2 research outputs found

    Stochastic porous media equations and self-organized criticality: convergence to the critical state in all dimensions

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    If X=X(t,ξ)X=X(t,\xi) is the solution to the stochastic porous media equation in O⊂Rd\cal O\subset\mathbb{R}^d, 1≤d≤3,1\le d\le 3, modelling the self-organized criticaity and XcX_c is the critical state, then it is proved that \int^\9_0m(\cal O\setminus\cal O^t_0)dt<\9, P−a.s.\mathbb{P}{-a.s.} and \lim_{t\to\9}\int_{\cal O}|X(t)-X_c|d\xi=\ell<\9,\ \mathbb{P}{-a.s.} Here, mm is the Lebesgue measure and Oct\cal O^t_c is the critical region {ξ∈O;\{\xi\in\cal O; X(t,ξ)=Xc(ξ)} X(t,\xi)=X_c(\xi)\} and Xc(ξ)≤X(0,ξ)X_c(\xi)\le X(0,\xi) a.e. ξ∈O\xi\in\cal O. If the stochastic Gaussian perturbation has only finitely many modes (but is still function-valued), \lim_{t\to\9}\int_K|X(t)-X_c|d\xi=0 exponentially fast for all compact K⊂OK\subset\cal O with probability one, if the noise is sufficiently strong. We also recover that in the deterministic case ℓ=0\ell=0