5 research outputs found


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    Robot dengan berbagai bentuk dan ukuran telah menjadi topik penelitian yang menarik saat ini. Robot beroda merupakan salah satu jenis robot yang populer saat ini. Balancing robot adalah robot beroda yang dapat berdiri dan bergerak dengan dua roda. Balancing robot memiliki keunggulan dari sisi desain yang kompak dan kemampuan manuver yang tinggi, namun demikian robot ini memiliki masalah kestabilan.Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan balancing robot dengan memanfaatkan kendali PID dan Filter Kalman untuk menjaga stabilitas robot. Sensor yang digunakan pada robot ini adalah encoder sebagai umpan balik kendali kecepatan motor dan gyroscope accelerometer sebagai umpan balik kemiringan robot. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan robot dapat menjaga posisi keseimbangannya dengan bantuan sensor encoder dan sensor gyroscope.


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    Robot dengan berbagai bentuk dan ukuran telah menjadi topik penelitian yang menarik saat ini. Robot beroda merupakan salah satu jenis robot yang populer saat ini. Balancing robot adalah robot beroda yang dapat berdiri dan bergerak dengan dua roda. Balancing robot memiliki keunggulan dari sisi desain yang kompak dan kemampuan manuver yang tinggi, namun demikian robot ini memiliki masalah kestabilan.Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan balancing robot dengan memanfaatkan kendali PID dan Filter Kalman untuk menjaga stabilitas robot. Sensor yang digunakan pada robot ini adalah encoder sebagai umpan balik kendali kecepatan motor dan gyroscope accelerometer sebagai umpan balik kemiringan robot. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan robot dapat menjaga posisi keseimbangannya dengan bantuan sensor encoder dan sensor gyroscope.

    Sensor Aided Beamforming in Vehicular Environment

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    Sensor fusion is a well-known technique to harvest the raw data from various type of sensors and generate a more accurate prediction on certain operation parameters that helps to improve the accuracy and efficiency of a big system. Many industries have been benefited from the sensor fusion such as robotic, agriculture, healthcare, autonomous vehicle, navigation and so on. In the smart antenna industry, the conventional beamforming is implemented in the costly field programmable grid array (FPGA) platform with the complex direction of arrival (DOA) algorithm. In this work, we are presenting a feasibility study on a lower cost alternative called sensor aided beamforming that make use of the raw data from the existing sensors in the vehicle, combined with some simple mathematically calculation to determine the beam angle of the mobile client and roadside infrastructure. We have presented a practical approach to study the sensor aided beamforming system in the real environment by simulating the beamforming parameters for a moving vehicle moves along the road that was pre-installed with roadside access points (AP). The result has proofed that the sensor aided method can be used to realize the beamforming in the smart antenna system, with the IoT sensors cost approximately less than U20comparedwiththeFPGApricerangeofaroundU200, the sensor aided beamforming will be a cheaper and affordable alternative to the conventional beamforming system that usually realized with the complex direction of arrival algorithm and higher cost

    A generic architecture style for self-adaptive cyber-physical systems

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    Die aktuellen Konzepte zur Gestaltung von Regelungssystemen basieren auf dynamischen Verhaltensmodellen, die mathematische Ansätze wie Differentialgleichungen zur Ableitung der entsprechenden Funktionen verwenden. Diese Konzepte stoßen jedoch aufgrund der zunehmenden Systemkomplexität allmählich an ihre Grenzen. Zusammen mit der Entwicklung dieser Konzepte entsteht eine Architekturevolution der Regelungssysteme. In dieser Dissertation wird eine Taxonomie definiert, um die genannte Architekturevolution anhand eines typischen Beispiels, der adaptiven Geschwindigkeitsregelung (ACC), zu veranschaulichen. Aktuelle ACC-Varianten, die auf der Regelungstheorie basieren, werden in Bezug auf ihre Architekturen analysiert. Die Analyseergebnisse zeigen, dass das zukünftige Regelungssystem im ACC eine umfangreichere Selbstadaptationsfähigkeit und Skalierbarkeit erfordert. Dafür sind kompliziertere Algorithmen mit unterschiedlichen Berechnungsmechanismen erforderlich. Somit wird die Systemkomplexität erhöht und führt dazu, dass das zukünftige Regelungssystem zu einem selbstadaptiven cyber-physischen System wird und signifikante Herausforderungen für die Architekturgestaltung des Systems darstellt. Inspiriert durch Ansätze des Software-Engineering zur Gestaltung von Architekturen von softwareintensiven Systemen wird in dieser Dissertation ein generischer Architekturstil entwickelt. Der entwickelte Architekturstil dient als Vorlage, um vernetzte Architekturen mit Verfolgung der entwickelten Designprinzipien nicht nur für die aktuellen Regelungssysteme, sondern auch für selbstadaptiven cyber-physischen Systeme in der Zukunft zu konstruieren. Unterschiedliche Auslösemechanismen und Kommunikationsparadigmen zur Gestaltung der dynamischen Verhalten von Komponenten sind in der vernetzten Architektur anwendbar. Zur Bewertung der Realisierbarkeit des Architekturstils werden aktuelle ACCs erneut aufgenommen, um entsprechende logische Architekturen abzuleiten und die Architekturkonsistenz im Vergleich zu den originalen Architekturen basierend auf der Regelungstheorie (z. B. in Form von Blockdiagrammen) zu untersuchen. Durch die Anwendung des entwickelten generischen Architekturstils wird in dieser Dissertation eine künstliche kognitive Geschwindigkeitsregelung (ACCC) als zukünftige ACC-Variante entworfen, implementiert und evaluiert. Die Evaluationsergebnisse zeigen signifikante Leistungsverbesserungen des ACCC im Vergleich zum menschlichen Fahrer und aktuellen ACC-Varianten.Current concepts of designing automatic control systems rely on dynamic behavioral modeling by using mathematical approaches like differential equations to derive corresponding functions, and slowly reach limitations due to increasing system complexity. Along with the development of these concepts, an architectural evolution of automatic control systems is raised. This dissertation defines a taxonomy to illustrate the aforementioned architectural evolution relying on a typical example of control application: adaptive cruise control (ACC). Current ACC variants, with their architectures considering control theory, are analyzed. The analysis results indicate that the future automatic control system in ACC requires more substantial self-adaptation capability and scalability. For this purpose, more complicated algorithms requiring different computation mechanisms must be integrated into the system and further increase system complexity. This makes the future automatic control system evolve into a self-adaptive cyber-physical system and consistitutes significant challenges for the system’s architecture design. Inspired by software engineering approaches for designing architectures of software-intensive systems, a generic architecture style is proposed. The proposed architecture style serves as a template by following the developed design principle to construct networked architectures not only for the current automatic control systems but also for self-adaptive cyber-physical systems in the future. Different triggering mechanisms and communication paradigms for designing dynamic behaviors are applicable in the networked architecture. To evaluate feasibility of the architecture style, current ACCs are retaken to derive corresponding logical architectures and examine architectural consistency compared to the previous architectures considering the control theory (e.g., in the form of block diagrams). By applying the proposed generic architecture style, an artificial cognitive cruise control (ACCC) is designed, implemented, and evaluated as a future ACC in this dissertation. The evaluation results show significant performance improvements in the ACCC compared to the human driver and current ACC variants

    Design of antenna array and data streaming platform for low-cost smart antenna systems

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    The wide range of wireless infrastructures such as cellular base stations, wireless hotspots, roadside infrastructures, and wireless mobile infrastructures have been increasing rapidly over the past decades. In the transportation sector, wireless technology refreshes require constantly introducing newer wireless standards into the existing wireless infrastructure. Different wireless standards are expected to co-exist, and the air space congestion worsens if the wireless devices are operating in different wireless standards, where collision avoidance and transmission time synchronisation become complex and almost impossible. Huge challenges are expected such as operation constraints, cross-system interference, and air space congestion. Future proof and scalable smart wireless infrastructures are crucial to harmonise the un-coordinated wireless infrastructures and improve the performance, reliability, and availably of the wireless networks. This thesis presents the detailed design of a novel pre-configurable smart antenna system and its sub-system including antenna element, antenna array, and radio frequency (RF) frontend. Three types of 90° beamforming antenna array (with low, middle and high gain) were designed, simulated, and experimentally evaluated. The RF frontend module or transmit and receive (T/R) module was designed and fabricated. The performance of the T/R module was characterised and calibrated using the recursive calibration method, and drastic sidelobe level (SLL) improvement was achieved using the amplitude distribution technique. Finally, the antenna arrays and T/R modules are integrated into the pre-configurable smart antenna system, the beam steering performance is experimentally evaluated and presented in this thesis. With the combination of practical know-how and theoretical estimation, the thesis highlights how the modern smart antenna techniques that support most cutting-edge wireless technology can be adopted into the existing infrastructure with minimum distraction to the existing systems. This is in line with the global Smart City initiative, where a huge number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices being wired, or wireless are expected to work harmoniously in the same premises. The concept of the pre-configurable smart antenna system presented in this thesis is set to deliver a future-proof and highly scalable and sustainable infrastructure in the transportation market