441 research outputs found

    A survey of comics research in computer science

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    Graphical novels such as comics and mangas are well known all over the world. The digital transition started to change the way people are reading comics, more and more on smartphones and tablets and less and less on paper. In the recent years, a wide variety of research about comics has been proposed and might change the way comics are created, distributed and read in future years. Early work focuses on low level document image analysis: indeed comic books are complex, they contains text, drawings, balloon, panels, onomatopoeia, etc. Different fields of computer science covered research about user interaction and content generation such as multimedia, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, etc. with different sets of values. We propose in this paper to review the previous research about comics in computer science, to state what have been done and to give some insights about the main outlooks

    Collaborative Neural Rendering using Anime Character Sheets

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    Drawing images of characters with desired poses is an essential but laborious task in anime production. Assisting artists to create is a research hotspot in recent years. In this paper, we present the Collaborative Neural Rendering (CoNR) method, which creates new images for specified poses from a few reference images (AKA Character Sheets). In general, the diverse hairstyles and garments of anime characters defies the employment of universal body models like SMPL, which fits in most nude human shapes. To overcome this, CoNR uses a compact and easy-to-obtain landmark encoding to avoid creating a unified UV mapping in the pipeline. In addition, the performance of CoNR can be significantly improved when referring to multiple reference images, thanks to feature space cross-view warping in a carefully designed neural network. Moreover, we have collected a character sheet dataset containing over 700,000 hand-drawn and synthesized images of diverse poses to facilitate research in this area. Our code and demo are available at https://github.com/megvii-research/IJCAI2023-CoNR.Comment: The first three authors contribute equally. In the Arts and Creativity Track of IJCAI202

    Computer-assisted animation creation techniques for hair animation and shade, highlight, and shadow

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3062号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2010/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新532

    DEsignBench: Exploring and Benchmarking DALL-E 3 for Imagining Visual Design

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    We introduce DEsignBench, a text-to-image (T2I) generation benchmark tailored for visual design scenarios. Recent T2I models like DALL-E 3 and others, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating photorealistic images that align closely with textual inputs. While the allure of creating visually captivating images is undeniable, our emphasis extends beyond mere aesthetic pleasure. We aim to investigate the potential of using these powerful models in authentic design contexts. In pursuit of this goal, we develop DEsignBench, which incorporates test samples designed to assess T2I models on both "design technical capability" and "design application scenario." Each of these two dimensions is supported by a diverse set of specific design categories. We explore DALL-E 3 together with other leading T2I models on DEsignBench, resulting in a comprehensive visual gallery for side-by-side comparisons. For DEsignBench benchmarking, we perform human evaluations on generated images in DEsignBench gallery, against the criteria of image-text alignment, visual aesthetic, and design creativity. Our evaluation also considers other specialized design capabilities, including text rendering, layout composition, color harmony, 3D design, and medium style. In addition to human evaluations, we introduce the first automatic image generation evaluator powered by GPT-4V. This evaluator provides ratings that align well with human judgments, while being easily replicable and cost-efficient. A high-resolution version is available at https://github.com/design-bench/design-bench.github.io/raw/main/designbench.pdf?download=Comment: Project page at https://design-bench.github.io

    Automatic Animation of Hair Blowing in Still Portrait Photos

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    We propose a novel approach to animate human hair in a still portrait photo. Existing work has largely studied the animation of fluid elements such as water and fire. However, hair animation for a real image remains underexplored, which is a challenging problem, due to the high complexity of hair structure and dynamics. Considering the complexity of hair structure, we innovatively treat hair wisp extraction as an instance segmentation problem, where a hair wisp is referred to as an instance. With advanced instance segmentation networks, our method extracts meaningful and natural hair wisps. Furthermore, we propose a wisp-aware animation module that animates hair wisps with pleasing motions without noticeable artifacts. The extensive experiments show the superiority of our method. Our method provides the most pleasing and compelling viewing experience in the qualitative experiments and outperforms state-of-the-art still-image animation methods by a large margin in the quantitative evaluation. Project url: \url{https://nevergiveu.github.io/AutomaticHairBlowing/}Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    Reoriented Illustration: Towards the Networked Image

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    In recent years there has emerged an increasing theoretical and contextual impetus from within the discipline of illustration that would seek to define the practice by authorial approaches to the production and distribution of illustrated content. The priority of this investigation is the attempt to imagine a theoretical landscape or environment in which an ‘authorial turn’ within the discipline might emerge and anchor itself to strategies outside of persisting colloquial or industrial notions of illustration practice. Specifically, this paper aims to tie such thinking to existing practices and concepts relevant to the contemporary construction, distribution and exchange of networked images

    Unsupervised quantification of entity consistency between photos and text in real-world news

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    Das World Wide Web und die sozialen Medien übernehmen im heutigen Informationszeitalter eine wichtige Rolle für die Vermittlung von Nachrichten und Informationen. In der Regel werden verschiedene Modalitäten im Sinne der Informationskodierung wie beispielsweise Fotos und Text verwendet, um Nachrichten effektiver zu vermitteln oder Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. Kommunikations- und Sprachwissenschaftler erforschen das komplexe Zusammenspiel zwischen Modalitäten seit Jahrzehnten und haben unter Anderem untersucht, wie durch die Kombination der Modalitäten zusätzliche Informationen oder eine neue Bedeutungsebene entstehen können. Die Anzahl gemeinsamer Konzepte oder Entitäten (beispielsweise Personen, Orte und Ereignisse) zwischen Fotos und Text stellen einen wichtigen Aspekt für die Bewertung der Gesamtaussage und Bedeutung eines multimodalen Artikels dar. Automatisierte Ansätze zur Quantifizierung von Bild-Text-Beziehungen können für zahlreiche Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Sie ermöglichen beispielsweise eine effiziente Exploration von Nachrichten, erleichtern die semantische Suche von Multimedia-Inhalten in (Web)-Archiven oder unterstützen menschliche Analysten bei der Evaluierung der Glaubwürdigkeit von Nachrichten. Allerdings gibt es bislang nur wenige Ansätze, die sich mit der Quantifizierung von Beziehungen zwischen Fotos und Text beschäftigen. Diese Ansätze berücksichtigen jedoch nicht explizit die intermodalen Beziehungen von Entitäten, welche eine wichtige Rolle in Nachrichten darstellen, oder basieren auf überwachten multimodalen Deep-Learning-Techniken. Diese überwachten Lernverfahren können ausschließlich die intermodalen Beziehungen von Entitäten detektieren, die in annotierten Trainingsdaten enthalten sind. Um diese Forschungslücke zu schließen, wird in dieser Arbeit ein unüberwachter Ansatz zur Quantifizierung der intermodalen Konsistenz von Entitäten zwischen Fotos und Text in realen multimodalen Nachrichtenartikeln vorgestellt. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden neuartige Verfahren auf Basis von Deep Learning zur Extrahierung von Informationen aus Fotos vorgestellt, um Ereignisse (Events), Orte, Zeitangaben und Personen automatisch zu erkennen. Diese Verfahren bilden eine wichtige Voraussetzung, um die Beziehungen von Entitäten zwischen Bild und Text zu bewerten. Zunächst wird ein Ansatz zur Ereignisklassifizierung präsentiert, der neuartige Optimierungsfunktionen und Gewichtungsschemata nutzt um Ontologie-Informationen aus einer Wissensdatenbank in ein Deep-Learning-Verfahren zu integrieren. Das Training erfolgt anhand eines neu vorgestellten Datensatzes, der 570.540 Fotos und eine Ontologie mit 148 Ereignistypen enthält. Der Ansatz übertrifft die Ergebnisse von Referenzsystemen die keine strukturierten Ontologie-Informationen verwenden. Weiterhin wird ein DeepLearning-Ansatz zur Schätzung des Aufnahmeortes von Fotos vorgeschlagen, der Kontextinformationen über die Umgebung (Innen-, Stadt-, oder Naturaufnahme) und von Erdpartitionen unterschiedlicher Granularität verwendet. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung übertrifft die bisher besten Ergebnisse von aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten, obwohl diese deutlich mehr Fotos zum Training verwenden. Darüber hinaus stellen wir den ersten Datensatz zur Schätzung des Aufnahmejahres von Fotos vor, der mehr als eine Million Bilder aus den Jahren 1930 bis 1999 umfasst. Dieser Datensatz wird für das Training von zwei Deep-Learning-Ansätzen zur Schätzung des Aufnahmejahres verwendet, welche die Aufgabe als Klassifizierungs- und Regressionsproblem behandeln. Beide Ansätze erzielen sehr gute Ergebnisse und übertreffen Annotationen von menschlichen Probanden. Schließlich wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Identifizierung von Personen des öffentlichen Lebens und ihres gemeinsamen Auftretens in Nachrichtenfotos aus der digitalen Bibliothek Internet Archiv präsentiert. Der Ansatz ermöglicht es unstrukturierte Webdaten aus dem Internet Archiv mit Metadaten, beispielsweise zur semantischen Suche, zu erweitern. Experimentelle Ergebnisse haben die Effektivität des zugrundeliegenden Deep-Learning-Ansatzes zur Personenerkennung bestätigt. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein unüberwachtes System zur Quantifizierung von BildText-Beziehungen in realen Nachrichten vorgestellt. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Verfahren liefert es automatisch neuartige Maße der intermodalen Konsistenz für verschiedene Entitätstypen (Personen, Orte und Ereignisse) sowie den Gesamtkontext. Das System ist nicht auf vordefinierte Datensätze angewiesen, und kann daher mit der Vielzahl und Diversität von Entitäten und Themen in Nachrichten umgehen. Zur Extrahierung von Entitäten aus dem Text werden geeignete Methoden der natürlichen Sprachverarbeitung eingesetzt. Examplarbilder für diese Entitäten werden automatisch aus dem Internet beschafft. Die vorgeschlagenen Methoden zur Informationsextraktion aus Fotos werden auf die Nachrichten- und heruntergeladenen Exemplarbilder angewendet, um die intermodale Konsistenz von Entitäten zu quantifizieren. Es werden zwei Aufgaben untersucht um die Qualität des vorgeschlagenen Ansatzes in realen Anwendungen zu bewerten. Experimentelle Ergebnisse für die Dokumentverifikation und die Beschaffung von Nachrichten mit geringer (potenzielle Fehlinformation) oder hoher multimodalen Konsistenz zeigen den Nutzen und das Potenzial des Ansatzes zur Unterstützung menschlicher Analysten bei der Untersuchung von Nachrichten.In today’s information age, the World Wide Web and social media are important sources for news and information. Different modalities (in the sense of information encoding) such as photos and text are typically used to communicate news more effectively or to attract attention. Communication scientists, linguists, and semioticians have studied the complex interplay between modalities for decades and investigated, e.g., how their combination can carry additional information or add a new level of meaning. The number of shared concepts or entities (e.g., persons, locations, and events) between photos and text is an important aspect to evaluate the overall message and meaning of an article. Computational models for the quantification of image-text relations can enable many applications. For example, they allow for more efficient exploration of news, facilitate semantic search and multimedia retrieval in large (web) archives, or assist human assessors in evaluating news for credibility. To date, only a few approaches have been suggested that quantify relations between photos and text. However, they either do not explicitly consider the cross-modal relations of entities – which are important in the news – or rely on supervised deep learning approaches that can only detect the cross-modal presence of entities covered in the labeled training data. To address this research gap, this thesis proposes an unsupervised approach that can quantify entity consistency between photos and text in multimodal real-world news articles. The first part of this thesis presents novel approaches based on deep learning for information extraction from photos to recognize events, locations, dates, and persons. These approaches are an important prerequisite to measure the cross-modal presence of entities in text and photos. First, an ontology-driven event classification approach that leverages new loss functions and weighting schemes is presented. It is trained on a novel dataset of 570,540 photos and an ontology with 148 event types. The proposed system outperforms approaches that do not use structured ontology information. Second, a novel deep learning approach for geolocation estimation is proposed that uses additional contextual information on the environmental setting (indoor, urban, natural) and from earth partitions of different granularity. The proposed solution outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, which are trained with significantly more photos. Third, we introduce the first large-scale dataset for date estimation with more than one million photos taken between 1930 and 1999, along with two deep learning approaches that treat date estimation as a classification and regression problem. Both approaches achieve very good results that are superior to human annotations. Finally, a novel approach is presented that identifies public persons and their co-occurrences in news photos extracted from the Internet Archive, which collects time-versioned snapshots of web pages that are rarely enriched with metadata relevant to multimedia retrieval. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the deep learning approach for person identification. The second part of this thesis introduces an unsupervised approach capable of quantifying image-text relations in real-world news. Unlike related work, the proposed solution automatically provides novel measures of cross-modal consistency for different entity types (persons, locations, and events) as well as the overall context. The approach does not rely on any predefined datasets to cope with the large amount and diversity of entities and topics covered in the news. State-of-the-art tools for natural language processing are applied to extract named entities from the text. Example photos for these entities are automatically crawled from the Web. The proposed methods for information extraction from photos are applied to both news images and example photos to quantify the cross-modal consistency of entities. Two tasks are introduced to assess the quality of the proposed approach in real-world applications. Experimental results for document verification and retrieval of news with either low (potential misinformation) or high cross-modal similarities demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and its potential to support human assessors to study news

    Navigating Text-To-Image Customization:From LyCORIS Fine-Tuning to Model Evaluation

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    Text-to-image generative models have garnered immense attention for their ability to produce high-fidelity images from text prompts. Among these, Stable Diffusion distinguishes itself as a leading open-source model in this fast-growing field. However, the intricacies of fine-tuning these models pose multiple challenges from new methodology integration to systematic evaluation. Addressing these issues, this paper introduces LyCORIS (Lora beYond Conventional methods, Other Rank adaptation Implementations for Stable diffusion) [https://github.com/KohakuBlueleaf/LyCORIS], an open-source library that offers a wide selection of fine-tuning methodologies for Stable Diffusion. Furthermore, we present a thorough framework for the systematic assessment of varied fine-tuning techniques. This framework employs a diverse suite of metrics and delves into multiple facets of fine-tuning, including hyperparameter adjustments and the evaluation with different prompt types across various concept categories. Through this comprehensive approach, our work provides essential insights into the nuanced effects of fine-tuning parameters, bridging the gap between state-of-the-art research and practical application.Comment: 77 pages, 54 figures, 6 table