150 research outputs found

    Non-parametric spatially constrained local prior for scene parsing on real-world data

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    Scene parsing aims to recognize the object category of every pixel in scene images, and it plays a central role in image content understanding and computer vision applications. However, accurate scene parsing from unconstrained real-world data is still a challenging task. In this paper, we present the non-parametric Spatially Constrained Local Prior (SCLP) for scene parsing on realistic data. For a given query image, the non-parametric SCLP is learnt by first retrieving a subset of most similar training images to the query image and then collecting prior information about object co-occurrence statistics between spatial image blocks and between adjacent superpixels from the retrieved subset. The SCLP is powerful in capturing both long- and short-range context about inter-object correlations in the query image and can be effectively integrated with traditional visual features to refine the classification results. Our experiments on the SIFT Flow and PASCAL-Context benchmark datasets show that the non-parametric SCLP used in conjunction with superpixel-level visual features achieves one of the top performance compared with state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 10 pages, journa

    Recursive Inference for Prediction of Objects in Urban Environments

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    Abstract Future advancements in robotic navigation and mapping rest to a large extent on robust, efficient and more advanced semantic understanding of the surrounding environment. The existing semantic mapping approaches typically consider small number of semantic categories, require complex inference or large number of training examples to achieve desirable performance. In the proposed work we present an efficient approach for predicting locations of generic objects in urban environments by means of semantic segmentation of a video into object and nonobject categories. We exploit widely available exemplars of non-object categories (such as road, buildings, vegetation) and use geometric cues which are indicative of the presence of object boundaries to gather the evidence about objects regardless of their category. We formulate the object/non-object semantic segmentation problem in the Conditional Random Field framework, where the structure of the graph is induced by a minimum spanning tree computed over a 3D point cloud, yielding an efficient algorithm for an exact inference. The chosen 3D representation naturally lends itself for on-line recursive belief updates with a simple soft data association mechanism. We carry out extensive experiments on videos of urban environments acquired by a moving vehicle and show quantitatively and qualitatively the benefits of our proposal.

    Depth-Assisted Semantic Segmentation, Image Enhancement and Parametric Modeling

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of employing 3D depth information on solving a number of traditional challenging computer vision/graphics problems. Humans have the abilities of perceiving the depth information in 3D world, which enable humans to reconstruct layouts, recognize objects and understand the geometric space and semantic meanings of the visual world. Therefore it is significant to explore how the 3D depth information can be utilized by computer vision systems to mimic such abilities of humans. This dissertation aims at employing 3D depth information to solve vision/graphics problems in the following aspects: scene understanding, image enhancements and 3D reconstruction and modeling. In addressing scene understanding problem, we present a framework for semantic segmentation and object recognition on urban video sequence only using dense depth maps recovered from the video. Five view-independent 3D features that vary with object class are extracted from dense depth maps and used for segmenting and recognizing different object classes in street scene images. We demonstrate a scene parsing algorithm that uses only dense 3D depth information to outperform using sparse 3D or 2D appearance features. In addressing image enhancement problem, we present a framework to overcome the imperfections of personal photographs of tourist sites using the rich information provided by large-scale internet photo collections (IPCs). By augmenting personal 2D images with 3D information reconstructed from IPCs, we address a number of traditionally challenging image enhancement techniques and achieve high-quality results using simple and robust algorithms. In addressing 3D reconstruction and modeling problem, we focus on parametric modeling of flower petals, the most distinctive part of a plant. The complex structure, severe occlusions and wide variations make the reconstruction of their 3D models a challenging task. We overcome these challenges by combining data driven modeling techniques with domain knowledge from botany. Taking a 3D point cloud of an input flower scanned from a single view, each segmented petal is fitted with a scale-invariant morphable petal shape model, which is constructed from individually scanned 3D exemplar petals. Novel constraints based on botany studies are incorporated into the fitting process for realistically reconstructing occluded regions and maintaining correct 3D spatial relations. The main contribution of the dissertation is in the intelligent usage of 3D depth information on solving traditional challenging vision/graphics problems. By developing some advanced algorithms either automatically or with minimum user interaction, the goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate that computed 3D depth behind the multiple images contains rich information of the visual world and therefore can be intelligently utilized to recognize/ understand semantic meanings of scenes, efficiently enhance and augment single 2D images, and reconstruct high-quality 3D models

    Towards open-universe image parsing with broad coverage

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    One of the main goals of computer vision is to develop algorithms that allow the computer to interpret an image not as a pattern of colors but as the semantic relationships that make up a real world three-dimensional scene. In this dissertation, I present a system for image parsing, or labeling the regions of an image with their semantic categories, as a means of scene understanding. Most existing image parsing systems use a fixed set of a few hundred hand-labeled images as examples from which they learn how to label image regions, but our world cannot be adequately described with only a few hundred images. A new breed of open universe datasets have recently started to emerge. These datasets not only have more images but are constantly expanding, with new images and labels assigned by users on the web. Here I present a system that is able to both learn from these larger datasets of labeled images and scale as the dataset expands, thus greatly broadening the number of class labels that can correctly be identified in an image. Throughout this work I employ a retrieval-based methodology: I first retrieve images similar to the query and then match image regions from this set of retrieved images. My system can assign to each image region multiple forms of meaning: for example, it can simultaneously label the wing of a crow as an animal, crow, wing, and feather. I also broaden the label coverage by using both region and detector based similarity measures to effectively match a broad range to label types. This work shows the power of retrieval-based systems and the importance of having a diverse set of image cues and interpretations.Doctor of Philosoph

    Semantic Segmentation and Completion of 2D and 3D Scenes

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    Semantic segmentation is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision. This thesis addresses various tasks, all related to the fine-grained, i.e. pixel-wise or voxel-wise, semantic understanding of a scene. In the recent years semantic segmentation by 2D convolutional neural networks has become as much as a default pre-processing step for many other computer vision tasks, since it outputs very rich spatially resolved feature maps and semantic labels that are useful for many higher level recognition tasks. In this thesis, we make several contributions to the field of semantic scene understanding using an image or a depth measurement, recorded by different types of laser sensors, as input. Firstly, we propose a new approach to 2D semantic segmentation of images. It consists of an adaptation of an existing approach for real time capability under constrained hardware demands that are required by a real life drone. The approach is based on a highly optimized implementation of random forests combined with a label propagation strategy. Next, we shift our focus to what we believe is one of the important next forefronts in computer vision: To give machines the ability to anticipate and extrapolate beyond what is captured in a single frame by a camera or depth sensor. This anticipation capability is what allows humans to efficiently interact with their environment. The need for this ability is most prominently displayed in the behaviour of today's autonomous cars. One of their shortcomings is that they only interpret the current sensor state, which prevents them from anticipating events which would require an adaptation of their driving policy. The result is a lot of sudden breaks and non-human-like driving behaviour, which can provoke accidents or negatively impact the traffic flow. Therefore we first propose a task to spatially anticipate semantic labels outside the field of view of an image. The task is based on the Cityscapes dataset, where each image has been center cropped. The goal is to train an algorithm that predicts the semantic segmentation map in the area outside the cropped input region. Along with the task itself, we propose an efficient iterative approach based on 2D convolutional neural networks by designing a task adapted loss function. Afterwards, we switch to the 3D domain. In three dimensions the goal shifts from assigning pixel-wise labels towards the reconstruction of the full 3D scene using a grid of labeled voxels. Thereby one has to anticipate the semantics and geometry in the space that is occluded by the objects themselves from the viewpoint of an image or laser sensor. The task is known as 3D semantic scene completion and has recently caught a lot of attention. Here we propose two new approaches that advance the performance of existing 3D semantic scene completion baselines. The first one is a two stream approach where we leverage a multi-modal input consisting of images and Kinect depth measurements in an early fusion scheme. Moreover we propose a more memory efficient input embedding. The second approach to semantic scene completion leverages the power of the recently introduced generative adversarial networks (GANs). Here we construct a network architecture that follows the GAN principles and uses a discriminator network as an additional regularizer in the 3D-CNN training. With our proposed approaches in semantic scene completion we achieve a new state-of-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets. Finally we observe that one of the shortcomings in semantic scene completion is the lack of a realistic, large scale dataset. We therefore introduce the first real world dataset for semantic scene completion based on the KITTI odometry benchmark. By semantically annotating alls scans of a 10 Hz Velodyne laser scanner, driving through urban and countryside areas, we obtain data that is valuable for many tasks including semantic scene completion. Along with the data we explore the performance of current semantic scene completion models as well as models for semantic point cloud segmentation and motion segmentation. The results show that there is still a lot of space for improvement for either tasks so our dataset is a valuable contribution for future research into these directions

    Using Stacked Sparse Auto-Encoder and Superpixel CRF for Long-Term Visual Scene Understanding of UGVs

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    Multiple images have been widely used for scene understanding and navigation of unmanned ground vehicles in long term operations. However, as the amount of visual data in multiple images is huge, the cumulative error in many cases becomes untenable. This paper proposes a novel method that can extract features from a large dataset of multiple images efficiently. Then the membership K-means clustering is used for high dimensional features, and the large dataset is divided into N subdatasets to train N conditional random field (CRF) models based on superpixel. A Softmax subdataset selector is used to decide which one of the N CRF models is chosen as the prediction model for labeling images. Furthermore, some experiments are conducted to evaluate the feasibility and performance of the proposed approach
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