5 research outputs found

    Exploring social representations of adapting to climate change using topic modeling and Bayesian networks

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    When something unfamiliar emerges or when something familiar does something unexpected people need to make sense of what is emerging or going on in order to act. Social representations theory suggests how individuals and society make sense of the unfamiliar and hence how the resultant social representations (SRs) cognitively, emotionally, and actively orient people and enable communication. SRs are social constructions that emerge through individual and collective engagement with media and with everyday conversations among people. Recent developments in text analysis techniques, and in particular topic modeling, provide a potentially powerful analytical method to examine the structure and content of SRs using large samples of narrative or text. In this paper I describe the methods and results of applying topic modeling to 660 micronarratives collected from Australian academics/researchers, government employees, and members of the public in 2010-2011. The narrative fragments focused on adaptation to climate change (CC) and hence provide an example of Australian society making sense of an emerging and conflict ridden phenomena. The results of the topic modeling reflect elements of SRs of adaptation to CC that are consistent with findings in the literature as well as being reasonably robust predictors of classes of action in response to CC. Bayesian Network (BN) modeling was used to identify relationships among the topics (SR elements) and in particular to identify relationships among topics, sentiment, and action. Finally the resulting model and topic modeling results are used to highlight differences in the salience of SR elements among social groups. The approach of linking topic modeling and BN modeling offers a new and encouraging approach to analysis for ongoing research on SRs

    Predicting Short-Term Traffic Congestion on Urban Motorway Networks

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    Traffic congestion is a widely occurring phenomenon caused by increased use of vehicles on roads resulting in slower speeds, longer delays, and increased vehicular queueing in traffic. Every year, over a thousand hours are spent in traffic congestion leading to great cost and time losses. In this thesis, we propose a multimodal data fusion framework for predicting traffic congestion on urban motorway networks. It comprises of three main approaches. The first approach predicts traffic congestion on urban motorway networks using data mining techniques. Two categories of models are considered namely neural networks, and random forest classifiers. The neural network models include the back propagation neural network and deep belief network. The second approach predicts traffic congestion using social media data. Twitter traffic delay tweets are analyzed using sentiment analysis and cluster classification for traffic flow prediction. Lastly, we propose a data fusion framework as the third approach. It comprises of two main techniques. The homogeneous data fusion technique fuses data of same types (quantitative or numeric) estimated using machine learning algorithms. The heterogeneous data fusion technique fuses the quantitative data obtained from the homogeneous data fusion model and the qualitative or categorical data (i.e. traffic tweet information) from twitter data source using Mamdani fuzzy rule inferencing systems. The proposed work has strong practical applicability and can be used by traffic planners and decision makers in traffic congestion monitoring, prediction and route generation under disruption

    Automating a framework to extract and analyse transport related social media content: The potential and the challenges

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    Harnessing the potential of new generation transport data and increasing public participation are high on the agenda for transport stakeholders and the broader community. The initial phase in the program of research reported here proposed a framework for mining transport-related information from social media, demonstrated and evaluated it using transport-related tweets associated with three football matches as case studies. The goal of this paper is to extend and complement the previous published studies. It reports an extended analysis of the research results, highlighting and elaborating the challenges that need to be addressed before a large-scale application of the framework can take place. The focus is specifically on the automatic harvesting of relevant, valuable information from Twitter. The results from automatically mining transport related messages in two scenarios are presented i.e. with a small-scale labelled dataset and with a large-scale dataset of 3.7 m tweets. Tweets authored by individuals that mention a need for transport, express an opinion about transport services or report an event, with respect to different transport modes, were mined. The challenges faced in automatically analysing Twitter messages, written in Twitter’s specific language, are illustrated. The results presented show a strong degree of success in the identification of transport related tweets, with similar success in identifying tweets that expressed an opinion about transport services. The identification of tweets that expressed a need for transport services or reported an event was more challenging, a finding mirrored during the human based message annotation process. Overall, the results demonstrate the potential of automatic extraction of valuable information from tweets while pointing to areas where challenges were encountered and additional research is needed. The impact of a successful solution to these challenges (thereby creating efficient harvesting systems) would be to enable travellers to participate more effectively in the improvement of transport services

    Real-Time Traffic Prediction Improvement through Semantic Mining of Social Networks

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    Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012Many years of research have yielded computer modeling techniques that can predict the behavior of complex systems, such as traffic speeds in regional transportation systems, with high accuracy. However, the prediction accuracy suffers significantly when non-recurring events, such as traffic accidents, occur in these systems. Yet the impacts of such disruptions are precisely the events that vehicle operators need to be aware of when planning their trips. Techniques for autonomously detecting these events, such as automated incident detection from traffic flow data and computer vision, are active fields of research but currently offer significantly less accurate data than actual human observations. Therefore, introducing novel ways to identify and quantify disruptions using human input can improve modeling accuracy when speeds are disrupted, while raising new topics for research to address this large, unmet need. Blending human-relayed incident detection mined from social networks with existing traffic modeling techniques provides a promising new direction for improving accuracy in traffic speed prediction