1,245 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised Deep Generative Modelling of Incomplete Multi-Modality Emotional Data

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    There are threefold challenges in emotion recognition. First, it is difficult to recognize human's emotional states only considering a single modality. Second, it is expensive to manually annotate the emotional data. Third, emotional data often suffers from missing modalities due to unforeseeable sensor malfunction or configuration issues. In this paper, we address all these problems under a novel multi-view deep generative framework. Specifically, we propose to model the statistical relationships of multi-modality emotional data using multiple modality-specific generative networks with a shared latent space. By imposing a Gaussian mixture assumption on the posterior approximation of the shared latent variables, our framework can learn the joint deep representation from multiple modalities and evaluate the importance of each modality simultaneously. To solve the labeled-data-scarcity problem, we extend our multi-view model to semi-supervised learning scenario by casting the semi-supervised classification problem as a specialized missing data imputation task. To address the missing-modality problem, we further extend our semi-supervised multi-view model to deal with incomplete data, where a missing view is treated as a latent variable and integrated out during inference. This way, the proposed overall framework can utilize all available (both labeled and unlabeled, as well as both complete and incomplete) data to improve its generalization ability. The experiments conducted on two real multi-modal emotion datasets demonstrated the superiority of our framework.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.07548, 2018 ACM Multimedia Conference (MM'18

    Semi-supervised Multi-modal Emotion Recognition with Cross-Modal Distribution Matching

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    Automatic emotion recognition is an active research topic with wide range of applications. Due to the high manual annotation cost and inevitable label ambiguity, the development of emotion recognition dataset is limited in both scale and quality. Therefore, one of the key challenges is how to build effective models with limited data resource. Previous works have explored different approaches to tackle this challenge including data enhancement, transfer learning, and semi-supervised learning etc. However, the weakness of these existing approaches includes such as training instability, large performance loss during transfer, or marginal improvement. In this work, we propose a novel semi-supervised multi-modal emotion recognition model based on cross-modality distribution matching, which leverages abundant unlabeled data to enhance the model training under the assumption that the inner emotional status is consistent at the utterance level across modalities. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed model on two benchmark datasets, IEMOCAP and MELD. The experiment results prove that the proposed semi-supervised learning model can effectively utilize unlabeled data and combine multi-modalities to boost the emotion recognition performance, which outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches under the same condition. The proposed model also achieves competitive capacity compared with existing approaches which take advantage of additional auxiliary information such as speaker and interaction context.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be published on ACM Multimedia 202

    A Concise yet Effective model for Non-Aligned Incomplete Multi-view and Missing Multi-label Learning

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    In reality, learning from multi-view multi-label data inevitably confronts three challenges: missing labels, incomplete views, and non-aligned views. Existing methods mainly concern the first two and commonly need multiple assumptions to attack them, making even state-of-the-arts involve at least two explicit hyper-parameters such that model selection is quite difficult. More roughly, they will fail in handling the third challenge, let alone addressing the three jointly. In this paper, we aim at meeting these under the least assumption by building a concise yet effective model with just one hyper-parameter. To ease insufficiency of available labels, we exploit not only the consensus of multiple views but also the global and local structures hidden among multiple labels. Specifically, we introduce an indicator matrix to tackle the first two challenges in a regression form while aligning the same individual labels and all labels of different views in a common label space to battle the third challenge. In aligning, we characterize the global and local structures of multiple labels to be high-rank and low-rank, respectively. Subsequently, an efficient algorithm with linear time complexity in the number of samples is established. Finally, even without view-alignment, our method substantially outperforms state-of-the-arts with view-alignment on five real datasets.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Discriminative Multimodal Learning via Conditional Priors in Generative Models

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    Deep generative models with latent variables have been used lately to learn joint representations and generative processes from multi-modal data. These two learning mechanisms can, however, conflict with each other and representations can fail to embed information on the data modalities. This research studies the realistic scenario in which all modalities and class labels are available for model training, but where some modalities and labels required for downstream tasks are missing. We show, in this scenario, that the variational lower bound limits mutual information between joint representations and missing modalities. We, to counteract these problems, introduce a novel conditional multi-modal discriminative model that uses an informative prior distribution and optimizes a likelihood-free objective function that maximizes mutual information between joint representations and missing modalities. Extensive experimentation demonstrates the benefits of our proposed model, empirical results show that our model achieves state-of-the-art results in representative problems such as downstream classification, acoustic inversion, and image and annotation generation

    Inconsistent Matters: A Knowledge-guided Dual-consistency Network for Multi-modal Rumor Detection

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    Rumor spreaders are increasingly utilizing multimedia content to attract the attention and trust of news consumers. Though quite a few rumor detection models have exploited the multi-modal data, they seldom consider the inconsistent semantics between images and texts, and rarely spot the inconsistency among the post contents and background knowledge. In addition, they commonly assume the completeness of multiple modalities and thus are incapable of handling handle missing modalities in real-life scenarios. Motivated by the intuition that rumors in social media are more likely to have inconsistent semantics, a novel Knowledge-guided Dual-consistency Network is proposed to detect rumors with multimedia contents. It uses two consistency detection subnetworks to capture the inconsistency at the cross-modal level and the content-knowledge level simultaneously. It also enables robust multi-modal representation learning under different missing visual modality conditions, using a special token to discriminate between posts with visual modality and posts without visual modality. Extensive experiments on three public real-world multimedia datasets demonstrate that our framework can outperform the state-of-the-art baselines under both complete and incomplete modality conditions. Our codes are available at https://github.com/MengzSun/KDCN

    Pathway to Future Symbiotic Creativity

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    This report presents a comprehensive view of our vision on the development path of the human-machine symbiotic art creation. We propose a classification of the creative system with a hierarchy of 5 classes, showing the pathway of creativity evolving from a mimic-human artist (Turing Artists) to a Machine artist in its own right. We begin with an overview of the limitations of the Turing Artists then focus on the top two-level systems, Machine Artists, emphasizing machine-human communication in art creation. In art creation, it is necessary for machines to understand humans' mental states, including desires, appreciation, and emotions, humans also need to understand machines' creative capabilities and limitations. The rapid development of immersive environment and further evolution into the new concept of metaverse enable symbiotic art creation through unprecedented flexibility of bi-directional communication between artists and art manifestation environments. By examining the latest sensor and XR technologies, we illustrate the novel way for art data collection to constitute the base of a new form of human-machine bidirectional communication and understanding in art creation. Based on such communication and understanding mechanisms, we propose a novel framework for building future Machine artists, which comes with the philosophy that a human-compatible AI system should be based on the "human-in-the-loop" principle rather than the traditional "end-to-end" dogma. By proposing a new form of inverse reinforcement learning model, we outline the platform design of machine artists, demonstrate its functions and showcase some examples of technologies we have developed. We also provide a systematic exposition of the ecosystem for AI-based symbiotic art form and community with an economic model built on NFT technology. Ethical issues for the development of machine artists are also discussed

    Enhancing Modality-Agnostic Representations via Meta-Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation

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    In medical vision, different imaging modalities provide complementary information. However, in practice, not all modalities may be available during inference or even training. Previous approaches, e.g., knowledge distillation or image synthesis, often assume the availability of full modalities for all patients during training; this is unrealistic and impractical due to the variability in data collection across sites. We propose a novel approach to learn enhanced modality-agnostic representations by employing a meta-learning strategy in training, even when only limited full modality samples are available. Meta-learning enhances partial modality representations to full modality representations by meta-training on partial modality data and meta-testing on limited full modality samples. Additionally, we co-supervise this feature enrichment by introducing an auxiliary adversarial learning branch. More specifically, a missing modality detector is used as a discriminator to mimic the full modality setting. Our segmentation framework significantly outperforms state-of-the-art brain tumor segmentation techniques in missing modality scenarios.Comment: Accepted in ICCV 202

    Modelling Digital Media Objects

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