1,880 research outputs found

    A Multimodal Approach for Semantic Patent Image Retrieval

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    Patent images such as technical drawings contain valuable information and are frequently used by experts to compare patents. However, current approaches to patent information retrieval are largely focused on textual information. Consequently, we review previous work on patent retrieval with a focus on illustrations in figures. In this paper, we report on work in progress for a novel approach for patent image retrieval that uses deep multimodal features. Scene text spotting and optical character recognition are employed to extract numerals from an image to subsequently identify references to corresponding sentences in the patent document. Furthermore, we use a neural state-of-the-art CLIP model to extract structural features from illustrations and additionally derive textual features from the related patent text using a sentence transformer model. To fuse our multimodal features for similarity search we apply re-ranking according to averaged or maximum scores. In our experiments, we compare the impact of different modalities on the task of similarity search for patent images. The experimental results suggest that patent image retrieval can be successfully performed using the proposed feature sets, while the best results are achieved when combining the features of both modalities


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    Entity linking is a task of extracting information that links the mentioned entity in a collection of text with their similar knowledge base as well as it is the task of allocating unique identity to various entities such as locations, individuals and companies. Knowledgebase (KB) is used to optimize the information collection, organization and for retrieval of information. Heterogeneous information networks (HIN) comprises multiple-type interlinked objects with various types of relationship which are becoming increasingly most popular named bibliographic networks, social media networks as well including the typical relational database data. In HIN, there are various data objects are interconnected through various relations. The entity linkage determines the corresponding entities from unstructured web text, in the existing HIN. This work is the most important and it is the most challenge because of ambiguity and existing limited knowledge. Some HIN could be considered as a domain-specific KB. The current Entity Linking (EL) systems aimed towards corpora which contain heterogeneous as web information and it performs sub-optimally on the domain-specific corpora. The EL systems used one or more general or specific domains of linking such as DBpedia, Wikipedia, Freebase, IMDB, YAGO, Wordnet and MKB. This paper presents a survey on domain-specific entity linking with HIN. This survey describes with a deep understanding of HIN, which includes datasets,types and examples with related concepts.Povezivanje entiteta je zadatak izvlačenja podataka koji povezuju spomenuti entitet u zbirci teksta sa njihovom sličnom bazom znanja, kao i zadatak dodjeljivanja jedinstvenog identiteta različitim entitetima, kao Å”to su lokacije, pojedinci i tvrtke. Baza znanja (BZ) koristi se za optimizaciju prikupljanja, organizacije i pronalaženja informacija. Heterogene mreže informacija (HMI) obuhvaćaju viÅ”estruke međusobno povezane objekte različitih vrsta odnosa koji postaju sve popularniji i nazivaju se bibliografskim mrežama, mrežama druÅ”tvenih medija, uključujući tipične podatke relacijske baze podataka. U HMI-u postoje razni podaci koji su međusobno povezani kroz različite odnose. Povezanost entiteta određuje odgovarajuće entitete iz nestrukturiranog teksta na webu u postojećem HMI-u. Ovaj je rad najvažniji i najveći izazov zbog nejasnoće i postojećeg ograničenog znanja. Neki se HMI mogu smatrati BZ-om specifičnim za domenu. Trenutni sustav povezivanja entiteta (PE) usmjeren je prema korpusima koji sadrže heterogene informacije kao web informacije i oni djeluju suptimalno na korpusima specifičnim za domenu. PE sustavi koristili su jednu ili viÅ”e općih ili specifičnih domena povezivanja, kao Å”to su DBpedia, Wikipedia, Freebase, IMDB, YAGO, Wordnet i MKB. U ovom radu predstavljeno je istraživanje o povezivanju entiteta specifičnog za domenu sa HMI-om. Ovo istraživanje opisuje s dubokim razumijevanjem HMI-a, Å”to uključuje skupove podataka, vrste i primjere s povezanim konceptima

    Component Segmentation of Engineering Drawings Using Graph Convolutional Networks

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    We present a data-driven framework to automate the vectorization and machine interpretation of 2D engineering part drawings. In industrial settings, most manufacturing engineers still rely on manual reads to identify the topological and manufacturing requirements from drawings submitted by designers. The interpretation process is laborious and time-consuming, which severely inhibits the efficiency of part quotation and manufacturing tasks. While recent advances in image-based computer vision methods have demonstrated great potential in interpreting natural images through semantic segmentation approaches, the application of such methods in parsing engineering technical drawings into semantically accurate components remains a significant challenge. The severe pixel sparsity in engineering drawings also restricts the effective featurization of image-based data-driven methods. To overcome these challenges, we propose a deep learning based framework that predicts the semantic type of each vectorized component. Taking a raster image as input, we vectorize all components through thinning, stroke tracing, and cubic bezier fitting. Then a graph of such components is generated based on the connectivity between the components. Finally, a graph convolutional neural network is trained on this graph data to identify the semantic type of each component. We test our framework in the context of semantic segmentation of text, dimension and, contour components in engineering drawings. Results show that our method yields the best performance compared to recent image, and graph-based segmentation methods.Comment: Preprint accepted to Computers in Industr
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