10 research outputs found

    Impaired development of the cerebral cortex in infants with congenital heart disease is correlated to reduced cerebral oxygen delivery

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    Neurodevelopmental impairment is the most common comorbidity associated with complex congenital heart disease (CHD), while the underlying biological mechanism remains unclear. We hypothesised that impaired cerebral oxygen delivery in infants with CHD is a cause of impaired cortical development, and predicted that cardiac lesions most associated with reduced cerebral oxygen delivery would demonstrate the greatest impairment of cortical development. We compared 30 newborns with complex CHD prior to surgery and 30 age-matched healthy controls using brain MRI. The cortex was assessed using high resolution, motion-corrected T2-weighted images in natural sleep, analysed using an automated pipeline. Cerebral oxygen delivery was calculated using phase contrast angiography and pre-ductal pulse oximetry, while regional cerebral oxygen saturation was estimated using near-infrared spectroscopy. We found that impaired cortical grey matter volume and gyrification index in newborns with complex CHD was linearly related to reduced cerebral oxygen delivery, and that cardiac lesions associated with the lowest cerebral oxygen delivery were associated with the greatest impairment of cortical development. These findings suggest that strategies to improve cerebral oxygen delivery may help reduce brain dysmaturation in newborns with CHD, and may be most relevant for children with CHD whose cardiac defects remain unrepaired for prolonged periods after birth

    Abnormal Microstructural Development of the Cerebral Cortex in Neonates With Congenital Heart Disease Is Associated With Impaired Cerebral Oxygen Delivery.

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    Background Abnormal macrostructural development of the cerebral cortex has been associated with hypoxia in infants with congenital heart disease ( CHD ). Animal studies have suggested that hypoxia results in cortical dysmaturation at the cellular level. New magnetic resonance imaging techniques offer the potential to investigate the relationship between cerebral oxygen delivery and cortical microstructural development in newborn infants with CHD . Methods and Results We measured cortical macrostructural and microstructural properties in 48 newborn infants with serious or critical CHD and 48 age-matched healthy controls. Cortical volume and gyrification index were calculated from high-resolution structural magnetic resonance imaging. Neurite density and orientation dispersion indices were modeled using high-angular-resolution diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebral oxygen delivery was estimated in infants with CHD using phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging and preductal pulse oximetry. We used gray matter-based spatial statistics to examine voxel-wise group differences in cortical microstructure. Microstructural development of the cortex was abnormal in 48 infants with CHD , with regions of increased fractional anisotropy and reduced orientation dispersion index compared with 48 healthy controls, correcting for gestational age at birth and scan (family-wise error corrected for multiple comparisons at P<0.05). Regions of reduced cortical orientation dispersion index in infants with CHD were related to impaired cerebral oxygen delivery ( R2=0.637; n=39). Cortical orientation dispersion index was associated with the gyrification index ( R2=0.589; P<0.001; n=48). Conclusions This study suggests that the primary component of cerebral cortex dysmaturation in CHD is impaired dendritic arborization, which may underlie abnormal macrostructural findings reported in this population, and that the degree of impairment is related to reduced cerebral oxygen delivery

    The Developing Human Connectome Project Neonatal Data Release

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    The Developing Human Connectome Project has created a large open science resource which provides researchers with data for investigating typical and atypical brain development across the perinatal period. It has collected 1228 multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain datasets from 1173 fetal and/or neonatal participants, together with collateral demographic, clinical, family, neurocognitive and genomic data from 1173 participants, together with collateral demographic, clinical, family, neurocognitive and genomic data. All subjects were studied in utero and/or soon after birth on a single MRI scanner using specially developed scanning sequences which included novel motion-tolerant imaging methods. Imaging data are complemented by rich demographic, clinical, neurodevelopmental, and genomic information. The project is now releasing a large set of neonatal data; fetal data will be described and released separately. This release includes scans from 783 infants of whom: 583 were healthy infants born at term; as well as preterm infants; and infants at high risk of atypical neurocognitive development. Many infants were imaged more than once to provide longitudinal data, and the total number of datasets being released is 887. We now describe the dHCP image acquisition and processing protocols, summarize the available imaging and collateral data, and provide information on how the data can be accessed

    Sensitivity Encoding for Aligned Multishot Magnetic Resonance Reconstruction

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    Structured low-rank methods for robust 3D multi-shot EPI

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has inherently slow acquisition speed, and Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI), as an efficient acquisition scheme, has been widely used in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) where an image series with high temporal resolution is needed to measure neuronal activity. Recently, 3D multi-shot EPI which samples data from an entire 3D volume with repeated shots has been drawing growing interest for fMRI with its high isotropic spatial resolution, particularly at ultra-high fields. However, compared to single-shot EPI, multi-shot EPI is sensitive to any inter-shot instabilities, e.g., subject movement and even physiologically induced field fluctuations. These inter-shot inconsistencies can greatly negate the theoretical benefits of 3D multi-shot EPI over conventional 2D multi-slice acquisitions. Structured low-rank image reconstruction which regularises under-sampled image reconstruction by exploiting the linear dependencies in MRI data has been successfully demonstrated in a variety of applications. In this thesis, a structured low-rank reconstruction method is optimised for 3D multi-shot EPI imaging together with a dedicated sampling pattern termed seg-CAIPI, in order to enhance the robustness to physiological fluctuations and improve the temporal stability of 3D multi-shot EPI for fMRI at 7T. Moreover, a motion compensated structured low-rank reconstruction framework is also presented for robust 3D multi-shot EPI which further takes into account inter-shot instabilities due to bulk motion. Lastly, this thesis also investigates into the improvement of structured low-rank reconstruction from an algorithmic perspective and presents the locally structured low-rank reconstruction scheme

    Efficient Model-Based Reconstruction for Dynamic MRI

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    Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has important clinical and neuro- science applications (e.g., cardiac disease diagnosis, neurological behavior studies). It captures an object in motion by acquiring data across time, then reconstructing a sequence of images from them. This dissertation considers efficient dynamic MRI reconstruction using handcrafted models, to achieve fast imaging with high spatial and temporal resolution. Our modeling framework considers data acquisition process, image properties, and artifact correction. The reconstruction model expressed as a large-scale inverse problem requires optimization algorithms to solve, and we consider efficient implementations that make use of underlying problem structures. In the context of dynamic MRI reconstruction, we investigate efficient updates in two frameworks of algorithms for solving a nonsmooth composite convex optimization problem for the low-rank plus sparse (L+S) model. In the proximal gradient framework, current algorithms for the L+S model involve the classical iterative soft thresholding algorithm (ISTA); we consider two accelerated alternatives, one based on the fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA), and the other with the recent proximal optimized gradient method (POGM). In the augmented Lagrangian (AL) framework, we propose an efficient variable splitting scheme based on the form of the data acquisition operator, leading to simpler computation than the conjugate gradient (CG) approach required by existing AL methods. Numerical results suggest faster convergence of our efficient implementations in both frameworks, with POGM providing the fastest convergence overall and the practical benefit of being free of algorithm tuning parameters. In the context of magnetic field inhomogeneity correction, we present an efficient algorithm for a regularized field inhomogeneity estimation problem. Most existing minimization techniques are computationally or memory intensive for 3D datasets, and are designed for single-coil MRI. We consider 3D MRI with optional consideration of coil sensitivity and a generalized expression that addresses both multi-echo field map estimation and water-fat imaging. Our efficient algorithm uses a preconditioned nonlinear conjugate gradient method based on an incomplete Cholesky factorization of the Hessian of the cost function, along with a monotonic line search. Numerical experiments show the computational advantage of the proposed algorithm over state- of-the-art methods with similar memory requirements. In the context of task-based functional MRI (fMRI) reconstruction, we introduce a space-time model that represents an fMRI timeseries as a sum of task-correlated signal and non-task background. Our model consists of a spatiotemporal decomposition based on assumptions of the activation waveform shape, with spatial and temporal smoothness regularization on the magnitude and phase of the timeseries. Compared with two contemporary task fMRI decomposition models, our proposed model yields better timeseries and activation maps on simulated and human subject fMRI datasets with multiple tasks. The above examples are part of a larger framework for model-based dynamic MRI reconstruction. This dissertation concludes by presenting a general framework with flexibility on model assumptions and artifact compensation options (e.g., field inhomogeneity, head motion), and proposing future work ideas on both the framework and its connection to data acquisition.PHDApplied and Interdisciplinary MathematicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/168081/1/yilinlin_1.pd

    The development and application of structural priors for diffuse optical imaging in infants from newborn to two years of age

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    This thesis describes the development and application of age-appropriate structural priors to improve the localisation accuracy of diffuse optical tomography (DOT) approaches in infants aged from birth to two years of age. Knowledge of the target cranial anatomy, known as a structural prior, is required to produce three-dimensional images localising concentration changes to the cortex. A structural prior would ideally be subject-specific, i.e. derived from structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from each specific subject. Requiring a structural scan from every infant participant, however, is not feasible and undermines many of the benefits of DOT. A review was conducted to catalogue available infant structural MRI data, and selected data was then used to produce structural priors for infants aged 1- to 24-months. Conventional analyses using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) implicitly assume that head size and array position are constant across infants. Using DOT, the validity of assuming these parameters constant in a longitudinal infant cohort was investigated. The results show that this assumption is reasonable at the group-level in infants aged 5- to 12-months but becomes less valid for smaller group sizes. A DOT approach was determined to illicit more subtle effects of activation, particularly for smaller group sizes and expected responses. Using state-of-the-art MRI data from the Developing Human Connectome Project, a database of structural priors of the neonatal head was produced for infants aged pre-term to term-equivalent age. A leave-one-out approach was used to determine how best to find a match between a given infant and a model from the database, and how best to spatially register the model to minimise the anatomical and localisation errors relative to subject-specific anatomy. Model selection based on the 10/20 scalp positions was determined to be the best method (of those based on external features of the head) to minimise these errors