655 research outputs found

    Text-based Localization of Moments in a Video Corpus

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    Prior works on text-based video moment localization focus on temporally grounding the textual query in an untrimmed video. These works assume that the relevant video is already known and attempt to localize the moment on that relevant video only. Different from such works, we relax this assumption and address the task of localizing moments in a corpus of videos for a given sentence query. This task poses a unique challenge as the system is required to perform: (i) retrieval of the relevant video where only a segment of the video corresponds with the queried sentence, and (ii) temporal localization of moment in the relevant video based on sentence query. Towards overcoming this challenge, we propose Hierarchical Moment Alignment Network (HMAN) which learns an effective joint embedding space for moments and sentences. In addition to learning subtle differences between intra-video moments, HMAN focuses on distinguishing inter-video global semantic concepts based on sentence queries. Qualitative and quantitative results on three benchmark text-based video moment retrieval datasets - Charades-STA, DiDeMo, and ActivityNet Captions - demonstrate that our method achieves promising performance on the proposed task of temporal localization of moments in a corpus of videos

    MRTNet: Multi-Resolution Temporal Network for Video Sentence Grounding

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    Given an untrimmed video and natural language query, video sentence grounding aims to localize the target temporal moment in the video. Existing methods mainly tackle this task by matching and aligning semantics of the descriptive sentence and video segments on a single temporal resolution, while neglecting the temporal consistency of video content in different resolutions. In this work, we propose a novel multi-resolution temporal video sentence grounding network: MRTNet, which consists of a multi-modal feature encoder, a Multi-Resolution Temporal (MRT) module, and a predictor module. MRT module is an encoder-decoder network, and output features in the decoder part are in conjunction with Transformers to predict the final start and end timestamps. Particularly, our MRT module is hot-pluggable, which means it can be seamlessly incorporated into any anchor-free models. Besides, we utilize a hybrid loss to supervise cross-modal features in MRT module for more accurate grounding in three scales: frame-level, clip-level and sequence-level. Extensive experiments on three prevalent datasets have shown the effectiveness of MRTNet.Comment: work in progres

    UCF-Crime Annotation: A Benchmark for Surveillance Video-and-Language Understanding

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    Surveillance videos are an essential component of daily life with various critical applications, particularly in public security. However, current surveillance video tasks mainly focus on classifying and localizing anomalous events. Existing methods are limited to detecting and classifying the predefined events with unsatisfactory generalization ability and semantic understanding, although they have obtained considerable performance. To address this issue, we propose constructing the first multimodal surveillance video dataset by manually annotating the real-world surveillance dataset UCF-Crime with fine-grained event content and timing. Our newly annotated dataset, UCA (UCF-Crime Annotation), provides a novel benchmark for multimodal surveillance video analysis. It not only describes events in detailed descriptions but also provides precise temporal grounding of the events in 0.1-second intervals. UCA contains 20,822 sentences, with an average length of 23 words, and its annotated videos are as long as 102 hours. Furthermore, we benchmark the state-of-the-art models of multiple multimodal tasks on this newly created dataset, including temporal sentence grounding in videos, video captioning, and dense video captioning. Through our experiments, we found that mainstream models used in previously publicly available datasets perform poorly on multimodal surveillance video scenarios, which highlights the necessity of constructing this dataset. The link to our dataset and code is provided at: https://github.com/Xuange923/UCA-dataset

    Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos: A Survey and Future Directions

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    Temporal sentence grounding in videos (TSGV), \aka natural language video localization (NLVL) or video moment retrieval (VMR), aims to retrieve a temporal moment that semantically corresponds to a language query from an untrimmed video. Connecting computer vision and natural language, TSGV has drawn significant attention from researchers in both communities. This survey attempts to provide a summary of fundamental concepts in TSGV and current research status, as well as future research directions. As the background, we present a common structure of functional components in TSGV, in a tutorial style: from feature extraction from raw video and language query, to answer prediction of the target moment. Then we review the techniques for multimodal understanding and interaction, which is the key focus of TSGV for effective alignment between the two modalities. We construct a taxonomy of TSGV techniques and elaborate the methods in different categories with their strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, we discuss issues with the current TSGV research and share our insights about promising research directions.Comment: 29 pages, 32 figures, 9 table
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