3,945 research outputs found

    Modal mu-calculi

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    Randomisation and Derandomisation in Descriptive Complexity Theory

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    We study probabilistic complexity classes and questions of derandomisation from a logical point of view. For each logic L we introduce a new logic BPL, bounded error probabilistic L, which is defined from L in a similar way as the complexity class BPP, bounded error probabilistic polynomial time, is defined from PTIME. Our main focus lies on questions of derandomisation, and we prove that there is a query which is definable in BPFO, the probabilistic version of first-order logic, but not in Cinf, finite variable infinitary logic with counting. This implies that many of the standard logics of finite model theory, like transitive closure logic and fixed-point logic, both with and without counting, cannot be derandomised. Similarly, we present a query on ordered structures which is definable in BPFO but not in monadic second-order logic, and a query on additive structures which is definable in BPFO but not in FO. The latter of these queries shows that certain uniform variants of AC0 (bounded-depth polynomial sized circuits) cannot be derandomised. These results are in contrast to the general belief that most standard complexity classes can be derandomised. Finally, we note that BPIFP+C, the probabilistic version of fixed-point logic with counting, captures the complexity class BPP, even on unordered structures

    Bounded Reachability for Temporal Logic over Constraint Systems

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    We present CLTLB(D), an extension of PLTLB (PLTL with both past and future operators) augmented with atomic formulae built over a constraint system D. Even for decidable constraint systems, satisfiability and Model Checking problem of such logic can be undecidable. We introduce suitable restrictions and assumptions that are shown to make the satisfiability problem for the extended logic decidable. Moreover for a large class of constraint systems we propose an encoding that realize an effective decision procedure for the Bounded Reachability problem

    Modal logic of planar polygons

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    We study the modal logic of the closure algebra P2P_2, generated by the set of all polygons in the Euclidean plane R2\mathbb{R}^2. We show that this logic is finitely axiomatizable, is complete with respect to the class of frames we call "crown" frames, is not first order definable, does not have the Craig interpolation property, and its validity problem is PSPACE-complete

    PSPACE Bounds for Rank-1 Modal Logics

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    For lack of general algorithmic methods that apply to wide classes of logics, establishing a complexity bound for a given modal logic is often a laborious task. The present work is a step towards a general theory of the complexity of modal logics. Our main result is that all rank-1 logics enjoy a shallow model property and thus are, under mild assumptions on the format of their axiomatisation, in PSPACE. This leads to a unified derivation of tight PSPACE-bounds for a number of logics including K, KD, coalition logic, graded modal logic, majority logic, and probabilistic modal logic. Our generic algorithm moreover finds tableau proofs that witness pleasant proof-theoretic properties including a weak subformula property. This generality is made possible by a coalgebraic semantics, which conveniently abstracts from the details of a given model class and thus allows covering a broad range of logics in a uniform way