3 research outputs found

    Sets Represented as the Length-n Factors of a Word

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    In this paper we consider the following problems: how many different subsets of Sigma^n can occur as set of all length-n factors of a finite word? If a subset is representable, how long a word do we need to represent it? How many such subsets are represented by words of length t? For the first problem, we give upper and lower bounds of the form alpha^(2^n) in the binary case. For the second problem, we give a weak upper bound and some experimental data. For the third problem, we give a closed-form formula in the case where n <= t < 2n. Algorithmic variants of these problems have previously been studied under the name "shortest common superstring"

    Two results on words

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    The study of combinatorial patterns of words has raised great interest since the early 20th century. In this master's thesis presentation we study two combinatorial patterns. The first pattern is “abelian k-th power free” and the second one is “representability of sets of words of equal length”. For the first pattern we study the context-freeness of non-abelian k-th powers. A word is a non-abelian k-th power if it cannot be factorized in the form w1w2...wk where the wi are permutations of w1 for 2 ≤ i ≤ k. We show that neither the language of non-abelian squares nor the language of non- abelian cubes is context-free. For the second pattern we study the representability of a set of words of fixed length. A set S of words of length n is representable if there exists some word w such that the set of length-n factors of w equals S. We will give lower and upper bounds for the number of such representable sets. Furthermore, we study a variation of the problem: we fix a length t, and try to evaluate the number of sets of words of length n such that there exists some word w of length t such that the set of length-n factors of w equals S. We give a closed-form formula in the case where n ≤ t < 2n. In particular, we give a characterization on two distinct words having the same subset of length-n factors

    Semiperiodic words and root-conjugacy

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