4 research outputs found


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    Diabetes merupakan salah satu penyakit berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung mendadak (SCDs). Oleh karena itu, penderita diabetes harus melakukaan monitoring terhadap level gula darah secara intensif dan teliti. Berbagai sensor glukosa terus dikembangkan untuk memperoleh performa sensor terbaik yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan medis, salah satu jenis sensor yang dikembangkan adalah sensor berbasis surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji performa sensor berbasis SPR konfigurasi Krestchmann dengan film tipis emas ketebalan ~50 nm untuk deteksi gula darah. Performa sensor ditunjukkan oleh nilai sensitivitas, akurasi deteksi dan signal-to-noise ratio. Sensor diuji dengan analit berupa larutan glukosa pada konsentrasi tinggi dan konsentrasi rendah. Larutan glukosa konsentrasi tinggi berada pada rentang 55,50 – 277,53 mmol/L, sedangkan rentang 4 – 12 mmol/L merupakan konsentrasi rendah yang sesuai dengan level gula darah pada tes diagnosa diabetes. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy terintegrasi yaitu SPR Navi-200 dari BioNavis Ltd.. Sensitivitas sensor terbaik untuk deteksi larutan glukosa konsentrasi tinggi diperoleh pada panjang gelombang 785 nm dengan sensitivitas 26,249 – 54,482°/RIU untuk konsentrasi tinggi dan 2,206 – 6,369°/RIU untuk konsentrasi rendah. Hubungan linier positif antara sensitivitas dan signal-to-noise ratio dengan konsentrasi larutan ditunjukkan oleh hasil penelitian ini. Sebaliknya, nilai akurasi deteksi semakin baik seiring dengan menurunnya nilai konsentrasi larutan. Performa sensor yang diperoleh penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sensor berbasis SPR potensial untuk meningkatkan kinerja teknologi monitoring penyakit diabetes. Diabetes is a dangerous disease that can cause sudden cardiac deaths (SCDs). Therefore, diabetes patients must conduct intensive and thorough monitoring of blood sugar levels. Various glucose sensors continue to be developed to obtain the best performance that can meet medical needs, one type of sensor developed is a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based sensor. This study aims to examine the performance of the Kretschmann configuration SPR-based sensor with a nano-laminated gold film ~ 50 nm-thicknesses in blood sugar detection. Sensor performance shown by sensitivity, detection accuracy and signal-to-noise ratio values. The sensor is tested with glucose solutions at high and low concentrations as analytes. High concentrations of glucose solution are in the range 55,50 – 277.53 mmol/L, while the range 4 – 12 mmol/L is a low concentration that corresponds to the blood sugar level in diabetes diagnostic test. The test was carried out using an integrated surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy instrument, the SPR Navi-200 from BioNavis Ltd.. The best sensor sensitivity for detection of high concentration glucose solutions was obtained at 785 nm wavelength, the sensitivity was shown as 26,249 – 54,482°/RIU for high concentration and 2,206 – 6,369°/RIU for low concentration. A positive linear relationship between sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio with solution concentration is indicated by the results of this study. Conversely, the value of detection accuracy is getting better as the solution concentration decreases. Sensor performance obtained by this study shows that SPR-based sensors is potential to improve the performance of diabetes monitoring technology

    Sensitivity Enhancement of a Surface Plasmon Resonance with Tin Selenide (SnSe) Allotropes

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    Single layers of tin selenide (SnSe), which have a similar structure as graphene and phosphorene, also show excellent optoelectronic properties, and have received much attention as a two-dimensional (2D) material beyond other 2D material family members. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors based on three monolayer SnSe allotropes are investigated with the transfer matrix method. The simulated results have indicated that the proposed SnSe-containing biochemical sensors are suitable to detect different types of analytes. Compared with the conventional Ag-only film biochemical sensor whose sensitivity is 116°/RIU, the sensitivities of these SnSe-based biochemical sensors containing α-SnSe, δ-SnSe, ε-SnSe, were obviously increased to 178°/RIU, 156°/RIU and 154°/RIU, respectively. The diverse biosensor sensitivities achieved with these three SnSe allotropes suggest that these 2D materials can adjust SPR sensor properties