2 research outputs found

    Intelligent Image Retrieval Techniques: A Survey

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    AbstractIn the current era of digital communication, the use of digital images has increased for expressing, sharing and interpreting information. While working with digital images, quite often it is necessary to search for a specific image for a particular situation based on the visual contents of the image. This task looks easy if you are dealing with tens of images but it gets more difficult when the number of images goes from tens to hundreds and thousands, and the same content-based searching task becomes extremely complex when the number of images is in the millions. To deal with the situation, some intelligent way of content-based searching is required to fulfill the searching request with right visual contents in a reasonable amount of time. There are some really smart techniques proposed by researchers for efficient and robust content-based image retrieval. In this research, the aim is to highlight the efforts of researchers who conducted some brilliant work and to provide a proof of concept for intelligent content-based image retrieval techniques

    O tempo em obras de Richard Serra, James Turrell e Robert Smithson

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    Mestrado em Criação Artística ContemporâneaEste trabalho tem como meta a pesquisa e análise dos conceitos de tempo retilíneo e cíclico e os fatores perceptivos que tornam esses conceitos ligados às obras de Richard Serra, James Turrell e Robert Smithson. Nesse aspecto, serão pesquisados conceitos filosóficos e científicos para que se possa estabelecer, já que não encontra-se um conceito absoluto de tempo, um padrão ou definição que seja aplicável e de base suficiente para que o estudo tenha substancia e embasamento. O resultado da pesquisa possibilita o entendimento da percepção não só visual, mas temporal e a relação do observador com a obra e com o ambiente. Serve ainda como exemplo de análise dos fatores característicos de uma obra (físicos e perceptivos) e como atuam na percepção temporal.The objective of this study is the research and analysis of the concepts of linear and cyclic time and perceptual factors that make these concepts linked to the works of Richard Serra, Robert Smithson and James Turrell. In this sense, scientific and philosophical concepts are sought in order to establish, since there is no absolute concept of time, a standard or applicable definition with sufficient basis for giving this study a solid base.The result of the search allows the understanding of not only visual perception, but also a time perception and the relationship of the observer with the work and environment. It also serves as an model foranalysing characteristics of the work (perceptual and physical) and how to understand the perception of time on the work of the aforementioned artists