25 research outputs found

    Semi-Dense 3D Reconstruction with a Stereo Event Camera

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    Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that offer several advantages, such as low latency, high-speed and high dynamic range, to tackle challenging scenarios in computer vision. This paper presents a solution to the problem of 3D reconstruction from data captured by a stereo event-camera rig moving in a static scene, such as in the context of stereo Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. The proposed method consists of the optimization of an energy function designed to exploit small-baseline spatio-temporal consistency of events triggered across both stereo image planes. To improve the density of the reconstruction and to reduce the uncertainty of the estimation, a probabilistic depth-fusion strategy is also developed. The resulting method has no special requirements on either the motion of the stereo event-camera rig or on prior knowledge about the scene. Experiments demonstrate our method can deal with both texture-rich scenes as well as sparse scenes, outperforming state-of-the-art stereo methods based on event data image representations.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, Video: https://youtu.be/Qrnpj2FD1e

    Exploiting Structural Regularities and Beyond: Vision-based Localization and Mapping in Man-Made Environments

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    Image-based estimation of camera motion, known as visual odometry (VO), plays a very important role in many robotic applications such as control and navigation of unmanned mobile robots, especially when no external navigation reference signal is available. The core problem of VO is the estimation of the camera’s ego-motion (i.e. tracking) either between successive frames, namely relative pose estimation, or with respect to a global map, namely absolute pose estimation. This thesis aims to develop efficient, accurate and robust VO solutions by taking advantage of structural regularities in man-made environments, such as piece-wise planar structures, Manhattan World and more generally, contours and edges. Furthermore, to handle challenging scenarios that are beyond the limits of classical sensor based VO solutions, we investigate a recently emerging sensor — the event camera and study on event-based mapping — one of the key problems in the event-based VO/SLAM. The main achievements are summarized as follows. First, we revisit an old topic on relative pose estimation: accurately and robustly estimating the fundamental matrix given a collection of independently estimated homograhies. Three classical methods are reviewed and then we show a simple but nontrivial two-step normalization within the direct linear method that achieves similar performance to the less attractive and more computationally intensive hallucinated points based method. Second, an efficient 3D rotation estimation algorithm for depth cameras in piece-wise planar environments is presented. It shows that by using surface normal vectors as an input, planar modes in the corresponding density distribution function can be discovered and continuously tracked using efficient non-parametric estimation techniques. The relative rotation can be estimated by registering entire bundles of planar modes by using robust L1-norm minimization. Third, an efficient alternative to the iterative closest point algorithm for real-time tracking of modern depth cameras in ManhattanWorlds is developed. We exploit the common orthogonal structure of man-made environments in order to decouple the estimation of the rotation and the three degrees of freedom of the translation. The derived camera orientation is absolute and thus free of long-term drift, which in turn benefits the accuracy of the translation estimation as well. Fourth, we look into a more general structural regularity—edges. A real-time VO system that uses Canny edges is proposed for RGB-D cameras. Two novel alternatives to classical distance transforms are developed with great properties that significantly improve the classical Euclidean distance field based methods in terms of efficiency, accuracy and robustness. Finally, to deal with challenging scenarios that go beyond what standard RGB/RGB-D cameras can handle, we investigate the recently emerging event camera and focus on the problem of 3D reconstruction from data captured by a stereo event-camera rig moving in a static scene, such as in the context of stereo Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

    CED: Color Event Camera Dataset

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    Event cameras are novel, bio-inspired visual sensors, whose pixels output asynchronous and independent timestamped spikes at local intensity changes, called 'events'. Event cameras offer advantages over conventional frame-based cameras in terms of latency, high dynamic range (HDR) and temporal resolution. Until recently, event cameras have been limited to outputting events in the intensity channel, however, recent advances have resulted in the development of color event cameras, such as the Color-DAVIS346. In this work, we present and release the first Color Event Camera Dataset (CED), containing 50 minutes of footage with both color frames and events. CED features a wide variety of indoor and outdoor scenes, which we hope will help drive forward event-based vision research. We also present an extension of the event camera simulator ESIM that enables simulation of color events. Finally, we present an evaluation of three state-of-the-art image reconstruction methods that can be used to convert the Color-DAVIS346 into a continuous-time, HDR, color video camera to visualise the event stream, and for use in downstream vision applications.Comment: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop

    Self-supervised Event-based Monocular Depth Estimation using Cross-modal Consistency

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    An event camera is a novel vision sensor that can capture per-pixel brightness changes and output a stream of asynchronous ``events''. It has advantages over conventional cameras in those scenes with high-speed motions and challenging lighting conditions because of the high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, low bandwidth, low power consumption, and no motion blur. Therefore, several supervised monocular depth estimation from events is proposed to address scenes difficult for conventional cameras. However, depth annotation is costly and time-consuming. In this paper, to lower the annotation cost, we propose a self-supervised event-based monocular depth estimation framework named EMoDepth. EMoDepth constrains the training process using the cross-modal consistency from intensity frames that are aligned with events in the pixel coordinate. Moreover, in inference, only events are used for monocular depth prediction. Additionally, we design a multi-scale skip-connection architecture to effectively fuse features for depth estimation while maintaining high inference speed. Experiments on MVSEC and DSEC datasets demonstrate that our contributions are effective and that the accuracy can outperform existing supervised event-based and unsupervised frame-based methods.Comment: Accepted by IROS202

    Stereo Event-based Visual-Inertial Odometry

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    Event-based cameras are new type vision sensors whose pixels work independently and respond asynchronously to brightness change with microsecond resolution, instead of providing standard intensity frames. Compared with traditional cameras, event-based cameras have low latency, no motion blur, and high dynamic range (HDR), which provide possibilities for robots to deal with some challenging scenes. We propose a visual-inertial odometry for stereo event-based cameras based on Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF). The visual module updates the pose relies on the edge alignment of a semi-dense 3D map to a 2D image, and the IMU module updates pose by median integral. We evaluate our method on public datasets with general 6-DoF motion and compare the results against ground truth. We show that our proposed pipeline provides improved accuracy over the result of the state-of-the-art visual odometry for stereo event-based cameras, while running in real-time on a standard CPU (low-resolution cameras). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first published visual-inertial odometry for stereo event-based cameras