105 research outputs found

    Applications of Repeated Games in Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    A repeated game is an effective tool to model interactions and conflicts for players aiming to achieve their objectives in a long-term basis. Contrary to static noncooperative games that model an interaction among players in only one period, in repeated games, interactions of players repeat for multiple periods; and thus the players become aware of other players' past behaviors and their future benefits, and will adapt their behavior accordingly. In wireless networks, conflicts among wireless nodes can lead to selfish behaviors, resulting in poor network performances and detrimental individual payoffs. In this paper, we survey the applications of repeated games in different wireless networks. The main goal is to demonstrate the use of repeated games to encourage wireless nodes to cooperate, thereby improving network performances and avoiding network disruption due to selfish behaviors. Furthermore, various problems in wireless networks and variations of repeated game models together with the corresponding solutions are discussed in this survey. Finally, we outline some open issues and future research directions.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, 168 reference

    A Game Theory based Contention Window Adjustment for IEEE 802.11 under Heavy Load

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    The 802.11 families are considered as the most applicable set of standards for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) where nodes make access to the wireless media using random access techniques. In such networks, each node adjusts its contention window to the minimum size irrespective of the number of competing nodes, so in saturated mode and excessive number of nodes available, the network performance is reduced due to severe collision probability. A cooperative game is being proposed to adjust the users’ contention windows in improving the network throughput, delay and packet drop ratio under heavy traffic load circumstances. The system’s performance evaluated by simulations indicate some superiorities of the proposed method over 802.11-DCF (Distribute Coordinate Function)

    Thwarting Selfish Behavior in 802.11 WLANs

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    The 802.11e standard enables user configuration of several MAC parameters, making WLANs vulnerable to users that selfishly configure these parameters to gain throughput. In this paper we propose a novel distributed algorithm to thwart such selfish behavior. The key idea of the algorithm is for honest stations to react, upon detecting a selfish station, by using a more aggressive configuration that penalizes this station. We show that the proposed algorithm guarantees global stability while providing good response times. By conducting a game theoretic analysis of the algorithm based on repeated games, we also show its effectiveness against selfish stations. Simulation results confirm that the proposed algorithm optimizes throughput performance while discouraging selfish behavior. We also present an experimental prototype of the proposed algorithm demonstrating that it can be implemented on commodity hardware.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, journa

    A Media Access Control Protocol for Wireless Adhoc Networks with Misbehaviour Avoidance

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    The most common wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is IEEE 802.11. Currently IEEE 802.11 standard protocol is not resilient for many identified MAC layer attacks, because the protocol is designed without intention for providing security and with the assumption that all the nodes in the wireless network adhere to the protocol. However, nodes may purposefully show misbehaviours at the MAC layer in order to obtain extra bandwidth con-serve resources and degrade or disrupt the network performance. This research proposes a secure MAC protocol for MAC layer which has integrated with a novel misbehaviour detection and avoidance mechanism for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). The proposed secure MAC protocol the sender and receiver work collaboratively together to handshakes prior to deciding the back-off values. Common neighbours of the sender and receiver contributes effectively to misbehaviours detection and avoidance process at MAC layer. In addition the proposed solution introduces a new trust distribution model in the network by assuming none of the wireless nodes need to trust each other. The secure MAC protocol also assumes that misbehaving nodes have significant levels of intelligence to avoid the detectio

    Controlled Matching Game for Resource Allocation and User Association in WLANs

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    In multi-rate IEEE 802.11 WLANs, the traditional user association based on the strongest received signal and the well known anomaly of the MAC protocol can lead to overloaded Access Points (APs), and poor or heterogeneous performance. Our goal is to propose an alternative game-theoretic approach for association. We model the joint resource allocation and user association as a matching game with complementarities and peer effects consisting of selfish players solely interested in their individual throughputs. Using recent game-theoretic results we first show that various resource sharing protocols actually fall in the scope of the set of stability-inducing resource allocation schemes. The game makes an extensive use of the Nash bargaining and some of its related properties that allow to control the incentives of the players. We show that the proposed mechanism can greatly improve the efficiency of 802.11 with heterogeneous nodes and reduce the negative impact of peer effects such as its MAC anomaly. The mechanism can be implemented as a virtual connectivity management layer to achieve efficient APs-user associations without modification of the MAC layer

    MAC design for WiFi infrastructure networks: a game-theoretic approach

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    In WiFi networks, mobile nodes compete for accessing a shared channel by means of a random access protocol called Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). Although this protocol is in principle fair, since all the stations have the same probability to transmit on the channel, it has been shown that unfair behaviors may emerge in actual networking scenarios because of non-standard configurations of the nodes. Due to the proliferation of open source drivers and programmable cards, enabling an easy customization of the channel access policies, we propose a game-theoretic analysis of random access schemes. Assuming that each node is rational and implements a best response strategy, we show that efficient equilibria conditions can be reached when stations are interested in both uploading and downloading traffic. More interesting, these equilibria are reached when all the stations play the same strategy, thus guaranteeing a fair resource sharing. When stations are interested in upload traffic only, we also propose a mechanism design, based on an artificial dropping of layer-2 acknowledgments, to force desired equilibria. Finally, we propose and evaluate some simple DCF extensions for practically implementing our theoretical findings.Comment: under review on IEEE Transaction on wireless communication
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