52,946 research outputs found

    Subrings invariant under endomorphisms

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    Let S and R be the rings of regular functions on affine algebraic varieties over a field of characteristic 0, R be embedded as a subring in S, and F : S --> S be an endomorphism such that F(R) subset R. Suppose that every ideal of height 1 in R generates a proper ideal in S, and the spectrum of R has no selfintersection points. We show that if F is an automorphism so is F|_R : R --> R. When R and S have the same transcendence degree then the fact that F|_R is an automorphisms implies that F is an automorphism.Comment: 16 page

    Equivariant virtual Betti numbers

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    We define a generalised Euler characteristic for arc-symmetric sets endowed with a group action. It coincides with equivariant homology for compact nonsingular sets, but is different in general. We lay emphasis on the particular case of Z/2ZZ/2\Z, and give an application to the study of the singularities of Nash function germs via an analog of the motivic zeta function of Denef & Loeser.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourie
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