1 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of Depth-Integrated Satellite Lidar to Subaqueous Scattering

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    A method is presented for estimating subaqueous integrated backscatter from the CALIOP lidar. The algorithm takes into account specular reflection of laser light, laser scattering by wind-generated foam as well as sun glint and solar scattering from the foam Analyses show that the estimated subaqueous integrated backscatter is most sensitive to the estimate of transmittance used in the atmospheric correction, and is very insensitive to the estimate of wind speed used. As a case study, CALIOP data over Tampa Bay were compared to MODIS 645 nm remote sensing reflectance, which previously has been shown to be nearly linearly related to turbidity. The results indicate good correlation on nearly all CALIOP clear-free dates during the period 2006 through 2007, particularly those with relatively high atmospheric transmittance. When data are composited over the entire period the correlation is reduced but still statistically significant, an indication of variability in the biogeochemical composition in the water. Overall, the favorable results show promise for the application of satellite lidar integrated backscatter in providing information about subsurface backscatter properties, which can be extracted using appropriate model