54 research outputs found

    Unit Interval Editing is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Given a graph~GG and integers k1k_1, k2k_2, and~k3k_3, the unit interval editing problem asks whether GG can be transformed into a unit interval graph by at most k1k_1 vertex deletions, k2k_2 edge deletions, and k3k_3 edge additions. We give an algorithm solving this problem in time 2O(klogk)(n+m)2^{O(k\log k)}\cdot (n+m), where k:=k1+k2+k3k := k_1 + k_2 + k_3, and n,mn, m denote respectively the numbers of vertices and edges of GG. Therefore, it is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the total number of allowed operations. Our algorithm implies the fixed-parameter tractability of the unit interval edge deletion problem, for which we also present a more efficient algorithm running in time O(4k(n+m))O(4^k \cdot (n + m)). Another result is an O(6k(n+m))O(6^k \cdot (n + m))-time algorithm for the unit interval vertex deletion problem, significantly improving the algorithm of van 't Hof and Villanger, which runs in time O(6kn6)O(6^k \cdot n^6).Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has appeared in the proceedings of ICALP 2015. Update: The proof of Lemma 4.2 has been completely rewritten; an appendix is provided for a brief overview of related graph classe

    Intersection of Longest Paths in Graph Theory and Predicting Performance in Facial Recognition

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    A set of subsets is said to have the Helly property if the condition that each pair of subsets has a non-empty intersection implies that the intersection of all subsets has a non-empty intersection. In 1966, Gallai noticed that the set of all longest paths of a connected graph is pairwise intersecting and asked if the set had the Helly property. While it is not true in general, a number of classes of graphs have been shown to have the property. In this dissertation, we show that K4-minor-free graphs, interval graphs, circular arc graphs, and the intersection graphs of spider graphs are classes that have this property. The accuracy of facial recognition algorithms on images taken in controlled conditions has improved significantly over the last two decades. As the focus is turning to more unconstrained or relaxed conditions and toward videos, there is a need to better understand what factors influence performance. If these factors were better understood, it would be easier to predict how well an algorithm will perform when new conditions are introduced. Previous studies have studied the effect of various factors on the verification rate (VR), but less attention has been paid to the false accept rate (FAR). In this dissertation, we study the effect various factors have on the FAR as well as the correlation between marginal FAR and VR. Using these relationships, we propose two models to predict marginal VR and demonstrate that the models predict better than using the previous global VR

    Combinatorics and geometry of finite and infinite squaregraphs

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    Squaregraphs were originally defined as finite plane graphs in which all inner faces are quadrilaterals (i.e., 4-cycles) and all inner vertices (i.e., the vertices not incident with the outer face) have degrees larger than three. The planar dual of a finite squaregraph is determined by a triangle-free chord diagram of the unit disk, which could alternatively be viewed as a triangle-free line arrangement in the hyperbolic plane. This representation carries over to infinite plane graphs with finite vertex degrees in which the balls are finite squaregraphs. Algebraically, finite squaregraphs are median graphs for which the duals are finite circular split systems. Hence squaregraphs are at the crosspoint of two dualities, an algebraic and a geometric one, and thus lend themselves to several combinatorial interpretations and structural characterizations. With these and the 5-colorability theorem for circle graphs at hand, we prove that every squaregraph can be isometrically embedded into the Cartesian product of five trees. This embedding result can also be extended to the infinite case without reference to an embedding in the plane and without any cardinality restriction when formulated for median graphs free of cubes and further finite obstructions. Further, we exhibit a class of squaregraphs that can be embedded into the product of three trees and we characterize those squaregraphs that are embeddable into the product of just two trees. Finally, finite squaregraphs enjoy a number of algorithmic features that do not extend to arbitrary median graphs. For instance, we show that median-generating sets of finite squaregraphs can be computed in polynomial time, whereas, not unexpectedly, the corresponding problem for median graphs turns out to be NP-hard.Comment: 46 pages, 14 figure

    Exploring Agreeability in Tree Societies

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    Let S be a collection of convex sets in Rd with the property that any subcollection of d − 1 sets has a nonempty intersection. Helly’s Theorem states that ∩s∈S S is nonempty. In a forthcoming paper, Berg et al. (Forthcoming) interpret the one dimensional version of Helly’s Theorem in the context of voting in a society. They look at the effect that different intersection properties have on the proportion of a society that must agree on some point or issue. In general, we define a society as some underlying space X and a collection S of convex sets on the space. A society is (k, m)-agreeable if every m-element subset of S has a k-element subset with a nonempty intersection. The agreement number of a society is the size of the largest subset of S with a nonempty intersection. In my work I focus on the case where X is a tree and the convex sets in S are subtrees. I have developed a reduction method that makes these tree societies more tractable. In particular, I have used this method to show that the agreement number of (2, m)-agreeable tree societies is at least 1 |S | and 3 that the agreement number of (k, k + 1)-agreeable tree societies is at least |S|−1

    The complexity of clique graph recognition

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    A complete set of a graph G is a subset of vertices inducing a complete subgraph. A clique is a maximal complete set. Denote by C (G) the clique family of G. The clique graph of G, denoted by K (G), is the intersection graph of C (G). Say that G is a clique graph if there exists a graph H such that G = K (H). The clique graph recognition problem asks whether a given graph is a clique graph. A sufficient condition was given by Hamelink in 1968, and a characterization was proposed by Roberts and Spencer in 1971. However, the time complexity of the problem of recognizing clique graphs is a long-standing open question. We prove that the clique graph recognition problem is NP-complete.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    The complexity of clique graph recognition

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    A complete set of a graph G is a subset of vertices inducing a complete subgraph. A clique is a maximal complete set. Denote by C (G) the clique family of G. The clique graph of G, denoted by K (G), is the intersection graph of C (G). Say that G is a clique graph if there exists a graph H such that G = K (H). The clique graph recognition problem asks whether a given graph is a clique graph. A sufficient condition was given by Hamelink in 1968, and a characterization was proposed by Roberts and Spencer in 1971. However, the time complexity of the problem of recognizing clique graphs is a long-standing open question. We prove that the clique graph recognition problem is NP-complete.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    On economical set representations of graphs

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    Graphs and Algorithm