465 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised Adapted HMMs for Unusual Event Detection

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    We address the problem of temporal unusual event detection. Unusual events are characterized by a number of features (rarity, unexpectedness, and relevance) that limit the application of traditional supervised model-based approaches. We propose a semi-supervised adapted Hidden Markov Model (HMM) framework, in which usual event models are first learned from a large amount of (commonly available) training data, while unusual event models are learned by Bayesian adaptation in an unsupervised manner. The proposed framework has an iterative structure, which adapts a new unusual event model at each iteration. We show that such a framework can address problems due to the scarcity of training data and the difficulty in pre-defining unusual events. Experiments on audio, visual, and audio-visual data streams illustrate its effectiveness, compared with both supervised and unsupervised baseline methods

    Probabilistic Graphical Models for Human Interaction Analysis

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop probabilistic graphical models for analyzing human interaction in meetings based on multimodel cues. We use meeting as a study case of human interactions since research shows that high complexity information is mostly exchanged through face-to-face interactions. Modeling human interaction provides several challenging research issues for the machine learning community. In meetings, each participant is a multimodal data stream. Modeling human interaction involves simultaneous recording and analysis of multiple multimodal streams. These streams may be asynchronous, have different frame rates, exhibit different stationarity properties, and carry complementary (or correlated) information. In this thesis, we developed three probabilistic graphical models for human interaction analysis. The proposed models use the ``probabilistic graphical model'' formalism, a formalism that exploits the conjoined capabilities of graph theory and probability theory to build complex models out of simpler pieces. We first introduce the multi-layer framework, in which the first layer models typical individual activity from low-level audio-visual features, and the second layer models the interactions. The two layers are linked by a set of posterior probability-based features. Next, we describe the team-player influence model, which learns the influence of interacting Markov chains within a team. The team-player influence model has a two-level structure: individual-level and group-level. Individual level models actions of each player, and the group-level models actions of the team as a whole. The influence of each player on the team is jointly learned with the rest of the model parameters in a principled manner using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Finally, we describe the semi-supervised adapted HMMs for unusual event detection. Unusual events are characterized by a number of features (rarity, unexpectedness, and relevance) that limit the application of traditional supervised model-based approaches. We propose a semi-supervised adapted Hidden Markov Model (HMM) framework, in which usual event models are first learned from a large amount of (commonly available) training data, while unusual event models are learned by Bayesian adaptation in an unsupervised manner

    Measuring the Influence of Observations in HMMs through the Kullback-Leibler Distance

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    We measure the influence of individual observations on the sequence of the hidden states of the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) by means of the Kullback-Leibler distance (KLD). Namely, we consider the KLD between the conditional distribution of the hidden states' chain given the complete sequence of observations and the conditional distribution of the hidden chain given all the observations but the one under consideration. We introduce a linear complexity algorithm for computing the influence of all the observations. As an illustration, we investigate the application of our algorithm to the problem of detecting outliers in HMM data series

    Efficient duration modelling in the hierarchical hidden semi-Markov models and their applications

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    Modeling patterns in temporal data has arisen as an important problem in engineering and science. This has led to the popularity of several dynamic models, in particular the renowned hidden Markov model (HMM) [Rabiner, 1989]. Despite its widespread success in many cases, the standard HMM often fails to model more complex data whose elements are correlated hierarchically or over a long period. Such problems are, however, frequently encountered in practice. Existing efforts to overcome this weakness often address either one of these two aspects separately, mainly due to computational intractability. Motivated by this modeling challenge in many real world problems, in particular, for video surveillance and segmentation, this thesis aims to develop tractable probabilistic models that can jointly model duration and hierarchical information in a unified framework. We believe that jointly exploiting statistical strength from both properties will lead to more accurate and robust models for the needed task. To tackle the modeling aspect, we base our work on an intersection between dynamic graphical models and statistics of lifetime modeling. Realizing that the key bottleneck found in the existing works lies in the choice of the distribution for a state, we have successfully integrated the discrete Coxian distribution [Cox, 1955], a special class of phase-type distributions, into the HMM to form a novel and powerful stochastic model termed as the Coxian Hidden Semi-Markov Model (CxHSMM). We show that this model can still be expressed as a dynamic Bayesian network, and inference and learning can be derived analytically.Most importantly, it has four superior features over existing semi-Markov modelling: the parameter space is compact, computation is fast (almost the same as the HMM), close-formed estimation can be derived, and the Coxian is flexible enough to approximate a large class of distributions. Next, we exploit hierarchical decomposition in the data by borrowing analogy from the hierarchical hidden Markov model in [Fine et al., 1998, Bui et al., 2004] and introduce a new type of shallow structured graphical model that combines both duration and hierarchical modelling into a unified framework, termed the Coxian Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Models (CxSHSMM). The top layer is a Markov sequence of switching variables, while the bottom layer is a sequence of concatenated CxHSMMs whose parameters are determined by the switching variable at the top. Again, we provide a thorough analysis along with inference and learning machinery. We also show that semi-Markov models with arbitrary depth structure can easily be developed. In all cases we further address two practical issues: missing observations to unstable tracking and the use of partially labelled data to improve training accuracy. Motivated by real-world problems, our application contribution is a framework to recognize complex activities of daily livings (ADLs) and detect anomalies to provide better intelligent caring services for the elderly.Coarser activities with self duration distributions are represented using the CxHSMM. Complex activities are made of a sequence of coarser activities and represented at the top level in the CxSHSMM. Intensive experiments are conducted to evaluate our solutions against existing methods. In many cases, the superiority of the joint modeling and the Coxian parameterization over traditional methods is confirmed. The robustness of our proposed models is further demonstrated in a series of more challenging experiments, in which the tracking is often lost and activities considerably overlap. Our final contribution is an application of the switching Coxian model to segment education-oriented videos into coherent topical units. Our results again demonstrate such segmentation processes can benefit greatly from the joint modeling of duration and hierarchy

    Subspace discovery for video anomaly detection

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    PhDIn automated video surveillance anomaly detection is a challenging task. We address this task as a novelty detection problem where pattern description is limited and labelling information is available only for a small sample of normal instances. Classification under these conditions is prone to over-fitting. The contribution of this work is to propose a novel video abnormality detection method that does not need object detection and tracking. The method is based on subspace learning to discover a subspace where abnormality detection is easier to perform, without the need of detailed annotation and description of these patterns. The problem is formulated as one-class classification utilising a low dimensional subspace, where a novelty classifier is used to learn normal actions automatically and then to detect abnormal actions from low-level features extracted from a region of interest. The subspace is discovered (using both labelled and unlabelled data) by a locality preserving graph-based algorithm that utilises the Graph Laplacian of a specially designed parameter-less nearest neighbour graph. The methodology compares favourably with alternative subspace learning algorithms (both linear and non-linear) and direct one-class classification schemes commonly used for off-line abnormality detection in synthetic and real data. Based on these findings, the framework is extended to on-line abnormality detection in video sequences, utilising multiple independent detectors deployed over the image frame to learn the local normal patterns and infer abnormality for the complete scene. The method is compared with an alternative linear method to establish advantages and limitations in on-line abnormality detection scenarios. Analysis shows that the alternative approach is better suited for cases where the subspace learning is restricted on the labelled samples, while in the presence of additional unlabelled data the proposed approach using graph-based subspace learning is more appropriate
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