110,913 research outputs found

    Prototypicality effects in global semantic description of objects

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for semantic description of object features based on the prototypicality effects of the Prototype Theory. Our prototype-based description model encodes and stores the semantic meaning of an object, while describing its features using the semantic prototype computed by CNN-classifications models. Our method uses semantic prototypes to create discriminative descriptor signatures that describe an object highlighting its most distinctive features within the category. Our experiments show that: i) our descriptor preserves the semantic information used by the CNN-models in classification tasks; ii) our distance metric can be used as the object's typicality score; iii) our descriptor signatures are semantically interpretable and enables the simulation of the prototypical organization of objects within a category.Comment: Paper accepted in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2019 (WACV2019). Content: 10 pages (8 + 2 reference) with 7 figure

    Embedding Words and Senses Together via Joint Knowledge-Enhanced Training

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    Word embeddings are widely used in Nat-ural Language Processing, mainly due totheir success in capturing semantic infor-mation from massive corpora. However,their creation process does not allow thedifferent meanings of a word to be auto-matically separated, as it conflates theminto a single vector. We address this issueby proposing a new model which learnsword and sense embeddings jointly. Ourmodel exploits large corpora and knowl-edge from semantic networks in order toproduce a unified vector space of wordand sense embeddings. We evaluate themain features of our approach both qual-itatively and quantitatively in a variety oftasks, highlighting the advantages of theproposed method in comparison to state-of-the-art word- and sense-based models

    Unsupervised Learning of Sentence Embeddings using Compositional n-Gram Features

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    The recent tremendous success of unsupervised word embeddings in a multitude of applications raises the obvious question if similar methods could be derived to improve embeddings (i.e. semantic representations) of word sequences as well. We present a simple but efficient unsupervised objective to train distributed representations of sentences. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised models on most benchmark tasks, highlighting the robustness of the produced general-purpose sentence embeddings.Comment: NAACL 201

    Modelling trust in semantic web applications

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    This paper examines some of the barriers to the adoption of car-sharing, termed carpooling in the US, and develops a framework for trusted recommendations. The framework is established on a semantic modelling approach putting forward its suitability to resolving adoption barriers while also highlighting the characteristics of trust that can be exploited. Identification is made of potential vocabularies, ontologies and public social networks which can be used as the basis for deriving direct and indirect trust values in an implementation
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