562 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Methods for Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is a field where important physical characteristics of an area are exacted using emitted radiation generally captured by satellite cameras, sensors onboard aerial vehicles, etc. Captured data help researchers develop solutions to sense and detect various characteristics such as forest fires, flooding, changes in urban areas, crop diseases, soil moisture, etc. The recent impressive progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning has sparked innovations in technologies, algorithms, and approaches and led to results that were unachievable until recently in multiple areas, among them remote sensing. This book consists of sixteen peer-reviewed papers covering new advances in the use of AI for remote sensing

    Deep Learning Techniques in Extreme Weather Events: A Review

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    Extreme weather events pose significant challenges, thereby demanding techniques for accurate analysis and precise forecasting to mitigate its impact. In recent years, deep learning techniques have emerged as a promising approach for weather forecasting and understanding the dynamics of extreme weather events. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art deep learning in the field. We explore the utilization of deep learning architectures, across various aspects of weather prediction such as thunderstorm, lightning, precipitation, drought, heatwave, cold waves and tropical cyclones. We highlight the potential of deep learning, such as its ability to capture complex patterns and non-linear relationships. Additionally, we discuss the limitations of current approaches and highlight future directions for advancements in the field of meteorology. The insights gained from this systematic review are crucial for the scientific community to make informed decisions and mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events

    Remote Sensing of the Oceans

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    This book covers different topics in the framework of remote sensing of the oceans. Latest research advancements and brand-new studies are presented that address the exploitation of remote sensing instruments and simulation tools to improve the understanding of ocean processes and enable cutting-edge applications with the aim of preserving the ocean environment and supporting the blue economy. Hence, this book provides a reference framework for state-of-the-art remote sensing methods that deal with the generation of added-value products and the geophysical information retrieval in related fields, including: Oil spill detection and discrimination; Analysis of tropical cyclones and sea echoes; Shoreline and aquaculture area extraction; Monitoring coastal marine litter and moving vessels; Processing of SAR, HF radar and UAV measurements

    Spatial-Temporal Data Mining for Ocean Science: Data, Methodologies, and Opportunities

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    With the increasing amount of spatial-temporal~(ST) ocean data, numerous spatial-temporal data mining (STDM) studies have been conducted to address various oceanic issues, e.g., climate forecasting and disaster warning. Compared with typical ST data (e.g., traffic data), ST ocean data is more complicated with some unique characteristics, e.g., diverse regionality and high sparsity. These characteristics make it difficult to design and train STDM models. Unfortunately, an overview of these studies is still missing, hindering computer scientists to identify the research issues in ocean while discouraging researchers in ocean science from applying advanced STDM techniques. To remedy this situation, we provide a comprehensive survey to summarize existing STDM studies in ocean. Concretely, we first summarize the widely-used ST ocean datasets and identify their unique characteristics. Then, typical ST ocean data quality enhancement techniques are discussed. Next, we classify existing STDM studies for ocean into four types of tasks, i.e., prediction, event detection, pattern mining, and anomaly detection, and elaborate the techniques for these tasks. Finally, promising research opportunities are highlighted. This survey will help scientists from the fields of both computer science and ocean science have a better understanding of the fundamental concepts, key techniques, and open challenges of STDM in ocean

     Ocean Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The ocean covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, 90% of the biosphere and contains 97% of Earth’s water. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can image the ocean surface in all weather conditions and day or night. SAR remote sensing on ocean and coastal monitoring has become a research hotspot in geoscience and remote sensing. This book—Progress in SAR Oceanography—provides an update of the current state of the science on ocean remote sensing with SAR. Overall, the book presents a variety of marine applications, such as, oceanic surface and internal waves, wind, bathymetry, oil spill, coastline and intertidal zone classification, ship and other man-made objects’ detection, as well as remotely sensed data assimilation. The book is aimed at a wide audience, ranging from graduate students, university teachers and working scientists to policy makers and managers. Efforts have been made to highlight general principles as well as the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of SAR Oceanography

    Typhoon cloud image prediction based on enhanced multi-scale deep neural network

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    Typhoons threaten individuals’ lives and property. The accurate prediction of typhoon activity is crucial for reducing those threats and for risk assessment. Satellite images are widely used in typhoon research because of their wide coverage, timeliness, and relatively convenient acquisition. They are also important data sources for typhoon cloud image prediction. Studies on typhoon cloud image prediction have rarely used multi-scale features, which cause significant information loss and lead to fuzzy predictions with insufficient detail. Therefore, we developed an enhanced multi-scale deep neural network (EMSN) to predict a 3-hour-advance typhoon cloud image, which has two parts: a feature enhancement module and a feature encode-decode module. The inputs of the EMSN were eight consecutive images, and a feature enhancement module was applied to extract features from the historical inputs. To consider that the images of different time steps had different contributions to the output result, we used channel attention in this module to enhance important features. Because of the spatially correlated and spatially heterogeneous information at different scales, the feature encode-decode module used ConvLSTMs to capture spatiotemporal features at different scales. In addition, to reduce information loss during downsampling, skip connections were implemented to maintain more low-level information. To verify the effectiveness and applicability of our proposed EMSN, we compared various algorithms and explored the strengths and limitations of the model. The experimental results demonstrated that the EMSN efficiently and accurately predicted typhoon cloud images with higher quality than in the literature

    Automated Assessment of the Aftermath of Typhoons Using Social Media Texts

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    Disasters are one of the major threats to economics and human societies, causing substantial losses of human lives, properties and infrastructures. It has been our persistent endeavors to understand, prevent and reduce such disasters, and the popularization of social media is offering new opportunities to enhance disaster management in a crowd-sourcing approach. However, social media data is also characterized by its undue brevity, intense noise, and informality of language. The existing literature has not completely addressed these disadvantages, otherwise vast manual efforts are devoted to tackling these problems. The major focus of this research is on constructing a holistic framework to exploit social media data in typhoon damage assessment. The scope of this research covers data collection, relevance classification, location extraction and damage assessment while assorted approaches are utilized to overcome the disadvantages of social media data. Moreover, a semi-supervised or unsupervised approach is prioritized in forming the framework to minimize manual intervention. In data collection, query expansion strategy is adopted to optimize the search recall of typhoon-relevant information retrieval. Multiple filtering strategies are developed to screen the keywords and maintain the relevance to search topics in the keyword updates. A classifier based on a convolutional neural network is presented for relevance classification, with hashtags and word clusters as extra input channels to augment the information. In location extraction, a model is constructed by integrating Bidirectional Long Short-Time Memory and Conditional Random Fields. Feature noise correction layers and label smoothing are leveraged to handle the noisy training data. Finally, a multi-instance multi-label classifier identifies the damage relations in four categories, and the damage categories of a message are integrated with the damage descriptions score to obtain damage severity score for the message. A case study is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the framework. The outcomes indicate that the approaches and models developed in this study significantly improve in the classification of social media texts especially under the framework of semi-supervised or unsupervised learning. Moreover, the results of damage assessment from social media data are remarkably consistent with the official statistics, which demonstrates the practicality of the proposed damage scoring scheme
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