4 research outputs found

    Sensor Noise Modeling by Stacking Pseudo-Periodic Grid Images Affected by Vibrations

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    International audienceThis letter addresses the problem of noise estimation in raw images from digital sensors. Assuming that a series of images of a static scene are available, a possibility is to characterize the noise at a given pixel by considering the random fluctuations of the gray level across the images. However, mechanical vibrations, even tiny ones, affect the experimental setup, making this approach ineffective. The contribution of this letter is twofold. It is shown that noise estimation in the presence of vibrations is actually biased. Focusing on images of a pseudo-periodic grid, an algorithm to discard their effect is also given. An application to the generalized Anscombe transform is discussed

    On noise prediction in maps obtained with global DIC

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    International audienceA predictive formula giving the measurement resolution in displacement maps obtained using Digital Image Correlation was proposed some years ago in the literature. The objective of this paper is to revisit this formula and to propose a more general one which takes into account the influence of subpixel interpolation for the displacement. Moreover, a noiseless DIC tangent operator is defined to also minimize noise propagation from images to displacement maps. Simulated data enable us to assess the improvement brought about by this approach. The experimental validation is then carried out by assessing the noise in displacement maps deduced from a stack of images corrupted by noise. It is shown that specific image pre-processing tools are required to correctly predict the displacement resolution. This image pre-processing step is necessary to correctly account for the fact that noise in images is signal-dependent, and to get rid of parasitic micro-movements between camera and specimen that were experimentally observed and which corrupt noise estimation. Obtained results are analyzed and discussed

    Stabilizing Heteroscedastic Noise With the Generalized Anscombe Transform. Application to Accurate Prediction of the Resolution in Displacement and Strain Maps Obtained With the Grid Method.

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    International audienceThe objective of this paper is to show that it is possible to predict the noise level in displacement and strain maps obtained with the grid method, but that actual noise of camera sensors being heteroscedastic, it is necessary to stabilize this noise in grid images prior to employing the predicting formulas. The procedure used for this purpose relies on the Generalized Anscombe Transform. This transform is first described. It is then shown that experimental and theoretical resolutions in strain maps obtained with the grid method are in good agreement when this transform is employed

    Optimal digital color image correlation

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    International audienceWithin the context of Digital Image Correlation (DIC), the optimal treatment of color images is considered. The mathematical bases of a weighted 3-field image correlation are first introduced , which are relevant for RGB encoded images. In this framework, noise characterization methods are developed as noise properties dictate the best suited metric to compare images. Consistent ways to process an image from elementary Bayer matrices are derived. Last, a case study on uncertainty quantification is performed