4,162 research outputs found

    Multiple-Level Power Allocation Strategy for Secondary Users in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a multiple-level power allocation strategy for the secondary user (SU) in cognitive radio (CR) networks. Different from the conventional strategies, where SU either stays silent or transmit with a constant/binary power depending on the busy/idle status of the primary user (PU), the proposed strategy allows SU to choose different power levels according to a carefully designed function of the receiving energy. The way of the power level selection is optimized to maximize the achievable rate of SU under the constraints of average transmit power at SU and average interference power at PU. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed strategy can significantly improve the performance of SU compared to the conventional strategies.Comment: 12 page

    Error Rate Analysis of Cognitive Radio Transmissions with Imperfect Channel Sensing

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    This paper studies the symbol error rate performance of cognitive radio transmissions in the presence of imperfect sensing decisions. Two different transmission schemes, namely sensing-based spectrum sharing (SSS) and opportunistic spectrum access (OSA), are considered. In both schemes, secondary users first perform channel sensing, albeit with possible errors. In SSS, depending on the sensing decisions, they adapt the transmission power level and coexist with primary users in the channel. On the other hand, in OSA, secondary users are allowed to transmit only when the primary user activity is not detected. Initially, for both transmission schemes, general formulations for the optimal decision rule and error probabilities are provided for arbitrary modulation schemes under the assumptions that the receiver is equipped with the sensing decision and perfect knowledge of the channel fading, and the primary user's received faded signals at the secondary receiver has a Gaussian mixture distribution. Subsequently, the general approach is specialized to rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). More specifically, optimal decision rule is characterized for rectangular QAM, and closed-form expressions for the average symbol error probability attained with the optimal detector are derived under both transmit power and interference constraints. The effects of imperfect channel sensing decisions, interference from the primary user and its Gaussian mixture model, and the transmit power and interference constraints on the error rate performance of cognitive transmissions are analyzed

    Joint Spectrum Sensing and Resource Allocation for OFDM-based Transmission with a Cognitive Relay

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    In this paper, we investigate the joint spectrum sensing and resource allocation problem to maximize throughput capacity of an OFDM-based cognitive radio link with a cognitive relay. By applying a cognitive relay that uses decode and forward (D&F), we achieve more reliable communications, generating less interference (by needing less transmit power) and more diversity gain. In order to account for imperfections in spectrum sensing, the proposed schemes jointly modify energy detector thresholds and allocates transmit powers to all cognitive radio (CR) subcarriers, while simultaneously assigning subcarrier pairs for secondary users (SU) and the cognitive relay. This problem is cast as a constrained optimization problem with constraints on (1) interference introduced by the SU and the cognitive relay to the PUs; (2) miss-detection and false alarm probabilities and (3) subcarrier pairing for transmission on the SU transmitter and the cognitive relay and (4) minimum Quality of Service (QoS) for each CR subcarrier. We propose one optimal and two sub-optimal schemes all of which are compared to other schemes in the literature. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes achieve significantly higher throughput than other schemes in the literature for different relay situations.Comment: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum 14(1): e4 Published 13th Apr 201

    Power-Optimal Feedback-Based Random Spectrum Access for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive User

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    In this paper, we study and analyze cognitive radio networks in which secondary users (SUs) are equipped with Energy Harvesting (EH) capability. We design a random spectrum sensing and access protocol for the SU that exploits the primary link's feedback and requires less average sensing time. Unlike previous works proposed earlier in literature, we do not assume perfect feedback. Instead, we take into account the more practical possibilities of overhearing unreliable feedback signals and accommodate spectrum sensing errors. Moreover, we assume an interference-based channel model where the receivers are equipped with multi-packet reception (MPR) capability. Furthermore, we perform power allocation at the SU with the objective of maximizing the secondary throughput under constraints that maintain certain quality-of-service (QoS) measures for the primary user (PU)

    Spectrum Coordination in Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Device coordination in open spectrum systems is a challenging problem, particularly since users experience varying spectrum availability over time and location. In this paper, we propose a game theoretical approach that allows cognitive radio pairs, namely the primary user (PU) and the secondary user (SU), to update their transmission powers and frequencies simultaneously. Specifically, we address a Stackelberg game model in which individual users attempt to hierarchically access to the wireless spectrum while maximizing their energy efficiency. A thorough analysis of the existence, uniqueness and characterization of the Stackelberg equilibrium is conducted. In particular, we show that a spectrum coordination naturally occurs when both actors in the system decide sequentially about their powers and their transmitting carriers. As a result, spectrum sensing in such a situation turns out to be a simple detection of the presence/absence of a transmission on each sub-band. We also show that when users experience very different channel gains on their two carriers, they may choose to transmit on the same carrier at the Stackelberg equilibrium as this contributes enough energy efficiency to outweigh the interference degradation caused by the mutual transmission. Then, we provide an algorithmic analysis on how the PU and the SU can reach such a spectrum coordination using an appropriate learning process. We validate our results through extensive simulations and compare the proposed algorithm to some typical scenarios including the non-cooperative case and the throughput-based-utility systems. Typically, it is shown that the proposed Stackelberg decision approach optimizes the energy efficiency while still maximizing the throughput at the equilibrium.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog