1,472 research outputs found

    RGB-D-based Stair Detection using Deep Learning for Autonomous Stair Climbing

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    Stairs are common building structures in urban environments, and stair detection is an important part of environment perception for autonomous mobile robots. Most existing algorithms have difficulty combining the visual information from binocular sensors effectively and ensuring reliable detection at night and in the case of extremely fuzzy visual clues. To solve these problems, we propose a neural network architecture with RGB and depth map inputs. Specifically, we design a selective module, which can make the network learn the complementary relationship between the RGB map and the depth map and effectively combine the information from the RGB map and the depth map in different scenes. In addition, we design a line clustering algorithm for the postprocessing of detection results, which can make full use of the detection results to obtain the geometric stair parameters. Experiments on our dataset show that our method can achieve better accuracy and recall compared with existing state-of-the-art deep learning methods, which are 5.64% and 7.97%, respectively, and our method also has extremely fast detection speed. A lightweight version can achieve 300 + frames per second with the same resolution, which can meet the needs of most real-time detection scenes

    High-level environment representations for mobile robots

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    In most robotic applications we are faced with the problem of building a digital representation of the environment that allows the robot to autonomously complete its tasks. This internal representation can be used by the robot to plan a motion trajectory for its mobile base and/or end-effector. For most man-made environments we do not have a digital representation or it is inaccurate. Thus, the robot must have the capability of building it autonomously. This is done by integrating into an internal data structure incoming sensor measurements. For this purpose, a common solution consists in solving the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. The map obtained by solving a SLAM problem is called ``metric'' and it describes the geometric structure of the environment. A metric map is typically made up of low-level primitives (like points or voxels). This means that even though it represents the shape of the objects in the robot workspace it lacks the information of which object a surface belongs to. Having an object-level representation of the environment has the advantage of augmenting the set of possible tasks that a robot may accomplish. To this end, in this thesis we focus on two aspects. We propose a formalism to represent in a uniform manner 3D scenes consisting of different geometric primitives, including points, lines and planes. Consequently, we derive a local registration and a global optimization algorithm that can exploit this representation for robust estimation. Furthermore, we present a Semantic Mapping system capable of building an \textit{object-based} map that can be used for complex task planning and execution. Our system exploits effective reconstruction and recognition techniques that require no a-priori information about the environment and can be used under general conditions

    Bounding Box-Free Instance Segmentation Using Semi-Supervised Learning for Generating a City-Scale Vehicle Dataset

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    Vehicle classification is a hot computer vision topic, with studies ranging from ground-view up to top-view imagery. In remote sensing, the usage of top-view images allows for understanding city patterns, vehicle concentration, traffic management, and others. However, there are some difficulties when aiming for pixel-wise classification: (a) most vehicle classification studies use object detection methods, and most publicly available datasets are designed for this task, (b) creating instance segmentation datasets is laborious, and (c) traditional instance segmentation methods underperform on this task since the objects are small. Thus, the present research objectives are: (1) propose a novel semi-supervised iterative learning approach using GIS software, (2) propose a box-free instance segmentation approach, and (3) provide a city-scale vehicle dataset. The iterative learning procedure considered: (1) label a small number of vehicles, (2) train on those samples, (3) use the model to classify the entire image, (4) convert the image prediction into a polygon shapefile, (5) correct some areas with errors and include them in the training data, and (6) repeat until results are satisfactory. To separate instances, we considered vehicle interior and vehicle borders, and the DL model was the U-net with the Efficient-net-B7 backbone. When removing the borders, the vehicle interior becomes isolated, allowing for unique object identification. To recover the deleted 1-pixel borders, we proposed a simple method to expand each prediction. The results show better pixel-wise metrics when compared to the Mask-RCNN (82% against 67% in IoU). On per-object analysis, the overall accuracy, precision, and recall were greater than 90%. This pipeline applies to any remote sensing target, being very efficient for segmentation and generating datasets.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, submitted to journa
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