461 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Techniques applied to Photometric Stereo

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    La tesi si focalizza sullo studio dello stato dell’arte della fotometria stereo con deep learning: Self-calibrating Deep Photometric Stereo Networks. Il modello è composto è composto di due reti, la prima predice la direzione e l’intensità delle luci, la seconda predice le normali della superficie. L’obiettivo della tesi è individuare i limiti del modello e capire se possa essere modifcato per avere buone prestazioni anche in scenari reali. Il progetto di tesi è basato su fine-tuning, una tecnica supervisionata di transfer learning. Per questo scopo un nuovo dataset è stato creato acquisendo immagini in laboratorio. La ground-truth è ottenuta tramite una tecnica di distillazione. In particolare la direzione delle luci è ottenuta utilizzando due algoritmi di calibrazione delle luci e unendo i due risultati. Analogamente le normali delle superfici sono ottenute unendo i risultati di vari algoritmi di fotometria stereo. I risultati della tesi sono molto promettenti. L’errore nella predizione della direzione e dell’intensità delle luci è un terzo dell’errore del modello originale. Le predizioni delle normali delle superfici possono essere analizzate solo qualitativamente, ma i miglioramenti sono evidenti. Il lavoro di questa tesi ha mostrato che è possibile applicare transfer-learning alla fotometria stereo con deep learning. Perciò non è necessario allenare un nuovo modello da zero ma è possibile approfittare di modelli già esistenti per migliorare le prestazioni e ridurre il tempo di allenamento

    A Neural Height-Map Approach for the Binocular Photometric Stereo Problem

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    In this work we propose a novel, highly practical, binocular photometric stereo (PS) framework, which has same acquisition speed as single view PS, however significantly improves the quality of the estimated geometry. As in recent neural multi-view shape estimation frameworks such as NeRF, SIREN and inverse graphics approaches to multi-view photometric stereo (e.g. PS-NeRF) we formulate shape estimation task as learning of a differentiable surface and texture representation by minimising surface normal discrepancy for normals estimated from multiple varying light images for two views as well as discrepancy between rendered surface intensity and observed images. Our method differs from typical multi-view shape estimation approaches in two key ways. First, our surface is represented not as a volume but as a neural heightmap where heights of points on a surface are computed by a deep neural network. Second, instead of predicting an average intensity as PS-NeRF or introducing lambertian material assumptions as Guo et al., we use a learnt BRDF and perform near-field per point intensity rendering. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the DiLiGenT-MV dataset adapted to binocular stereo setup as well as a new binocular photometric stereo dataset - LUCES-ST.Comment: WACV 202

    A CNN Based Approach for the Point-Light Photometric Stereo Problem

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    Reconstructing the 3D shape of an object using several images under different light sources is a very challenging task, especially when realistic assumptions such as light propagation and attenuation, perspective viewing geometry and specular light reflection are considered. Many of works tackling Photometric Stereo (PS) problems often relax most of the aforementioned assumptions. Especially they ignore specular reflection and global illumination effects. In this work, we propose a CNN-based approach capable of handling these realistic assumptions by leveraging recent improvements of deep neural networks for far-field Photometric Stereo and adapt them to the point light setup. We achieve this by employing an iterative procedure of point-light PS for shape estimation which has two main steps. Firstly we train a per-pixel CNN to predict surface normals from reflectance samples. Secondly, we compute the depth by integrating the normal field in order to iteratively estimate light directions and attenuation which is used to compensate the input images to compute reflectance samples for the next iteration. Our approach sigificantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on the DiLiGenT real world dataset. Furthermore, in order to measure the performance of our approach for near-field point-light source PS data, we introduce LUCES the first real-world 'dataset for near-fieLd point light soUrCe photomEtric Stereo' of 14 objects of different materials were the effects of point light sources and perspective viewing are a lot more significant. Our approach also outperforms the competition on this dataset as well. Data and test code are available at the project page.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2009.0579

    Scalable, Detailed and Mask-Free Universal Photometric Stereo

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    In this paper, we introduce SDM-UniPS, a groundbreaking Scalable, Detailed, Mask-free, and Universal Photometric Stereo network. Our approach can recover astonishingly intricate surface normal maps, rivaling the quality of 3D scanners, even when images are captured under unknown, spatially-varying lighting conditions in uncontrolled environments. We have extended previous universal photometric stereo networks to extract spatial-light features, utilizing all available information in high-resolution input images and accounting for non-local interactions among surface points. Moreover, we present a new synthetic training dataset that encompasses a diverse range of shapes, materials, and illumination scenarios found in real-world scenes. Through extensive evaluation, we demonstrate that our method not only surpasses calibrated, lighting-specific techniques on public benchmarks, but also excels with a significantly smaller number of input images even without object masks.Comment: CVPR 2023 (Highlight). The source code will be available at https://github.com/satoshi-ikehata/SDM-UniPS-CVPR202

    Photometric Depth Super-Resolution

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    This study explores the use of photometric techniques (shape-from-shading and uncalibrated photometric stereo) for upsampling the low-resolution depth map from an RGB-D sensor to the higher resolution of the companion RGB image. A single-shot variational approach is first put forward, which is effective as long as the target's reflectance is piecewise-constant. It is then shown that this dependency upon a specific reflectance model can be relaxed by focusing on a specific class of objects (e.g., faces), and delegate reflectance estimation to a deep neural network. A multi-shot strategy based on randomly varying lighting conditions is eventually discussed. It requires no training or prior on the reflectance, yet this comes at the price of a dedicated acquisition setup. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on synthetic and real-world scenarios.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), 2019. First three authors contribute equall

    PS-Transformer: Learning Sparse Photometric Stereo Network using Self-Attention Mechanism

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    Existing deep calibrated photometric stereo networks basically aggregate observations under different lights based on the pre-defined operations such as linear projection and max pooling. While they are effective with the dense capture, simple first-order operations often fail to capture the high-order interactions among observations under small number of different lights. To tackle this issue, this paper presents a deep sparse calibrated photometric stereo network named {\it PS-Transformer} which leverages the learnable self-attention mechanism to properly capture the complex inter-image interactions. PS-Transformer builds upon the dual-branch design to explore both pixel-wise and image-wise features and individual feature is trained with the intermediate surface normal supervision to maximize geometric feasibility. A new synthetic dataset named CyclesPS+ is also presented with the comprehensive analysis to successfully train the photometric stereo networks. Extensive results on the publicly available benchmark datasets demonstrate that the surface normal prediction accuracy of the proposed method significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms with the same number of input images and is even comparable to that of dense algorithms which input 10Ă—\times larger number of images.Comment: BMVC2021. Code and Supplementary are available at https://github.com/satoshi-ikehata/PS-Transformer-BMVC202
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