3 research outputs found

    Ikaste-domeinuaren sorkuntza erdiautomatikoa

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    Teknologian Oinarritutako Hezkuntzarako Tresnak ezinbesteko bihurtu dira gaur egun. Tresna hauek, beren helburua bete ahal izateko, domeinu-modulua - ikasi behaneko domeinuaren adierazpen pedagogikoa- behar dute. Domeinu-modulua sortzeak oso lan handia eskatzen du, ordea. Artikulu honetan, DOM-Sortze, domeinu-modulua testuliburu elektronikoetatik erauzteko helburuarekin garatutako tresna aurkezten da

    Designing Digital Work

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    Combining theory, methodology and tools, this open access book illustrates how to guide innovation in today’s digitized business environment. Highlighting the importance of human knowledge and experience in implementing business processes, the authors take a conceptual perspective to explore the challenges and issues currently facing organizations. Subsequent chapters put these concepts into practice, discussing instruments that can be used to support the articulation and alignment of knowledge within work processes. A timely and comprehensive set of tools and case studies, this book is essential reading for those researching innovation and digitization, organization and business strategy