2,596 research outputs found

    Recent Advances of Local Mechanisms in Computer Vision: A Survey and Outlook of Recent Work

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    Inspired by the fact that human brains can emphasize discriminative parts of the input and suppress irrelevant ones, substantial local mechanisms have been designed to boost the development of computer vision. They can not only focus on target parts to learn discriminative local representations, but also process information selectively to improve the efficiency. In terms of application scenarios and paradigms, local mechanisms have different characteristics. In this survey, we provide a systematic review of local mechanisms for various computer vision tasks and approaches, including fine-grained visual recognition, person re-identification, few-/zero-shot learning, multi-modal learning, self-supervised learning, Vision Transformers, and so on. Categorization of local mechanisms in each field is summarized. Then, advantages and disadvantages for every category are analyzed deeply, leaving room for exploration. Finally, future research directions about local mechanisms have also been discussed that may benefit future works. To the best our knowledge, this is the first survey about local mechanisms on computer vision. We hope that this survey can shed light on future research in the computer vision field

    CyCLIP: Cyclic Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining

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    Recent advances in contrastive representation learning over paired image-text data have led to models such as CLIP that achieve state-of-the-art performance for zero-shot classification and distributional robustness. Such models typically require joint reasoning in the image and text representation spaces for downstream inference tasks. Contrary to prior beliefs, we demonstrate that the image and text representations learned via a standard contrastive objective are not interchangeable and can lead to inconsistent downstream predictions. To mitigate this issue, we formalize consistency and propose CyCLIP, a framework for contrastive representation learning that explicitly optimizes for the learned representations to be geometrically consistent in the image and text space. In particular, we show that consistent representations can be learned by explicitly symmetrizing (a) the similarity between the two mismatched image-text pairs (cross-modal consistency); and (b) the similarity between the image-image pair and the text-text pair (in-modal consistency). Empirically, we show that the improved consistency in CyCLIP translates to significant gains over CLIP, with gains ranging from 10%-24% for zero-shot classification accuracy on standard benchmarks (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet1K) and 10%-27% for robustness to various natural distribution shifts. The code is available at https://github.com/goel-shashank/CyCLIP.Comment: 19 pages, 13 tables, 6 figures, Oral at NeuRIPS 202

    Learning from limited labeled data - Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning

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    Human beings have the remarkable ability to recognize novel visual concepts after observing only few or zero examples of them. Deep learning, however, often requires a large amount of labeled data to achieve a good performance. Labeled instances are expensive, difficult and even infeasible to obtain because the distribution of training instances among labels naturally exhibits a long tail. Therefore, it is of great interest to investigate how to learn efficiently from limited labeled data. This thesis concerns an important subfield of learning from limited labeled data, namely, low-shot learning. The setting assumes the availability of many labeled examples from known classes and the goal is to learn novel classes from only a few~(few-shot learning) or zero~(zero-shot learning) training examples of them. To this end, we have developed a series of multi-modal learning approaches to facilitate the knowledge transfer from known classes to novel classes for a wide range of visual recognition tasks including image classification, semantic image segmentation and video action recognition. More specifically, this thesis mainly makes the following contributions. First, as there is no agreed upon zero-shot image classification benchmark, we define a new benchmark by unifying both the evaluation protocols and data splits of publicly available datasets. Second, in order to tackle the labeled data scarcity, we propose feature generation frameworks that synthesize data in the visual feature space for novel classes. Third, we extend zero-shot learning and few-shot learning to the semantic segmentation task and propose a challenging benchmark for it. We show that incorporating semantic information into a semantic segmentation network is effective in segmenting novel classes. Finally, we develop better video representation for the few-shot video classification task and leverage weakly-labeled videos by an efficient retrieval method.Menschen haben die bemerkenswerte FĂ€higkeit, neuartige visuelle Konzepte zu erkennen, nachdem sie nur wenige oder gar keine Beispiele davon beobachtet haben. Tiefes Lernen erfordert jedoch oft eine große Menge an beschrifteten Daten, um eine gute Leistung zu erzielen. Etikettierte Instanzen sind teuer, schwierig und sogar undurchfĂŒhrbar, weil die Verteilung der Trainingsinstanzen auf die Etiketten naturgemĂ€ĂŸ einen langen Schwanz aufweist. Daher ist es von großem Interesse zu untersuchen, wie man effizient aus begrenzten gelabelten Daten lernen kann. Diese These betrifft einen wichtigen Teilbereich des Lernens aus begrenzt gelabelten Daten, nĂ€mlich das Low-Shot-Lernen. Das Setting setzt die VerfĂŒgbarkeit vieler gelabelter Beispiele aus bekannten Klassen voraus, und das Ziel ist es, neuartige Klassen aus nur wenigen (few-shot learning) oder null (zero-shot learning) Trainingsbeispielen davon zu lernen. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir eine Reihe von multimodalen LernansĂ€tzen entwickelt, um den Wissenstransfer von bekannten Klassen zu neuartigen Klassen fĂŒr ein breites Spektrum von visuellen Erkennungsaufgaben zu erleichtern, darunter Bildklassifizierung, semantische Bildsegmentierung und Videoaktionserkennung. Genauer gesagt, leistet diese Arbeit hauptsĂ€chlich die folgenden BeitrĂ€ge. Da es keinen vereinbarten Benchmark fĂŒr die Zero-Shot- Bildklassifikation gibt, definieren wir zunĂ€chst einen neuen Benchmark, indem wir sowohl die Evaluierungsprotokolle als auch die Datensplits öffentlich zugĂ€nglicher DatensĂ€tze vereinheitlichen. Zweitens schlagen wir zur BewĂ€ltigung der etikettierten Datenknappheit einen Rahmen fĂŒr die Generierung von Merkmalen vor, der Daten im visuellen Merkmalsraum fĂŒr neuartige Klassen synthetisiert. Drittens dehnen wir das Zero-Shot-Lernen und das few-Shot-Lernen auf die semantische Segmentierungsaufgabe aus und schlagen dafĂŒr einen anspruchsvollen Benchmark vor. Wir zeigen, dass die Einbindung semantischer Informationen in ein semantisches Segmentierungsnetz bei der Segmentierung neuartiger Klassen effektiv ist. Schließlich entwickeln wir eine bessere Videodarstellung fĂŒr die Klassifizierungsaufgabe ”few-shot video” und nutzen schwach markierte Videos durch eine effiziente Abrufmethode.Max Planck Institute Informatic

    Test-Time Amendment with a Coarse Classifier for Fine-Grained Classification

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    We investigate the problem of reducing mistake severity for fine-grained classification. Fine-grained classification can be challenging, mainly due to the requirement of domain expertise for accurate annotation. However, humans are particularly adept at performing coarse classification as it requires relatively low levels of expertise. To this end, we present a novel approach for Post-Hoc Correction called Hierarchical Ensembles (HiE) that utilizes label hierarchy to improve the performance of fine-grained classification at test-time using the coarse-grained predictions. By only requiring the parents of leaf nodes, our method significantly reduces avg. mistake severity while improving top-1 accuracy on the iNaturalist-19 and tieredImageNet-H datasets, achieving a new state-of-the-art on both benchmarks. We also investigate the efficacy of our approach in the semi-supervised setting. Our approach brings notable gains in top-1 accuracy while significantly decreasing the severity of mistakes as training data decreases for the fine-grained classes. The simplicity and post-hoc nature of HiE renders it practical to be used with any off-the-shelf trained model to improve its predictions further.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, Accepted at NeurIPS 202

    Structure propagation for zero-shot learning

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    The key of zero-shot learning (ZSL) is how to find the information transfer model for bridging the gap between images and semantic information (texts or attributes). Existing ZSL methods usually construct the compatibility function between images and class labels with the consideration of the relevance on the semantic classes (the manifold structure of semantic classes). However, the relationship of image classes (the manifold structure of image classes) is also very important for the compatibility model construction. It is difficult to capture the relationship among image classes due to unseen classes, so that the manifold structure of image classes often is ignored in ZSL. To complement each other between the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes information, we propose structure propagation (SP) for improving the performance of ZSL for classification. SP can jointly consider the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes for approximating to the intrinsic structure of object classes. Moreover, the SP can describe the constrain condition between the compatibility function and these manifold structures for balancing the influence of the structure propagation iteration. The SP solution provides not only unseen class labels but also the relationship of two manifold structures that encode the positive transfer in structure propagation. Experimental results demonstrate that SP can attain the promising results on the AwA, CUB, Dogs and SUN databases
