10,806 research outputs found

    Efficient Version-Space Reduction for Visual Tracking

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    Discrminative trackers, employ a classification approach to separate the target from its background. To cope with variations of the target shape and appearance, the classifier is updated online with different samples of the target and the background. Sample selection, labeling and updating the classifier is prone to various sources of errors that drift the tracker. We introduce the use of an efficient version space shrinking strategy to reduce the labeling errors and enhance its sampling strategy by measuring the uncertainty of the tracker about the samples. The proposed tracker, utilize an ensemble of classifiers that represents different hypotheses about the target, diversify them using boosting to provide a larger and more consistent coverage of the version-space and tune the classifiers' weights in voting. The proposed system adjusts the model update rate by promoting the co-training of the short-memory ensemble with a long-memory oracle. The proposed tracker outperformed state-of-the-art trackers on different sequences bearing various tracking challenges.Comment: CRV'17 Conferenc

    A Survey on Metric Learning for Feature Vectors and Structured Data

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    The need for appropriate ways to measure the distance or similarity between data is ubiquitous in machine learning, pattern recognition and data mining, but handcrafting such good metrics for specific problems is generally difficult. This has led to the emergence of metric learning, which aims at automatically learning a metric from data and has attracted a lot of interest in machine learning and related fields for the past ten years. This survey paper proposes a systematic review of the metric learning literature, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach. We pay particular attention to Mahalanobis distance metric learning, a well-studied and successful framework, but additionally present a wide range of methods that have recently emerged as powerful alternatives, including nonlinear metric learning, similarity learning and local metric learning. Recent trends and extensions, such as semi-supervised metric learning, metric learning for histogram data and the derivation of generalization guarantees, are also covered. Finally, this survey addresses metric learning for structured data, in particular edit distance learning, and attempts to give an overview of the remaining challenges in metric learning for the years to come.Comment: Technical report, 59 pages. Changes in v2: fixed typos and improved presentation. Changes in v3: fixed typos. Changes in v4: fixed typos and new method

    Weakly supervised segment annotation via expectation kernel density estimation

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    Since the labelling for the positive images/videos is ambiguous in weakly supervised segment annotation, negative mining based methods that only use the intra-class information emerge. In these methods, negative instances are utilized to penalize unknown instances to rank their likelihood of being an object, which can be considered as a voting in terms of similarity. However, these methods 1) ignore the information contained in positive bags, 2) only rank the likelihood but cannot generate an explicit decision function. In this paper, we propose a voting scheme involving not only the definite negative instances but also the ambiguous positive instances to make use of the extra useful information in the weakly labelled positive bags. In the scheme, each instance votes for its label with a magnitude arising from the similarity, and the ambiguous positive instances are assigned soft labels that are iteratively updated during the voting. It overcomes the limitations of voting using only the negative bags. We also propose an expectation kernel density estimation (eKDE) algorithm to gain further insight into the voting mechanism. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our scheme beyond the baselines.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Active Collaborative Ensemble Tracking

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    A discriminative ensemble tracker employs multiple classifiers, each of which casts a vote on all of the obtained samples. The votes are then aggregated in an attempt to localize the target object. Such method relies on collective competence and the diversity of the ensemble to approach the target/non-target classification task from different views. However, by updating all of the ensemble using a shared set of samples and their final labels, such diversity is lost or reduced to the diversity provided by the underlying features or internal classifiers' dynamics. Additionally, the classifiers do not exchange information with each other while striving to serve the collective goal, i.e., better classification. In this study, we propose an active collaborative information exchange scheme for ensemble tracking. This, not only orchestrates different classifier towards a common goal but also provides an intelligent update mechanism to keep the diversity of classifiers and to mitigate the shortcomings of one with the others. The data exchange is optimized with regard to an ensemble uncertainty utility function, and the ensemble is updated via co-training. The evaluations demonstrate promising results realized by the proposed algorithm for the real-world online tracking.Comment: AVSS 2017 Submissio

    Online supervised hashing

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    Fast nearest neighbor search is becoming more and more crucial given the advent of large-scale data in many computer vision applications. Hashing approaches provide both fast search mechanisms and compact index structures to address this critical need. In image retrieval problems where labeled training data is available, supervised hashing methods prevail over unsupervised methods. Most state-of-the-art supervised hashing approaches employ batch-learners. Unfortunately, batch-learning strategies may be inefficient when confronted with large datasets. Moreover, with batch-learners, it is unclear how to adapt the hash functions as the dataset continues to grow and new variations appear over time. To handle these issues, we propose OSH: an Online Supervised Hashing technique that is based on Error Correcting Output Codes. We consider a stochastic setting where the data arrives sequentially and our method learns and adapts its hashing functions in a discriminative manner. Our method makes no assumption about the number of possible class labels, and accommodates new classes as they are presented in the incoming data stream. In experiments with three image retrieval benchmarks, our method yields state-of-the-art retrieval performance as measured in Mean Average Precision, while also being orders-of-magnitude faster than competing batch methods for supervised hashing. Also, our method significantly outperforms recently introduced online hashing solutions.https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/555b/de4f14630d8606e37096235da8933df228f1.pdfAccepted manuscrip