Our results show that system performance is sensitive to a user population's stream browsing behavior and that existing evaluation metrics correspond to very specific types of user behavior. To evaluate systems that filter sentences from a document stream, we need a set of judged sentences. This judged set is a subset of all the sentences returned by all systems, and is typically constructed by pooling together the highest quality sentences, as determined by respective system assigned scores for each sentence. Sentences in the pool are manually assessed and the resulting set of judged sentences is then used to compute system performance metrics. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of including duplicates of judged sentences, into the judged set, on system performance evaluation. We also develop an alternative pooling methodology, that given the MSU user model, selects sentences for pooling based on the probability of a sentences being read by modeled users. Our research lays the foundation for interesting future work for utilizing user-models in different aspects of evaluation of stream filtering systems. The MSU measure enables incorporation of different user models. Furthermore, the applicability of MSU could be extended through calibration based on user behavior

    Toward higher effectiveness for recall-oriented information retrieval: A patent retrieval case study

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    Research in information retrieval (IR) has largely been directed towards tasks requiring high precision. Recently, other IR applications which can be described as recall-oriented IR tasks have received increased attention in the IR research domain. Prominent among these IR applications are patent search and legal search, where users are typically ready to check hundreds or possibly thousands of documents in order to find any possible relevant document. The main concerns in this kind of application are very different from those in standard precision-oriented IR tasks, where users tend to be focused on finding an answer to their information need that can typically be addressed by one or two relevant documents. For precision-oriented tasks, mean average precision continues to be used as the primary evaluation metric for almost all IR applications. For recall-oriented IR applications the nature of the search task, including objectives, users, queries, and document collections, is different from that of standard precision-oriented search tasks. In this research study, two dimensions in IR are explored for the recall-oriented patent search task. The study includes IR system evaluation and multilingual IR for patent search. In each of these dimensions, current IR techniques are studied and novel techniques developed especially for this kind of recall-oriented IR application are proposed and investigated experimentally in the context of patent retrieval. The techniques developed in this thesis provide a significant contribution toward evaluating the effectiveness of recall-oriented IR in general and particularly patent search, and improving the efficiency of multilingual search for this kind of task

    Novelty and Diversity in Retrieval Evaluation

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    Queries submitted to search engines rarely provide a complete and precise description of a user's information need. Most queries are ambiguous to some extent, having multiple interpretations. For example, the seemingly unambiguous query ``tennis lessons'' might be submitted by a user interested in attending classes in her neighborhood, seeking lessons for her child, looking for online videos lessons, or planning to start a business teaching tennis. Search engines face the challenging task of satisfying different groups of users having diverse information needs associated with a given query. One solution is to optimize ranking functions to satisfy diverse sets of information needs. Unfortunately, existing evaluation frameworks do not support such optimization. Instead, ranking functions are rewarded for satisfying the most likely intent associated with a given query. In this thesis, we propose a framework and associated evaluation metrics that are capable of optimizing ranking functions to satisfy diverse information needs. Our proposed measures explicitly reward those ranking functions capable of presenting the user with information that is novel with respect to previously viewed documents. Our measures reflects quality of a ranking function by taking into account its ability to satisfy diverse users submitting a query. Moreover, the task of identifying and establishing test frameworks to compare ranking functions on a web-scale can be tedious. One reason for this problem is the dynamic nature of the web, where documents are constantly added and updated, making it necessary for search engine developers to seek additional human assessments. Along with issues of novelty and diversity, we explore one approximate approach to compare different ranking functions by overcoming the problem of lacking complete human assessments. We demonstrate that our approach is capable of accurately sorting ranking functions based on their capability of satisfying diverse users, even in the face of incomplete human assessments

    On enhancing the robustness of timeline summarization test collections

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    Timeline generation systems are a class of algorithms that produce a sequence of time-ordered sentences or text snippets extracted in real-time from high-volume streams of digital documents (e.g. news articles), focusing on retaining relevant and informative content for a particular information need (e.g. topic or event). These systems have a range of uses, such as producing concise overviews of events for end-users (human or artificial agents). To advance the field of automatic timeline generation, robust and reproducible evaluation methodologies are needed. To this end, several evaluation metrics and labeling methodologies have recently been developed - focusing on information nugget or cluster-based ground truth representations, respectively. These methodologies rely on human assessors manually mapping timeline items (e.g. sentences) to an explicit representation of what information a ‘good’ summary should contain. However, while these evaluation methodologies produce reusable ground truth labels, prior works have reported cases where such evaluations fail to accurately estimate the performance of new timeline generation systems due to label incompleteness. In this paper, we first quantify the extent to which the timeline summarization test collections fail to generalize to new summarization systems, then we propose, evaluate and analyze new automatic solutions to this issue. In particular, using a depooling methodology over 19 systems and across three high-volume datasets, we quantify the degree of system ranking error caused by excluding those systems when labeling. We show that when considering lower-effectiveness systems, the test collections are robust (the likelihood of systems being miss-ranked is low). However, we show that the risk of systems being mis-ranked increases as the effectiveness of systems held-out from the pool increases. To reduce the risk of mis-ranking systems, we also propose a range of different automatic ground truth label expansion techniques. Our results show that the proposed expansion techniques can be effective at increasing the robustness of the TREC-TS test collections, as they are able to generate large numbers missing matches with high accuracy, markedly reducing the number of mis-rankings by up to 50%

    Promoting user engagement and learning in search tasks by effective document representation

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    Much research in information retrieval (IR) focuses on optimisation of the rank of relevant retrieval results for single shot ad hoc IR tasks. Relatively little research has been carried out on supporting and promoting user engagement within search tasks. We seek to improve user experience by use of enhanced document snippets to be presented during the search process to promote user engagement with retrieved information. The primary role of document snippets within search has traditionally been to indicate the potential relevance of retrieved items to the user’s information need. Beyond the relevance of an item, it is generally not possible to infer the contents of individual ranked results just by reading the current snippets. We hypothesise that the creation of richer document snippets and summaries, and effective presentation of this information to users will promote effective search and greater user engagement, and support emerging areas such as learning through search. We generate document summaries for a given query by extracting top relevant sentences from retrieved documents. Creation of these summaries goes beyond exist- ing snippet creation methods by comparing content between documents to take into account novelty when selecting content for inclusion in individual document sum- maries. Further, we investigate the readability of the generated summaries with the overall goal of generating snippets which not only help a user to identify document relevance, but are also designed to increase the user’s understanding and knowledge of a topic gained while inspecting the snippets. We perform a task-based user study to record the user’s interactions, search be- haviour and feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of our snippets using qualitative and quantitative measures. In our user study, we found that richer snippets generated in this work improved the user experience and topical knowledge, and helped users to learn about the topic effectively

    Detection and management of redundancy for information retrieval

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    The growth of the web, authoring software, and electronic publishing has led to the emergence of a new type of document collection that is decentralised, amorphous, dynamic, and anarchic. In such collections, redundancy is a significant issue. Documents can spread and propagate across such collections without any control or moderation. Redundancy can interfere with the information retrieval process, leading to decreased user amenity in accessing information from these collections, and thus must be effectively managed. The precise definition of redundancy varies with the application. We restrict ourselves to documents that are co-derivative: those that share a common heritage, and hence contain passages of common text. We explore document fingerprinting, a well-known technique for the detection of co-derivative document pairs. Our new lossless fingerprinting algorithm improves the effectiveness of a range of document fingerprinting approaches. We empirically show that our algorithm can be highly effective at discovering co-derivative document pairs in large collections. We study the occurrence and management of redundancy in a range of application domains. On the web, we find that document fingerprinting is able to identify widespread redundancy, and that this redundancy has a significant detrimental effect on the quality of search results. Based on user studies, we suggest that redundancy is most appropriately managed as a postprocessing step on the ranked list and explain how and why this should be done. In the genomic area of sequence homology search, we explain why the existing techniques for redundancy discovery are increasingly inefficient, and present a critique of the current approaches to redundancy management. We show how document fingerprinting with a modified version of our algorithm provides significant efficiency improvements, and propose a new approach to redundancy management based on wildcards. We demonstrate that our scheme provides the benefits of existing techniques but does not have their deficiencies. Redundancy in distributed information retrieval systems - where different parts of the collection are searched by autonomous servers - cannot be effectively managed using traditional fingerprinting techniques. We thus propose a new data structure, the grainy hash vector, for redundancy detection and management in this environment. We show in preliminary tests that the grainy hash vector is able to accurately detect a good proportion of redundant document pairs while maintaining low resource usage

    From people to entities : typed search in the enterprise and the web

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    [no abstract

    Supervised extractive summarisation of news events

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    This thesis investigates whether the summarisation of news-worthy events can be improved by using evidence about entities (i.e.\ people, places, and organisations) involved in the events. More effective event summaries, that better assist people with their news-based information access requirements, can help to reduce information overload in today's 24-hour news culture. Summaries are based on sentences extracted verbatim from news articles about the events. Within a supervised machine learning framework, we propose a series of entity-focused event summarisation features. Computed over multiple news articles discussing a given event, such entity-focused evidence estimates: the importance of entities within events; the significance of interactions between entities within events; and the topical relevance of entities to events. The statement of this research work is that augmenting supervised summarisation models, which are trained on discriminative multi-document newswire summarisation features, with evidence about the named entities involved in the events, by integrating entity-focused event summarisation features, we will obtain more effective summaries of news-worthy events. The proposed entity-focused event summarisation features are thoroughly evaluated over two multi-document newswire summarisation scenarios. The first scenario is used to evaluate the retrospective event summarisation task, where the goal is to summarise an event to-date, based on a static set of news articles discussing the event. The second scenario is used to evaluate the temporal event summarisation task, where the goal is to summarise the changes in an ongoing event, based on a time-stamped stream of news articles discussing the event. The contributions of this thesis are two-fold. First, this thesis investigates the utility of entity-focused event evidence for identifying important and salient event summary sentences, and as a means to perform anti-redundancy filtering to control the volume of content emitted as a summary of an evolving event. Second, this thesis also investigates the validity of automatic summarisation evaluation metrics, the effectiveness of standard summarisation baselines, and the effective training of supervised machine learned summarisation models
