8 research outputs found

    TaxoExpan: Self-supervised Taxonomy Expansion with Position-Enhanced Graph Neural Network

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    Taxonomies consist of machine-interpretable semantics and provide valuable knowledge for many web applications. For example, online retailers (e.g., Amazon and eBay) use taxonomies for product recommendation, and web search engines (e.g., Google and Bing) leverage taxonomies to enhance query understanding. Enormous efforts have been made on constructing taxonomies either manually or semi-automatically. However, with the fast-growing volume of web content, existing taxonomies will become outdated and fail to capture emerging knowledge. Therefore, in many applications, dynamic expansions of an existing taxonomy are in great demand. In this paper, we study how to expand an existing taxonomy by adding a set of new concepts. We propose a novel self-supervised framework, named TaxoExpan, which automatically generates a set of pairs from the existing taxonomy as training data. Using such self-supervision data, TaxoExpan learns a model to predict whether a query concept is the direct hyponym of an anchor concept. We develop two innovative techniques in TaxoExpan: (1) a position-enhanced graph neural network that encodes the local structure of an anchor concept in the existing taxonomy, and (2) a noise-robust training objective that enables the learned model to be insensitive to the label noise in the self-supervision data. Extensive experiments on three large-scale datasets from different domains demonstrate both the effectiveness and the efficiency of TaxoExpan for taxonomy expansion.Comment: WWW 202

    Language Evolves, so should WordNet - Automatically Extending WordNet with the Senses of Out of Vocabulary Lemmas

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    University of Minnesota M.S. thesis. May 2017. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Ted Pedersen. 1 computer file (PDF); viii, 62 pages.This thesis provides a solution which finds the optimal location to insert the sense of a word not currently found in lexical database WordNet. Currently WordNet contains common words that are already well established in the English language. However, there are many technical terms and examples of jargon that suddenly become popular, and new slang expressions and idioms that arise. WordNet will only stay viable to the degree to which it can incorporate such terminology in an automatic and reliable fashion. To solve this problem we have developed an approach which measures the relatedness of the definition of a novel sense with all of the definitions of all of senses with the same part of speech in WordNet. These measurements were done using a variety of measures, including Extended Gloss Overlaps, Gloss Vectors, and Word2Vec. After identifying the most related definition to the novel sense, we determine if this sense should be merged as a synonym or attached as a hyponym to an existing sense. Our method participated in a shared task on Semantic Taxonomy Enhancement conducted as a part of SemeEval-2016 are fared much better than a random baseline and was comparable to various other participating systems. This approach is not only effective it represents a departure from existing techniques and thereby expands the range of possible solutions to this problem

    Semantic vector representations of senses, concepts and entities and their applications in natural language processing

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    Representation learning lies at the core of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most recent research has focused on develop representations at the word level. In particular, the representation of words in a vector space has been viewed as one of the most important successes of lexical semantics and NLP in recent years. The generalization power and flexibility of these representations have enabled their integration into a wide variety of text-based applications, where they have proved extremely beneficial. However, these representations are hampered by an important limitation, as they are unable to model different meanings of the same word. In order to deal with this issue, in this thesis we analyze and develop flexible semantic representations of meanings, i.e. senses, concepts and entities. This finer distinction enables us to model semantic information at a deeper level, which in turn is essential for dealing with ambiguity. In addition, we view these (vector) representations as a connecting bridge between lexical resources and textual data, encoding knowledge from both sources. We argue that these sense-level representations, similarly to the importance of word embeddings, constitute a first step for seamlessly integrating explicit knowledge into NLP applications, while focusing on the deeper sense level. Its use does not only aim at solving the inherent lexical ambiguity of language, but also represents a first step to the integration of background knowledge into NLP applications. Multilinguality is another key feature of these representations, as we explore the construction language-independent and multilingual techniques that can be applied to arbitrary languages, and also across languages. We propose simple unsupervised and supervised frameworks which make use of these vector representations for word sense disambiguation, a key application in natural language understanding, and other downstream applications such as text categorization and sentiment analysis. Given the nature of the vectors, we also investigate their effectiveness for improving and enriching knowledge bases, by reducing the sense granularity of their sense inventories and extending them with domain labels, hypernyms and collocations

    Harnessing sense-level information for semantically augmented knowledge extraction

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    Nowadays, building accurate computational models for the semantics of language lies at the very core of Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. A first and foremost step in this respect consists in moving from word-based to sense-based approaches, in which operating explicitly at the level of word senses enables a model to produce more accurate and unambiguous results. At the same time, word senses create a bridge towards structured lexico-semantic resources, where the vast amount of available machine-readable information can help overcome the shortage of annotated data in many languages and domains of knowledge. This latter phenomenon, known as the knowledge acquisition bottlneck, is a crucial problem that hampers the development of large-scale, data-driven approaches for many Natural Language Processing tasks, especially when lexical semantics is directly involved. One of these tasks is Information Extraction, where an effective model has to cope with data sparsity, as well as with lexical ambiguity that can arise at the level of both arguments and relational phrases. Even in more recent Information Extraction approaches where semantics is implicitly modeled, these issues have not yet been addressed in their entirety. On the other hand, however, having access to explicit sense-level information is a very demanding task on its own, which can rarely be performed with high accuracy on a large scale. With this in mind, in ths thesis we will tackle a two-fold objective: our first focus will be on studying fully automatic approaches to obtain high-quality sense-level information from textual corpora; then, we will investigate in depth where and how such sense-level information has the potential to enhance the extraction of knowledge from open text. In the first part of this work, we will explore three different disambiguation scenar- ios (semi-structured text, parallel text, and definitional text) and devise automatic disambiguation strategies that are not only capable of scaling to different corpus sizes and different languages, but that actually take advantage of a multilingual and/or heterogeneous setting to improve and refine their performance. As a result, we will obtain three sense-annotated resources that, when tested experimentally with a baseline system in a series of downstream semantic tasks (i.e. Word Sense Disam- biguation, Entity Linking, Semantic Similarity), show very competitive performances on standard benchmarks against both manual and semi-automatic competitors. In the second part we will instead focus on Information Extraction, with an emphasis on Open Information Extraction (OIE), where issues like sparsity and lexical ambiguity are especially critical, and study how to exploit at best sense-level information within the extraction process. We will start by showing that enforcing a deeper semantic analysis in a definitional setting enables a full-fledged extraction pipeline to compete with state-of-the-art approaches based on much larger (but noisier) data. We will then demonstrate how working at the sense level at the end of an extraction pipeline is also beneficial: indeed, by leveraging sense-based techniques, very heterogeneous OIE-derived data can be aligned semantically, and unified with respect to a common sense inventory. Finally, we will briefly shift the focus to the more constrained setting of hypernym discovery, and study a sense-aware supervised framework for the task that is robust and effective, even when trained on heterogeneous OIE-derived hypernymic knowledge

    TALN at SemEval-2016 Task 14: semantic taxonomy enrichment via sense-based embeddings

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    This paper describes the participation of the TALN team in SemEval-2016 Task 14: Semantic Taxonomy Enrichment. The purpose of the task is to find the best point of attachment in WordNet for a set of Out of Vocabulary (OOV) terms. These may come, to name a few, from domain specific glossaries, slang or typical jargon from Internet forums and chatrooms. Our contribution takes as input an OOV term, its part of speech and its associated definition, and generates a set of WordNet synset candidates derived from modelling the term’s definition as a sense embedding representation. We leverage a BabelNet-based vector space representation, which allows us to map the algorithm’s prediction to WordNet. Our approach is designed to be generic and fitting to any domain, without exploiting, for instance, HTML markup in source web pages. Our system performs above the median of all submitted systems, and rivals in performance a powerful baseline based on extracting the first word of the definition with the same partof-speech as the OOV term.This work was partially funded by Dr. Inventor (FP7-ICT-2013.8.1611383), and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme (MDM-2015-0502)

    Hypernym Discovery over WordNet and English Corpora - using Hearst Patterns and Word Embeddings

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    University of Minnesota M.S. thesis.July 2018. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Ted Pedersen. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 126 pages.Languages evolve over time. With new technical innovations, new terms get created and new senses are added to existing words. Dictionaries like WordNet which act as a database for English vocabulary should be updated with these new concepts. WordNet organizes these concepts in sets of synonyms and interlinks them by using semantic relations. Many Natural Language Processing applications like Machine Translation and Word Sense Disambiguation rely on WordNet for their functionality. WordNet was last updated in 2006. If WordNet is not updated with new vocabulary, the performance of applications which rely on WordNet would drop. The objective of our research is to automatically update WordNet with the new senses by using resources like online dictionaries and text corpora available over the internet. We use the ISA hierarchy structure of WordNet to insert new senses. In an ISA hierarchy, the concepts higher in a hierarchy (called hypernyms) are more abstract representations of the concepts lower in hierarchy (called hyponyms). To improve the coverage of our solution, we rely on two complementary techniques - traditional pattern matching and modern vector space models - to extract candidate hypernym from WordNet for a new sense. Our system was ranked 4 among the systems that participated in for this SemEval task SemEval 2016 Task 14 Semantic Taxonomy Enrichment. We also evaluate our system by participating in the task SemEval 2018 Task 09 Hypernym Discovery. In this task, we apply our system to the huge UMBC WebBase text corpus to extract candidate hypernyms for a given input term. Our system was ranked 3 among the systems which find hypernyms for Concepts